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// ==UserScript== // @name LeBonCoin // @namespace LeBonCoin // @description Ajout de fonctionnalités : cache les pubs, cache les annonces pro (à activer), ajout de liens google map sur les villes // @include* // @include http://www** // @include* // ==/UserScript== // a function that loads jQuery and calls a callback function when jQuery has finished loading function addJQuery(callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src", "//"); script.addEventListener('load', function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();"; document.body.appendChild(script); }, false); document.body.appendChild(script); } // load jQuery and execute the main function addJQuery(letsJQuery); // All your GM code must be inside this function function letsJQuery() { var listOptions = '<div id="shikiSubOptions"><label for="shikiPro">Afficher annonces pro : </label><input type="checkbox" id="shikiPro" name="shikiPro" checked="checked" /><br/></div>' // on cache les "annonces à la une" $('.list-gallery').hide(); // on cache les autres pubs $('iframe, #google_ads_frame1').remove(); // On cache la barre de pub $('#oas-top, #kk-widget, .oas-x11').hide(); // On ajoute les liens google maps $('.placement').each(function(){ var adressComposed = $.trim($(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, " ")); $(this).html('<a href="'+ encodeURIComponent(adressComposed.replace(" / ",",")) +'" target="_blank">'+ $(this).text() +'</a>'); }); var ville = $('.lbcParams table tr:eq(1) td').text(); var codepostal = $('.lbcParams table tr:eq(2) td').text(); $('.lbcParams').append('<a href="'+ encodeURIComponent(ville+','+codepostal) +'" target="_blank">Plan</a>'); $('<div id="shikiOptions"><img src="" alt="options" />'+listOptions+'</div>').css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': 10, 'left': 10, 'background':'#ffffff', 'border-radius':'5px','z-index':'500'}).appendTo('body'); var $optionWrapper = $('#shikiOptions'), $option = $('#shikiSubOptions'), $pro = $('#shikiPro'); $option.css('display','none'); ${ if($option.css('display') == 'none'){ $option.slideDown(); }else{ $option.slideUp(); } }); ${ e.stopPropagation(); checkPro(); }); var shikiPro = getCookie('shikiPro'); if(shikiPro != null){ if(shikiPro == 'true'){ $pro.attr('checked', 'checked'); }else{ $pro.removeAttr('checked'); } } checkPro(); function checkPro(){ if($':checked')){ setCookie('shikiPro', 'true'); $('.category:contains("(pro)")').parent().parent().show(); }else{ setCookie('shikiPro', 'false'); $('.category:contains("(pro)")').parent().parent().hide(); } } function setCookie(sName, sValue) { var today = new Date(), expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(today.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000)); document.cookie = sName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue) + ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString() +"; path=/"; } function getCookie(sName) { var cookContent = document.cookie, cookEnd, i, j; var sName = sName + "="; for (i=0, c=cookContent.length; i<c; i++) { j = i + sName.length; if (cookContent.substring(i, j) == sName) { cookEnd = cookContent.indexOf(";", j); if (cookEnd == -1) { cookEnd = cookContent.length; } return decodeURIComponent(cookContent.substring(j, cookEnd)); } } return null; } }