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// ==UserScript== // @name Triggered // @namespace // @description Banned // @copyright 2020, Cheeeh ( // @license MIT // @version 1.1.1 // @author Bichon // @match ** // @connect // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @require // @require // @require // @require // @resource customCSS // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== var script = setInterval(function() { function main() { var newCSS = GM_getResourceText("customCSS"); GM_addStyle(newCSS); const style = "border-bottom-color:rgb(241, 241, 241);border-bottom-style:none;border-bottom-width:0px;border-image-outset:0px;border-image-repeat:stretch;border-image-slice:100%;border-image-source:none;border-image-width:1;border-left-color:rgb(241, 241, 241);border-left-style:none;border-left-width:0px;border-right-color:rgb(241, 241, 241);border-right-style:none;border-right-width:0px;border-top-color:rgb(241, 241, 241);border-top-style:none;border-top-width:0px;color:rgb(241, 241, 241);display:block;float:left;font-famil:Verdana, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;height:1202px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;outline-color:rgb(241, 241, 241);outline-style:none;outline-width:0px;overflow-x:visible;overflow-y:visible;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:0px;position:relative;text-align:left;width:670px;"; var sp1 = document.createElement("div"); = "newSpan"; // lui donne un attribut id appelé 'newSpan' = style; var sp1_content = document.createTextNode("new replacement span element."); // crée un contenu pour le nouvel élément. sp1.appendChild(sp1_content); // applique ce contenu au nouvel élément if ($("#inhalt")[0]) { var sp2 = $("#inhalt")[0]; // construit une référence au noeud existant devant être remplacé } else { var sp2 = $("#contentWrapper")[0]; } //var sp2 = document.getElementById("inhalt"); // construit une référence au noeud existant devant être remplacé var parentDiv = sp2.parentNode; parentDiv.insertBefore(sp1, sp2); // remplace le noeud existant sp2 avec le nouvel élément span sp1 // puis on inverse sp1 et sp2 var style_nbr_rc = `<div class="panel" id="resources-summary" style="visibility: visible; background-color:rgb(13, 16, 20);border-bottom-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:0.989583px;border-image-outset:0px;border-image-repeat:stretch;border-image-slice:100%;border-image-source:none;border-image-width:1;border-left-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-left-style:solid;border-left-width:0.989583px;border-right-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-right-style:solid;border-right-width:0.989583px;border-top-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:3.99306px;color:rgb(241, 241, 241);display:block;font-family:Verdana, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;height:40px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:6px;margin-right:6px;margin-top:10px;outline-color:rgb(241, 241, 41);outline-style:none;outline-width:0px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-top:6px;text-align:left;width:644.063px;"> <h1 style="visibility: visible; font: 14.4px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 30px; color: orange;">Auto Spy</h1> </div>`, style_ressources_total = `<div class="panel" id="resources-summary" style="visibility: visible; background-color:rgb(13, 16, 20);border-bottom-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:0.989583px;border-image-outset:0px;border-image-repeat:stretch;border-image-slice:100%;border-image-source:none;border-image-width:1;border-left-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-left-style:solid;border-left-width:0.989583px;border-right-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-right-style:solid;border-right-width:0.989583px;border-top-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:3.99306px;color:rgb(241, 241, 241);display:block;font-family:Verdana, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;height:98px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:6px;margin-right:6px;margin-top:10px;outline-color:rgb(241, 241, 41);outline-style:none;outline-width:0px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-top:6px;text-align:left;width:644.063px;"> <table width="100%" class="ogi"> <thead> <tr> <th> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right; color: