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// ==UserScript== // @name clean Abyss // @namespace // @version 0.3.6 // @description Hides all the quotes in's Abyss section that you've already voted for. // @author Chamie // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const daysToPurge = 30; // quote lifetime in days let reloadTimeout = 30;// how long to wait until page reload if all the quotes on it has been hidden const hoursShift = daysToPurge * 24; const now = new Date(); let hiddenCounter = 0; let numberOfQuotesLeftVisible = 0; const voted = JSON.parse(localStorage["abyss.quotes.voted"] || "[]").filter(x => (new Date( > now)); const menuBar = document.querySelector("main > div"); = "auto"; menuBar.innerHTML += `<div style='margin-top:3px'> Скрыто цитат: всего <span id='votedCounter'>${voted.length}</span> <sup title='Очистить список. Цитаты старше ${daysToPurge} дней удаляются автоматически' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='localStorage[\"abyss.quotes.voted\"]=\"[]\"'>x</sup> , на этой странице — <span id='quotesHidden'>0</span>. </div>`; const hiddenCounterSpan = document.getElementById("quotesHidden"); const totalCounterSpan = document.getElementById("votedCounter"); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = "@keyframes slideup{from{max-height:300px;opacity:1;margin:10px 0;}to{max-height:0;opacity:0;margin:0 0}}.quote.voted{animation:slideup .2s forwards}"; document.head.appendChild(style); //let log = ""; setTimeout(() => { document.querySelectorAll("article.quote").forEach((q,i) => { const id = q.dataset.quote; //console.log("Quote #", i, id); const voteHandler = () => { voted.push({ "id": id, "date": new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0] }); q.classList.add("voted"); localStorage["abyss.quotes.voted"] = JSON.stringify(voted); totalCounterSpan.innerHTML = voted.length; hiddenCounterSpan.innerHTML = ++hiddenCounter; }; if (voted.some(v => == id) || q.classList.contains("voted")) { // Handle quotes voted before installing the script: if(!voted.some(v => == id)) voteHandler(); q.classList.add("voted"); //log +="Спрятал" + hiddenCounter+"\n"; //console.log("Спрятал", hiddenCounter); hiddenCounterSpan.innerHTML = ++hiddenCounter; if (hiddenCounter == 25) { hiddenCounterSpan.innerHTML = `все.<br>Перезагрузка страницы через <span id='reloadTimeoutSpan'>${reloadTimeout}</span> секунд`; const timeoutSpan = document.getElementById("reloadTimeoutSpan"); setInterval(() => { timeoutSpan.innerHTML = --reloadTimeout; if (reloadTimeout < 1) location.reload(); }, 1000); } } else { // Handle swipe voting: ++numberOfQuotesLeftVisible; //log +=`Оставил:${++numberOfQuotesLeftVisible} ${id} ${q.querySelector('.quote__body').innerHTML}`+"\n"; //console.log("Оставил:", ++numberOfQuotesLeftVisible, id, q.querySelector('.quote__body').innerHTML); let x, y, t; q.addEventListener('touchstart', event => { const e = event.changedTouches[0]; x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY; t = (new Date).getTime(); }); q.addEventListener('touchend', event => { const e = event.changedTouches[0]; if ((new Date).getTime() - t < 300 && Math.abs(e.pageX - x) >= 150 && Math.abs(e.pageY - y) <= 100) voteHandler(); }); // Handle click voting: q.querySelectorAll(".quote__button.up,.quote__button.down,.quote__button.dismiss") .forEach(btn => btn.addEventListener("click", voteHandler, false)); } }); //console.log(hiddenCounter, numberOfQuotesLeftVisible); if(hiddenCounter + numberOfQuotesLeftVisible !== 25) console.log(log); }, 100); })();