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// ==UserScript== // @exclude * // ==UserLibrary== // @name Native // @description Save native functions to allow overrides to fix/extend functionality. // @version 1.1 // @copyright 2013, William Moraes ( // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // ==/UserLibrary== // @author William Moraes <https:/>/>wwm> ( // @namespace // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // ==OpenUserJS== // @author wwmoraes // ==/OpenUserJS== // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function(){ 'use strict'; if(typeof(Object.Natives) === "undefined"){ Object.defineProperty(Object,'Natives',{ enumerable: false, configurable: false, writeable: false, value: {} }); } if(typeof(Function.override) === "undefined"){ Function.override = function(oldFunctionName, newFunction){ if(typeof(oldFunctionName) !== "string") throw new TypeError('oldFunctionName must be a string'); if(typeof(newFunction) !== "function") throw new TypeError('newFunction must be a function'); oldFunctionName = oldFunctionName.match(/[A-Za-z0-9._$]+/g)[0]; var nativeName = "Object.Natives['"+oldFunctionName+"']"; var nativeFuncType = typeof(eval(nativeName)); if(oldFunctionName !== '' && nativeFuncType === "undefined") eval(nativeName + "=" + oldFunctionName); else console.warn('Function ' + oldFunctionName + ' already overridden. Dropping the old function.'); eval(oldFunctionName + "=" + newFunction.toString().replace(/(\W|^)base\./g, "$1Object.Natives['"+oldFunctionName+"'].")); }; } if(typeof(Function.restore) === "undefined"){ Function.restore = function(oldFunctionName){ if(typeof(oldFunctionName) !== "string") throw new TypeError('oldFunctionName must be a string'); oldFunctionName = oldFunctionName.match(/[A-Za-z0-9._$]+/g)[0]; var nativeName = "Object.Natives['"+oldFunctionName+"']"; var nativeFuncType = typeof(eval(nativeName)); if(oldFunctionName !== '' && nativeFuncType !== "undefined") { eval(oldFunctionName + "=" + nativeName); eval(nativeName + "=" + undefined); } else { console.warn('Function ' + oldFunctionName + ' is set to native or changed by third parties. Ignoring the restore...'); } }; } })();