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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube Download MP4,3GP,MP3,AVI, 1080,720,480,360 // @namespace // @description Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs. // @author Volkan K. // @homepage // @include* // @include* // @include http://** // @include https://** // @run-at document-end // @version 1.2 // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() {var css = [ ".dataintshow {", "}", "", ".btnopendata {", " padding: 0;", " cursor: pointer;", " right: 10px;", " width: 50px;", " position: fixed;", " bottom: 10px;", " border-radius: 50px;", "}", "", ".conatinerdatadukaro {", " position: fixed;", " width: 250px;", " background: #FFF url( center no-repeat;", " box-sizing: border-box;", " box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000;", " margin: 30px 0 0;", " border-radius: 3px;", " overflow: hidden;", " max-height: 450px;", " background-size: 50%;", " overflow-y: auto;", " right: 10px;", " bottom: 70px;", " min-height: 46px;", " z-index: 9999999999999;", "}", "", ".hidedata {", " position: absolute;", " right: 0;", " background: #e91e1e;", " font: bold 12px arial;", " color: #FFF;", " padding: 2px 5px;", " border-radius: 0 0 0 3px;", " cursor: pointer;", " z-index: 999", "}", "", ".ullist {", " padding: 0 !important;", " list-style: none;", " margin: 0;", "}", "", ".listulli {", " position: relative !important;", " height: 30px;", " width: 100%;", " border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC !important;", " margin: 0 !important;", " text-align: left !important;", " list-style: none !important;", " padding: 0 !important;", "}", "", ".aullist {", " position: absolute;", " width: 100%;", " overflow: hidden;", " text-decoration: none;", " padding: 8px 0 0 20px;", " color: #000;", " box-sizing: border-box;", " background: url(// left no-repeat;", " background-size: 8% 68%;", " height: 100%;", " top: 0;", "}", "", ".fnt {", " font: normal 12px arial;", " margin: 0 5px;", " text-align: center", "}", "", ".impar {", " background: #FFF", "}", "", ".par {", " background: #f7f7f72e;", "}", ".fiexdaddaasd{", " position: fixed;", " background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);", " top: 0;", " left: 0;", " width: 100%;", " height: 100%;", " z-index: 9999;", "}", ".sdxiframelike{", " width: 100%;", " height: 100%;", " border: 0;", "}", ".delertinkna{", " position: absolute;", " right: 0;", " top: 0;", " font: bold 14px arial;", " background: #f00;", " padding: 2px 5px;", " border-radius: 0 0 0 5px;", " cursor: pointer;", "}", ".conatinerifrmaser{", " width: 450px;", " background: #FFF;", " height: 300px;", " margin: 10% auto;", " border-radius: 5px;", " overflow: hidden;", " position: relative;", "}", "", ".audiodownload {", " background: red;", " height: 30px", "}", "", ".audiodownload .aullist {", " color: #FFF!important;", " text-align: center !important;", " padding: 5px 0 !important;", " background: url(// left no-repeat !important;", "}", "", ".audiodownload .aullist .fnt {", " font: bold 12px arial!important", "}", "", "a:hover {", " text-shadow: 0 0 5px #9e9e9e;", " animation-duration: 1s;", " text-decoration: none", "}", "", "#watch7-user-header {", " overflow: inherit!important", "}", "", ".audiovideo {", " background: #4A148C;", " text-align: center !important;", " padding: 7px 0 0 !important;", " font: normal 14px arial;", " color: #FFF !important;", "}", "", ".noaudio {", " background: #3F51B5;", " text-align: center !important;", " padding: 7px 0 0 !important;", " font: normal 14px arial !important;", " color: #FFF !important;", "}", "", ".novideo {", " background: #4CAF50;", " text-align: center !important;", " padding: 7px 0 0 !important;", " font: normal 14px arial;", " color: #FFF !important;", "}", "", ".errorsisten {", " padding: 20px 10px 40px 10px;", " box-sizing: content-box;", " font: normal 14px arial;", " background: #f00;", " color: #FFF;", "}", "", ".btnplayimg {", " width: 50px;", " height: 50px;", "}", "", "#dukaloading {", " background: #FFF;", "}", ".conatinerbases{", " width: 100%;", "}", ".titulonissad{", " width: 100%;", " background: #e91e1e;", " text-align: center;", " color: #FFF;", " margin: 20px 0;", " font: bold 18px arial;", " padding: 10px;", " text-transform: uppercase;", " box-sizing: border-box;", "}", ".conatinerasdasd{", " width: 100%;", " float: left;", " padding: 10px;", " box-sizing: border-box;", " text-shadow: 0 0 2px #FFF;", " font: bold 14px arial;", "}", ".conaidanjkjkhkjh{", " position: fixed;", " bottom: 0;", " width: 100%;", " left: 0;", "}", ".btnclassa{", " width: 50%;", " position: absolute;", " top: -40px;", " text-align: center;", " cursor: pointer;", " text-decoration: none;", " padding: 10px 0;", " color: #FFF;", "}", ".youtube{", " left: 0;", " background: #e91e1e;", "}", ".chrome{", " right: 0;", " background: #3f51b5;", "}", "body{", " padding: 0;", " margin: 0;", "}", ".hacesvdiv{", " background: #FFF url( center no-repeat;", " width: 100%;", " height: 100%;", " position: absolute;", " z-index: -1;", " background-size: cover !important;", "}" ].join("\n"); 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