luumpsoft / Add rotten tomatoes Ratings to Netflix

not returning ratings.

Lines 437 - 455 need to be replaced with:

                //#topSection > section > div.mop-ratings-wrap.score_panel.js-mop-ratings-wrap > section > section > div.mop-ratings-wrap__half.critic-score > h2 > span > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage
                const criticsRating = responseDoc.querySelector('div.mop-ratings-wrap__half.critic-score > h2 > span > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage');
                critText = (criticsRating)? criticsRating.innerText : "#"

                //#topSection > section > div.mop-ratings-wrap.score_panel.js-mop-ratings-wrap > section > section > div.mop-ratings-wrap__half.audience-score > h2 > span > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage
                const audienceRating = responseDoc.querySelector('div.mop-ratings-wrap__half.audience-score > h2 > span > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage');
                audText = (audienceRating)? audienceRating.innerText : "#"

            if (movieOrTV == "M") {
                const criticsRating = responseDoc.querySelector('#tomato_meter_link > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage');
                critText = (criticsRating)? criticsRating.innerText : "#"

                // Get the users rating
                const audienceRating2 = responseDoc.querySelector('div.mop-ratings-wrap__half.audience-score > h2 > a > span.mop-ratings-wrap__percentage');
                audText = (audienceRating2) ? audienceRating2.innerText : " # "


Re: @lachlanmck:

Please use a code fence and the Preview button here next time so you are being agreeable with the TOS. I've fixed it this time. Tabbed/spaced indenting can be one of the worst features of markdown if you don't do it correctly. Code fences hardly ever go sour. There's also a guide icon right below this comment window to the far left. Look for the M and down arrow e.g. Markdown.

Thank you for your cooperation.
OUJS Admin