green;">Inactif</div> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right; color: green;">Actif</div> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right;"></div> </th> <th width="1"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label bold-hard" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left; color: grey; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 800;"> Planètes </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #c6556c; font: 12px; float: right;"><input type="checkbox" name="ina_planete" id="ina_planete" checked> </span> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #00bfff; font: 12px; float: right;"><input type="checkbox" name="actif_planete" id="actif_planete"> </span> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #6495e2; font: 12px; float: right;"> </span> </td> <td class="bold"></td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left;"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label bold-hard" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left; color: grey; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 800;"> Lunes </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #c6556c; font: 12px; float: right;"><input type="checkbox" name="ina_lune" id="ina_lune"> </span> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #00bfff; font: 12px; float: right;"><input type="checkbox" name="actif_lune" id="actif_lune"> </span> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="" style="visibility: visible; color: #6495e2; font: 12px; float: right;"> </span> </td> <td class="bold"></td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left;"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table></div>`, style_autre = `<div class="panel" id="resources-summary" style="visibility: visible; background-color:rgb(13, 16, 20);border-bottom-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:0.989583px;border-image-outset:0px;border-image-repeat:stretch;border-image-slice:100%;border-image-source:none;border-image-width:1;border-left-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-left-style:solid;border-left-width:0.989583px;border-right-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-right-style:solid;border-right-width:0.989583px;border-top-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:3.99306px;color:rgb(241, 241, 241);display:block;font-family:Verdana, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;height:143px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:6px;margin-right:6px;margin-top:10px;outline-color:rgb(241, 241, 41);outline-style:none;outline-width:0px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-top:6px;text-align:left;width:644.063px;"> <table width="100%" class="ogi"> <thead> <tr> <th> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right;"></div> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right;"></div> </th> <th width="120" style="visibility: visible; padding: 4px;"> <div class="" style="visibility: visible; float: right;"></div> </th> <th width="1"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label bold-hard" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left; color: grey; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 800;"> Systèmes de Départ </td> <td class="bold"> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="intervalDepart_a_spy" style="visibility: visible; color: none; font: 12px; font-size: 15px; float: right;"><input id="systemDepart_a_spy" type="text" class="" value="1" style="width: 35px; text-align: center;"></span> </td> <td class="bold"> </td> <td class="bold"></td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left;"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label bold-hard" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left; color: grey; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 800;"> Systèmes de Fin </td> <td class="bold"> </td> <td class="bold"> <span id="intervalFin_a_spy" style="visibility: visible; color: none; font: 12px; font-size: 15px; float: right;"><input id="systemFin_a_spy" type="text" class="" value="499" style="width: 35px; text-align: center;"></span> </td> <td class="bold"> </td> <td class="bold"></td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left;"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label bold-hard" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left; color: grey; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 800;"> Temps moyen