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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name 스마트에디터ONE MSWord문서(*.docx) 내보내기 // @description 네이버 블로그 스마트에디터ONE의 편집 내용을 MSWord문서(*.docx)로 내보낼 수 있습니다. // @copyright 2021, myso ( // @license Apache-2.0 // @version 1.1.42 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @author Won Choi // @connect // @connect // @match *://*/postwrite* // @match *://*Redirect=Write* // @match *://*Redirect=Update* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author myso // ==/OpenUserJS== async function transformDocument(content) { const container = (children) => { const width = { size: 9010, type: docx.WidthType.DXA }; const borders = { top: { size: 1, color: "F6F6F5", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, bottom: { size: 1, color: "F6F6F5", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, left: { size: 1, color: "F6F6F5", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, right: { size: 1, color: "F6F6F5", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP } }; const col = new docx.TableCell({ width, borders, children }); const row = new docx.TableRow({ children: [col] }); return new docx.Table({ columnWidths: [9010], rows: [row] }); }; const container_image_blob = async (image) => { if(/^data:/.test(image)) { const b64toBlob = (b64Data, contentType='', sliceSize=512) => { const byteCharacters = atob(b64Data); const byteArrays = []; for (let offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) { const slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize); const byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length); for (let i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i); } const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers); byteArrays.push(byteArray); } const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType}); return blob; } const match = /^data:(?<mime>[\w/\-\.\+]+);(?<encoding>\w+),(?<data>.*)$/.exec(image); return b64toBlob(, match.groups.mime); }else{ return GM_xmlhttpRequestCORS(image, { responseType: 'blob' }); } } const container_image = async (image, ratio = 1) => { const blob = await container_image_blob(image).catch(e=>null); if(blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const orl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const img = new Image(); img.onerror = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(orl); reject(); }; img.onload = () => { const w = Math.floor((img.width || screen.width) * ratio); const h = Math.floor((img.height || screen.height) * ratio); const resp = new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.ImageRun({ data: blob, transformation: { width: w, height: h } }), ], alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER }); URL.revokeObjectURL(orl); resolve(resp); } img.src = orl; }); } else { return new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `<IMAGE LOAD ERROR: ${image}>` }), ], alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER }); } } const newline = new docx.Paragraph({ children: [], }); const divider = new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, text: '──────────────────────────────────────────', }); const items = await, async (item)=>{ const children = []; if(item.type == 'title') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ text ]) => { return new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text, bold: 1, size: 32 }) ] }); }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'text') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ text ]) => { return new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text }) ] }); }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'image') { const image = await, async (image) => { return [ await container_image(image), ]; }); children.push(...image.flat()); const description = await, async (description) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: description }) ], alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, }), ]; }); children.push(...description.flat()); } if(item.type == 'video') { const items =, item.title, item.description, item.time); const convs = await, async ([ image, title, description, time ]) => { return [ await container_image(image), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: title, bold: 1 }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: time }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: description }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'line') { children.push(divider); } if(item.type == 'sticker') { const items =, item.title, item.description, item.time); const convs = await, async ([ image, title, description, time ]) => { return [ await container_image(image), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'quotation') { const items1 = await, async (title) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: title, bold: 1, size: 22 }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...items1.flat()); const items2 = await, async (description) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: description }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...items2.flat()); } if(item.type == 'places') { const image = await, async (image) => { return [ await container_image(image), ]; }); children.push(...image.flat()); const location = await, async (item) => { const items =, item.addr); const convs = await, async ([ name, addr ]) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `장소: ${name}`, bold: 1 }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `주소: ${addr}` }) ] }), ]; }); return container(convs.flat()); }); children.push(...location.flat()); } if(item.type == 'link') { const items =, item.title, item.description, item.hostname); const convs = await, async ([ image, title, description, hostname ]) => { return [ await container_image(image), new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: hostname }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: title, bold: 1 }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: description }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'file') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ name ]) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `<파일명: ${ name }>` }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'schedule') { const items =, item.sdate, item.edate, item.image, item.url, item.description); const convs = await, async ([ title, sdate, edate, image, url, description ]) => { return [ await container_image(image), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `이름: ${title}`, bold: 1 }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `설명: ${description}` }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `일정: ${sdate} ~ ${edate}` }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `링크: ${url}` }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); const location = await, async (item) => { const items =, item.addr); const convs = await, async ([ name, addr ]) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `장소: ${name}`, bold: 1 }) ] }), new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `주소: ${addr}` }) ] }), ]; }); return convs.flat(); }); children.push(container(location.flat())); } if(item.type == 'table' && item.table) { const width = { size: 9010, type: docx.WidthType.DXA }; const borders = { top: { size: 1, color: "0000FF", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, bottom: { size: 1, color: "0000FF", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, left: { size: 1, color: "0000FF", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP }, right: { size: 1, color: "0000FF", style: docx.BorderStyle.DASH_SMALL_GAP } }; const rows = []; const rows_appends = async (items, row) => { if(!items) return []; const children = await, async (row) => { const children = await, async (col) => { const children = await, async (item)=>{ if(item.type == 'text') return new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: item.text }) ] }); if(item.type == 'image') return container_image(item.image, 0.2); }); return new docx.TableCell({ width, borders, children }); }); return new docx.TableRow({ children }); }); return children; }; rows.push(...await rows_appends(item.table.thead)); rows.push(...await rows_appends(item.table.tbody)); const table = new docx.Table({ columnWidths: [9010], rows }); children.push(table); } if(item.type == 'code') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ text ]) => { const lines = text.split(/[\r\n]+/g).map(r=>r.trim()); return [ => new docx.Paragraph({ children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: line }) ] })), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'formula') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ text ]) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `<수식: ${ text }>`, bold: 1 }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'talktalk') { const items =; const convs = await, async ([ text ]) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: `<톡톡: ${ text }>`, bold: 1 }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); } if(item.type == 'material') { const items =, item.title); const convs = await, async ([ image, title ]) => { return [ await container_image(image), new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: title, bold: 1 }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...convs.flat()); const description = await, async (description) => { return [ new docx.Paragraph({ alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new docx.TextRun({ text: description }) ] }), ]; }); children.push(...description.flat()); } return children.length && container(children.flat()); }); const children = items.filter(v=>!!v).flat(); const properties = {}; // metadata const head = content.sections.find(o=>o.type == 'title'); const meta = {}; meta.subject =; meta.creator = meta.lastModifiedBy =; meta.title = head ? head.text.join(', ') : '알 수 없는 문서'; meta.keywords = `naver; blog; post; 네이버; 블로그; 네이버블로그; 포스팅; ${} ;${}`; meta.description = '개발자 최원의 프로그램을 이용해 저장된 문서입니다.\r\n'; meta.sections = [ { children, properties } ]; return meta; } GM_App(async function main() { GM_donation('#viewTypeSelector, #postListBody, #wrap_blog_rabbit, #writeTopArea, #editor_frame', 0); GM_addScript(''); GM_addScript(''); GM_addScript(''); GM_addScript(''); GM_addStyle(` .se-utils > ul > li > button { margin-top: 14px !important; } .se-util-button-docx::before { display: inline-block; width: 37px; height: 37px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; color: #666; content: '\\1F4BE' !important; } .se-utils-item-docx-loading .se-util-button-docx::before { animation: spin1 2s infinite linear; } .se-utils-item-docx[data-process-keyword-info]::after { display: none; position: absolute; z-index: -1; margin:auto; right: 20px; top: -240px; bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 15px; width: 300px; height: auto; overflow-y: auto; white-space: pre-line; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #fff; content: attr(data-process-keyword-info); line-height: 1.5rem; } .se-utils-item-docx[data-process-keyword-info]:hover::after { display: block; } `); const uri = new URL(location.href), params = Object.fromEntries(uri.searchParams.entries()); const user = await NB_blogInfo('', 'BlogUserInfo'); if(!user) return; const blog = await NB_blogInfo(user.userId, 'BlogInfo'); if(!blog) return; async function handler(e) { const mnu = document.querySelector('.se-ultils-list'); if(mnu) { const wrp = mnu.querySelector('') || document.createElement('li'); wrp.classList.add('se-utils-item', 'se-utils-item-docx'); mnu.prepend(wrp); const btn = wrp.querySelector('button') || document.createElement('button'); btn.classList.add('se-util-button', 'se-util-button-docx'); btn.innerHTML = '<span class="se-utils-text">Word 문서로 저장</span>'; wrp.append(btn); if(!window.__processing_content) { wrp.classList.toggle('se-utils-item-docx-loading', window.__processing_content = true); btn.onclick = async function(){ const adblocked = await GM_detectAdBlock(v=>v); if(adblocked) { const cfrm = confirm('광고 차단 플러그인이 발견 되었습니다!\n브라우저의 광고 차단 설정을 해제해주세요.\n\n개발자 최원의 모든 프로그램은\n후원 및 광고 수익을 조건으로 무료로 제공됩니다.\n\n\n후원계좌 : 최원 3333-04-6073417 카카오뱅크'); if(cfrm)''); } else { let imgs, slides; do { const content = document.querySelector('.se-content'); content.scrollTo({ top: 0 }); content.scrollTo({ top: content.scrollHeight, behavior: 'smooth' }); slides = Array.from(content.querySelectorAll('.se-imageGroup-container'));> = 'auto'); imgs = Array.from(content.querySelectorAll('img[src^="data:"]'));>el.scrollIntoView()); await Promise.delay(1000); } while (imgs.length);> = 'hidden'); const data = SE_parse(document, { user, blog }); const json = JSON.stringify(data); GM_addScript(`async () => { try { let __transformContent = ${json}; let __transformDocument = ${transformDocument}; let __transformOpts = await __transformDocument(__transformContent); let __transformDocx = new docx.Document(__transformOpts); let __transformBlob = await docx.Packer.toBlob(__transformDocx); let head = __transformContent.sections.find(o=>o.type == 'title'); let name = head ? head.text.join(', ') : '알 수 없는 문서'; saveAs(__transformBlob, name+'.docx'); console.log("Document created successfully"); }catch(e){ console.log(e); } }`); } } wrp.classList.toggle('se-utils-item-docx-loading', window.__processing_content = false); } } } window.addEventListener('keyup', handler, false); window.addEventListener('keydown', handler, false); window.addEventListener('keypress', handler, false); handler(); });