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// ==UserScript== // @name Kamihime Project R - Display accessory percentages and slots // @description Displays accessory percentages and potential slots directly on accessory card. // @updateURL // @license MIT // @match // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function () { var interval = setInterval(function () { if (typeof kh !== 'undefined' && kh.CoreCardAccessoryUI) { clearInterval(interval); var _orig_accessory_card_set_data = kh.CoreCardAccessoryUI.prototype.setData kh.CoreCardAccessoryUI.prototype.setData = function (record, sortCondition, componentName) { _orig_accessory_card_set_data.apply(this, arguments) switch (this._currentActionName) { case this.ACTION_NAME_FULL: var nodeNameExp = /^status_label_/; this.uiNode.seekWidgets(function (node) { if (nodeNameExp.test(node.getName())) { node.setText(""); } }); if (!_.isUndefined(record.sub_effects)) { _.each(record.sub_effects, function (sub_effect, num) { this.setIconSubEffectLabel(num, sub_effect); }.bind(this)); } break; default: break; } } kh.CoreCardAccessoryUI.prototype.setIconSubEffectLabel = function (num, icon) { var statusLabelNode = this.uiNode.seekWidgetByName("status_label_" + num) if (!statusLabelNode) { var position = null switch (num) { case 0: position = 98.5 break; case 1: position = 70.5 break; case 2: position = 42.5 break; default: break; } var status_label_node = new ccui.Text() status_label_node.setName("status_label_" + num) status_label_node.setPosition(35, position); status_label_node.setAnchorPoint(0, 0.5); status_label_node.setFontSize(13); status_label_node.setFontName("GameFont") status_label_node.enableOutline(cc.color(0, 0, 0), 3); this.uiNode.addChild(status_label_node) statusLabelNode = status_label_node } var additionalDesciptor = "" var desciptorMap = { "Damage reduction* activated at 50% HP or less": "L", "Damage reduction *activates in front": "F", "Damage reduction *activates in rear": "R", "Damage reduction* activated at 75% HP or more": "H", "Damage UP*Effect decreases with the number of turns: Max": "↓", "Damage UP*Effect increases with the number of turns: Max": "↑", } var mapEntry = desciptorMap[] if (mapEntry) { additionalDesciptor = " " + mapEntry } statusLabelNode.setText((icon.slot_number ? "[" + icon.slot_number + "] " + icon.effect_rate + "%" : icon.effect_rate + "%") + additionalDesciptor) } } }, 10); })();