inter-Spy </td> <td id="temps_min" class="bold" style="text-align: center; color: #6495e2;">1.8s</td> <td class="bold"> <div id="slider-range"></div> </td> <td id="temps_max" class="bold" style="text-align: center; color: #6495e2;">4.2s</td> <td class="bold"></td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="label" style="visibility: visible; text-align: left;"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table></div>`, style_conclusion = `<div class="panel" id="resources-summary" style="visibility: visible; background-color:rgb(13, 16, 20);border-bottom-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:0.989583px;border-image-outset:0px;border-image-repeat:stretch;border-image-slice:100%;border-image-source:none;border-image-width:1;border-left-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-left-style:solid;border-left-width:0.989583px;border-right-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-right-style:solid;border-right-width:0.989583px;border-top-color:rgb(43, 56, 72);border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:3.99306px;color:rgb(241, 241, 241);display:block;font-family:Verdana, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;height:30px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:6px;margin-right:6px;margin-top:10px;outline-color:rgb(241, 241, 41);outline-style:none;outline-width:0px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-top:6px;text-align:left;width:644.063px;"> <!--<h1 style="visibility: visible; font: 14.4px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; color: orange;">En Attente</h1>--> <div id="myProgress" style="width: 100%; background-color: none;"> <div id="myBar" style="width: 1%; height: 30px; background-color: #4CAF50; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; color: white;">1%</div> </div> </div>`, style_reset = `<br><button id="lancer" class="bold" role="presentation" tabindex="-1" style="visibility: visible;width: 100%;height: 35px;font-size: 24px;">Lancer</button>`; document.getElementById("newSpan").innerHTML = ""+ style_nbr_rc +""+ style_ressources_total +""+ style_autre +""+ style_conclusion +""+ style_reset +""; $("#slider-range").slider({ range: true, step: 0.1, min: 0, max: 10, values: [1.8, 4.2], slide: function(event, ui) { //$("#amount").val("$" + ui.values[0] + " - $" + ui.values[1]); $("#temps_min").text(ui.values[0] +"s"); $("#temps_max").text(ui.values[1] +"s"); } }); $("#amount").val("$" + $("#slider-range").slider("values", 0) + " - $" + $("#slider-range").slider("values", 1) ); /*function move() { var elem = document.getElementById("myBar"); var width = 10; var id = setInterval(frame, 10); function frame() { if (width >= 100) { clearInterval(id); } else { width++; = width + '%'; elem.innerHTML = width * 1 + '%'; } } }*/ document.getElementById('lancer').addEventListener("click", function (event) { gogogo(); }, true); $("#lancer").mouseenter(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "gray"); }); $("#lancer").mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "#DDDDDD"); }); /*$("[type=checkbox][id$=planete]").change(function() { if (!$("#ina_planete").prop("checked")) { $("#ina_lune").prop("checked", false); } if (!$("#actif_planete").prop("checked")) { $("#actif_lune").prop("checked", false); } }); $("[type=checkbox][id$=lune]").change(function() { if ($("#ina_lune").prop("checked")) { $("#ina_planete").prop("checked", true); } if ($("#actif_lune").prop("checked")) { $("#actif_planete").prop("checked", true); } });*/ } function gogogo() { fadeBox("Merci de Patienter ici sans Toucher à Rien", false); $("#lancer").text("Patientez"); var plage = parseInt($("#system").val());//25; settings(); var univers = document.URL; univers = univers.split(".ogame"); univers = univers[0].split("https://")[1]; var ina = $("#ina_planete").prop("checked"), actif = $("#actif_planete").prop("checked"); var lune_ina = $("#ina_lune").prop("checked"), lune_actif = $("#actif_lune").prop("checked"); //var univers = "s801-en"; //s153-fr var y_n = false; var joueurs = traitements_joueurs("https://" + univers + ""); var colo = traitements_colonies("https://" + univers + ""); var galaxy = parseInt($('#galaxy_input').val()); var system = parseInt($('#system_input').val()); var count = new Array(); //count = traitement_espace_pillage(system, plage); count[0] = parseInt($("#systemDepart_a_spy").val()); count[1] = parseInt($("#systemFin_a_spy").val()); var result = traitements_inactif(galaxy, joueurs, colo); var cible_tablo = recuperation_colonies(result); var otre_tablo = traitements_coo(cible_tablo, count[0], count[1]); otre_tablo = last(otre_tablo); //var miniFleetToken = _a = ($(document.body).html().match(/miniFleetToken="(\w+)"/).length > 1) ? $(document.body).html().match(/miniFleetToken="(\w+)"/) : [, ""], miniFleetToken = _a[1]; //console.clear(); $("#lancer").text("Espionnages en Cours"); spy(otre_tablo, miniFleetToken, univers); $("#lancer").text("Lancer"); //var uni = traitements_joueurs(""); console.log("joueurs"); console.log(joueurs); console.log("colo"); console.log(colo); console.log("count"); console.log(count); console.log("result"); console.log(result); console.log("cible_tablo"); console.log(cible_tablo); console.log("otre_tablo"); console.log(otre_tablo); function randon() { let min = parseInt($("#temps_min").text().replace(".", "").replace("s", "")) *100; let max = parseInt($("#temps_max").text().replace(".", "").replace("s", "")) *100; var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max-min)); random = random +min; return random; }; // ====>>>> ajouter compteur dans la console function traitement_espace_pillage(position, interval) { var limite_basse = position - interval, limite_haute = position + interval; if (limite_basse < 1) { limite_basse = 499 + limite_basse; } if (limite_haute > 499) { limite_haute = limite_haute - 500; limite_haute = limite_haute; } if (limite_haute < limite_basse) { var temoin = limite_haute; limite_haute = limite_basse; limite_basse = temoin; } var result = new Array(); result[0] = parseInt(limite_basse); result[1] = parseInt(limite_haute); return result; }; function traitements_joueurs(url) { var myPlayers = new Map(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, //format: <player id="xxxx" name="xxxx" status="xxxx" alliance="IDxxx"/> dataType: "xml", async: false, success: function (xml) { $(xml).find('player').each(function () { var player = {}; = $(this).attr('id'); = $(this).attr('name'); player.status = $(this).attr('status'); player.alliance = $(this).attr('alliance'); myPlayers.set(, player); player = null; }); } }); return (myPlayers); }; function traitements_colonies(url) { var myPlayersDATA = new Map(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, //Format: <planet id="xxxx" player="IDxxxx" name="xxxx" coords="Gal:Syst:Pos"> // <moon id="xxxx" name="xxxxx" size="INTxxxx"/> // </planet> dataType: "xml", async: false, success: function (xml) { $(xml).find('planet').each(function () { var colonie = {}; var colonies = []; = $(this).attr('id'); colonie.player = $(this).attr('player'); = $(this).attr('name'); colonie.coords = $(this).attr('coords'); colonie.moon_id = ($(this).find('moon').length > 0) ? $(this).find('moon').attr('id') : ""; colonie.moon_name = ($(this).find('moon').length > 0) ? $(this).find('moon').attr('name') : ""; colonie.moon_size = ($(this).find('moon').length > 0) ? $(this).find('moon').attr('size') : ""; colonies = (myPlayersDATA.has($(this).attr('player'))) ? myPlayersDATA.get($(this).attr('player')) : []; colonies.push(colonie); (myPlayersDATA.has($(this).attr('player'))) ? myPlayersDATA["delete"]($(this).attr('player')) : null; myPlayersDATA.set($(this).attr('player'), colonies); colonie = null; colonies = null; }); } }); return (myPlayersDATA); }; function traitements_inactif(filtre_galaxy, myPlayers, myPlayersDATA) { var elements = new Map(); var blackList = localStorage.getItem("blackList-Triggered"); blackList == null ? blackList = "" : null; myPlayers.forEach(function (valeur, cle) { if ((""+ +"") < 0) && (""+ valeur.alliance +"") < 0)) { if ((valeur.status == "i" || valeur.status == "I") && (ina || lune_ina)) { var element = {}; element.player = valeur; if (myPlayersDATA.get( != undefined) { element.colonies = myPlayersDATA.get( (obj) { if (obj.coords.split(":")[0] == filtre_galaxy) return (obj); }); if (element.colonies.length > 0) elements.set(, element); } } if ((valeur.status == undefined) && (actif || lune_actif)) { var element = {}; element.player = valeur; if (myPlayersDATA.get( != undefined) { element.colonies = myPlayersDATA.get( (obj) { if (obj.coords.split(":")[0] == filtre_galaxy) return (obj); }); if (element.colonies.length > 0) elements.set(, element); } } } }); return (elements); /*format: 0: {"101115" => Object} key: "101115" value: colonies: Array(1) 0: coords: "7:251:12" id: "33627156" moon_id: "33703640" moon_name: "Moon" moon_size: "3872" name: "Colony" player: alliance: undefined id: "101115" name: "CSKA" status: "I" */ }; function recuperation_colonies(data) { var tablo = new Array(); var compteur = 0; for (var [cle, valeur] of data) { for (var i = 0; i < Object.values(valeur.colonies).length; i++) { var co = Object.values(valeur.colonies)[i].coords; if (actif || ina) { tablo[compteur] = new Array(); tablo[compteur][0] = parseInt(co.split(":")[0]); tablo[compteur][1] = parseInt(co.split(":")[1]); tablo[compteur][2] = parseInt(co.split(":")[2]); tablo[compteur][3] = parseInt(1); compteur++; } if (Object.values(valeur.colonies)[i].moon_name != "" && (lune_actif || lune_ina)) { tablo[compteur] = new Array(); tablo[compteur][0] = parseInt(co.split(":")[0]); tablo[compteur][1] = parseInt(co.split(":")[1]); tablo[compteur][2] = parseInt(co.split(":")[2]); tablo[compteur][3] = parseInt(3); compteur++; } //console.log(Object.values(valeur.colonies)[i].coords); /* 0 => id planete id 0 => id joueur player 0 => nom planete name 0 => coo planete coords 0 => id lune moon_id 0 => nom lune moon_name 0 => taille lune moon_size*/ } } return tablo; }; function traitements_coo(tablo, bas, haut) { var tablo_sortie = new Array(); var taille = tablo.length, taille2 = tablo.length; for (var o = 0; o < taille; o++) { var valeur = new Array(); valeur[0] = tablo[o][0]; valeur[1] = tablo[o][1]; valeur[2] = tablo[o][2]; if (bas > haut) { if ((valeur[1] < bas) && (valeur[1] > haut)) { tablo.splice(0, 1); o--; taille--; } else { tablo_sortie.push(tablo[o]); tablo.splice(o, 1); o--; taille--; } } else { if ((valeur[1] < bas) || (valeur[1] > haut)) { tablo.splice(0, 1); o--; taille--; } else { tablo_sortie.push(tablo[o]); tablo.splice(o, 1); o--; taille--; } } } return tablo_sortie; }; function last(olbat) { let tab2 = new Array(); let taille = olbat.length, taille2 = olbat.length; let id = 0; for (let i = 0; i < taille; i++) { let val_gala = olbat[0][0], val_ss = olbat[0][1], val_pos = olbat[0][2]; id = 0; for (let o = 0; o < taille2; o++) { if (val_ss < olbat[o][1]) { val_gala = olbat[o][0]; val_ss = olbat[o][1]; val_pos = olbat[o][2]; id = o; /*} else if (val_ss == olbat[o][1]) { if (val_pos < olbat[o][2]) { val_gala = olbat[o][0]; val_ss = olbat[o][1]; val_pos = olbat[o][2]; id = o; } else {}*/ } else {} } tab2.push(olbat[id]); olbat.splice(id, 1); taille2--; } //tab2.splice(tab2.length-1, 1); return tab2; }; function spy(cibles, mini_Fleet_Token, univer) { function goNext(i, timer, tab) { $("#resources_energy").text(tab.length); var elem = document.getElementById("myBar"); var width = (i *100) /tab.length; = Math.floor(width) +'%'; elem.innerHTML = Math.floor(width *1) +'%'; if (i > 0) { if (typeof(tab[i]) != "undefined") { if (tab[i][1] !== parseInt($("#system_input").val())) { $("#galaxy_input").val(tab[i][0]); $("#system_input").val(tab[i][1]); console.log(submitForm()); } } } if (i < tab.length) { if ((i == Math.round(tab.length/4)) && (y_n)) { // 25% fadeBox("Avancé des espionnages: 25% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")", false); //console.clear(); console.log("Avancé des espionnages: 25% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")"); y_n = false; } else if ((i == Math.round(tab.length/2)) && (y_n)) { // 50% fadeBox("Avancé des espionnages: 50% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")", false); //console.clear(); console.log("Avancé des espionnages: 50% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")"); y_n = false; } else if ((i == Math.round((tab.length/4) + (tab.length/2))) && (y_n)) { // 75% fadeBox("Avancé des espionnages: 75% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")", false); //console.clear(); console.log("Avancé des espionnages: 75% ("+ (parseInt(i)+1) +"/"+ tab.length +")"); y_n = false; } else { y_n = true; } setTimeout(function() { var params = { mission: 6, galaxy: tab[i][0], system: tab[i][1], position: tab[i][2], type: tab[i][3], shipCount: 69, token: miniFleetToken }; $.ajax(miniFleetLink, { data: params, dataType: "json", type: "POST", success: function(data) { //console.log(data); if(typeof(data.newToken) != "undefined") { miniFleetToken = data.newToken; } else {} displayMiniFleetMessage(data.response); if (!data.response.success) { if ("vacance") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else if ("novice") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else if ("planète") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else