rxliuli / 解除网页限制


Version: 1.2+7dd224a

Summary: 破解禁止复制/剪切/粘贴/选择/右键菜单的网站

License: MIT

Unblock webpage restrictions

GitHub, GreasyFork


The reason why this script is written is that the existing UserJS scripts are inconvenient to add/disable domain names, so that you can write one yourself, which is convenient for our generation.


Forced to allow selection/copy/paste
Disable the small tail when copying web pages
Allow quick enable/disable via menu (mainly improved)
Dynamic update support for domain name list (main improvement)


If you find that you don't have a supported domain name, you can click Tampermonkey => Unblock Limit => Unblock to take effect, or, on GitHub Issues, so that everyone can update the domain as a restriction.


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