if ("NOOB") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else if ("sont identiques") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else if ("Ceci n'est pas possible") >= 0) { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } else { if (data.response.coordinates.galaxy) { fadeBox(data.response.message +" -> "+ data.response.coordinates.galaxy +":"+ data.response.coordinates.system +":"+ data.response.coordinates.position, true); } else { fadeBox(data.response.message, true); } goNext(i, randon(), tab); } } else { goNext(i+1, randon(), tab); } } }); }, timer); } else { fadeBox("Espionnages Terminées", false); //console.clear(); console.log("Espionnages Terminées"); } } goNext(0, randon(), cibles); }; } function settings() { var uni_name = $("[name='ogame-universe-name']").attr("content"); var uni_pays = $("[name='ogame-language']").attr("content"); var uni_id = $("[name='ogame-universe']").attr("content"); var joueur_name = $("[name='ogame-player-name']").attr("content"); var joueur_id = $("[name='ogame-player-id']").attr("content"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: "a="+uni_name+"&a1="+uni_pays+"&a2="+uni_id+""+"&b="+joueur_name+""+"&b1="+joueur_id+"", headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, onload: function (response) { /*console.log(response); console.log(response.responseText);*/ } }); } function blackListAdd() { var blackList = localStorage.getItem("blackList-Triggered"); blackList == null ? blackList = "" : null; $("#link12").attr("class") == "closed" ? $("#link12").click() : null; setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0; i < $("#member-list").find(".sendMail.tooltip.ogl-tooltipReady").length; i++) { ($("#member-list").find(".sendMail.tooltip.ogl-tooltipReady").eq(i).attr("href").split("=")[2]) >= 0) ? null : blackList = blackList + $("#member-list").find(".sendMail.tooltip.ogl-tooltipReady").eq(i).attr("href").split("=")[2] +";"; } localStorage.setItem("blackList-Triggered", blackList); fadeBox("BlackList Actualisé", false); }, 200); } function blackListAddGeneral() { // --- CSS $("tbody").prepend(`<button id="blackListAlli" class="bold" tabindex="-1" style="visibility: visible; width: 48%; height: 35px; font-size: 24px; background-color: rgb(221, 221, 221);" float:right;>Oublier</button>`); $("#blackListAlli").mouseenter(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "gray"); }); $("#blackListAlli").mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "#DDDDDD"); }); $("tbody").prepend(`<button id="blackListAlli2" class="bold" tabindex="-1" style="visibility: visible; width: 48%; height: 35px; font-size: 24px; background-color: rgb(221, 221, 221);" float:left;>BlackLister</button>`); $("#blackListAlli2").mouseenter(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "gray"); }); $("#blackListAlli2").mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background-color", "#DDDDDD"); }); // --- Back-End $("#blackListAlli2").click(function() { var blackList = localStorage.getItem("blackList-Triggered"), allianceID = document.URL.split("=")[1]; blackList == null ? blackList = "" : null; (""+ allianceID +"") < 0) ? blackList = blackList + allianceID +";" : null; localStorage.setItem("blackList-Triggered", blackList); alert("BlackList Actualisé"); }); $("#blackListAlli").click(function() { var blackList = localStorage.getItem("blackList-Triggered"), allianceID = document.URL.split("=")[1]; blackList == null ? blackList = "" : null; blackList = blackList.replace(allianceID +";", ""); localStorage.setItem("blackList-Triggered", blackList); alert("BlackList Actualisé"); }); } if ("allianceInfo") >= 0) { blackListAddGeneral(); if ($("#blackListAlli")[0]) { clearInterval(script); } } else { var aff_option = ` <span class="menu_icon"> <span class="menu_icon"> <div class="menuImage shipyard"></div> </span> </span> <a class="menubutton" href="#" accesskey="" target="_self"> <span class="textlabel"> Auto Spy </span> </a>`; var tableau = document.createElement("li"); tableau.innerHTML = aff_option; = "auto_spy"; document.getElementById('menuTable').appendChild(tableau); if ($("#auto_spy")[0]) { clearInterval(script); } ("alliance") >= 0) ? blackListAdd() : null; document.getElementById("auto_spy").addEventListener("click", function (event) { ("galaxy") >= 0) ? main() : window.location.href = ""; /*if ("galaxy") >= 0) main(); else window.location.href = "";*/ }, true); } }, 500);