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// ==UserScript== // @id // @name Zbynek Okcupid Question Filter // @namespace // @description Okcupid - organize question according to defined priorities // @author Zbynek Vyskovsky, // @copyright 2020+, Zbynek Vyskovsky, ( // @license Apache-2.0 // @homepage // @homepageURL // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL¤cy_code=CAD&source=url // @version 1.0.0 // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setClipboard // @include /^https?://(?:www\.)?okcupid\.com/.*/ // @require // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== /*jshint loopfunc:true */ (function() { 'use strict'; let $ = window.jQuery; let unwanted; try { unwanted = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('ZbynekStravaClubFilterUnwanted.unwantedAthletes')) || {}; } catch (err) { GM_log(err); unwanted = {}; } class Js { static undefinedElse(value, defaultValue) { return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value; } static undefinedElseGet(value, supplier) { return value === undefined ? supplier() : value; } static undefinedElseThrow(value, exceptionSupplier) { if (value === undefined) throw exceptionSupplier(); return value; } static nullElse(value, defaultValue) { return value == null ? defaultValue : value; } static nullElseGet(value, supplier) { return value == null ? supplier() : value; } static nullElseThrow(value, exceptionSupplier) { if (value == null) throw exceptionSupplier(); return value; } static objGetElse(obj, key, defaultValue) { return key in obj ? obj[key] : defaultValue; } static objGetElseGet(obj, key, supplier) { return key in obj ? obj[key] : supplier(key); } static objGetElseThrow(obj, key, exceptionSupplier) { if (key in obj) return obj[key]; throw exceptionSupplier(key); } static strEmptyToNull(str) { return str === "" ? null : str; } static strValueToNull(nullvalue, str) { return str === nullvalue ? null : str; } static strNullToEmpty(str) { return str === "" ? null : str; } static regexValueToNull(regex, str) { return str == null || regex.test(str) ? null : str; } static objMap(obj, mapper) { return obj == null ? null : mapper(obj); } static escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); } } class AbstractCache { constructor(version, expiration) { this.version = version; this.expiration = expiration; this.pendingPromises = {}; } promiseIfAbsent(id, resolver) { const item = this.get(id); if (!item) { let promise = this.pendingPromises[id]; if (promise == null) { promise = this.pendingPromises[id] = resolver(id); } return promise.then( (result) => { delete this.pendingPromises[id]; this.put(id, result); return result; }, (error) => { delete this.pendingPromises[id]; throw error; } ); } return Promise.resolve(item); } } class GlobalDbStorageCache extends AbstractCache { constructor(storage, name, version, expiration, options) { super(version, expiration); = storage; = name; this.writebackTimeout = Js.objGetElse(options || {}, 'writebackTimeout', 5000); this.itemsToUpdate = {}; this.pendingWrite = false; this.loadDb(); } get(id) { const item = this.cache[id]; if (item) { if (item.version == this.version && (item.expire == null || item.expire > new Date().getTime())) { return item.value; } delete this.cache[id]; this.itemsToUpdate[id] = null; this.scheduleUpdate(); } return null; } put(id, value) { this.itemsToUpdate[id] = this.cache[id] = { expire: this.expiration == null ? null : new Date().getTime()+this.expiration, version: this.version, value: value }; this.scheduleUpdate(); } scheduleUpdate() { if (!this.pendingWrite) { setTimeout(() => this.doUpdate(), this.writebackTimeout); this.pendingWrite = true; } } doUpdate() { this.loadDb(); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.itemsToUpdate).forEach((key) => { if (this.itemsToUpdate[key] !== null) { this.cache[key] = this.itemsToUpdate[key]; } else { delete this.cache[key]; } }); this.itemsToUpdate = {};, JSON.stringify(this.cache)); this.pendingWrite = false; } dump() { return JSON.stringify(this.cache, null, "\t"); } import(dump) { this.cache = JSON.parse(dump); this.itemsToUpdate = {};, JSON.stringify(this.cache)); this.pendingWrite = false; } loadDb() { try { this.cache = JSON.parse(; const time = new Date().getTime(); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.cache).forEach((id) => { const value = this.cache[id]; if (value.expire != null && time >= value.expire) { delete this.cache[id]; } }); } catch (err) { } if (!this.cache) { this.cache = {}; } } } class GmAjaxService { execute(method, url, options = null, data = null) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const fullOptions = Object.assign( { method, url, }, options || {}, { onload: (response) => response.status == 200 ? resolve(response.responseText) : reject("Failed "+method+" "+url+" : "+response.status+" "+response.statusText), onerror: reject, ontimeout: reject, } ); GM_xmlhttpRequest(fullOptions); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); } executeTemplate(method, urlTemplate, placeholders, options = null, data = null) { const url = this.convertTemplate(urlTemplate, placeholders); return this.execute(method, url, options, data); } get(url, options = null) { return this.execute("GET", url, options); } getTemplate(urlTemplate, placeholders, options = null) { return this.executeTemplate("GET", urlTemplate, placeholders, options); } convertTemplate(urlTemplate, placeholders) { return urlTemplate.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, (full, group1) => encodeURIComponent(Js.objGetElseThrow(placeholders, group1, (group1) => new Error("Undefined placeholder: "+group1)))); } } class HtmlWrapper { constructor(doc) { this.doc = doc; } evaluate(...args) { return this.doc.evaluate(...args); } findXpathNode(xpath, start) { return this.doc.evaluate(xpath, start, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE).singleNodeValue; } needXpathNode(xpath, start) { let node; if ((node = this.doc.evaluate(xpath, start, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE).singleNodeValue) != null) { return node; } throw new Error("Cannot find node: " + xpath); } needXpathString(xpath, start) { let node; if ((node = this.doc.evaluate(xpath, start, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE).stringValue) != null) { return node; } throw new Error("Cannot find node: " + xpath); } listXpath(xpath, start) { const elements = []; for (let xpathOut = this.doc.evaluate(xpath, start), el = null; (el = xpathOut.iterateNext()); ) { elements.push(el); } return elements; } removeXpath(xpath, start) { this.listXpath(xpath, start).forEach((node) => node.remove()); } insertAfter(inserted, before) { before.parentNode.insertBefore(inserted, before.nextSibling); } insertMultiBefore(inserted, after) { inserted.forEach((e) => after.parentElement.insertBefore(e, after)); } insertMultiAfter(inserted, before) { let last = before; inserted.forEach((e) => { this.insertAfter(e, before); before = e; }); } appendMulti(inserted, parentElement) { inserted.forEach((e) => parentElement.appendChild(e)); } childElementPosition(child) { let i = 0; for (let left = child; (left = left.previousElementSibling) != null; ++i) ; return i; } nextMatchingElementSibling(element, predicate) { let n; for (n = element.nextElementSibling; n != null && !predicate(n); n = n.nextElementSibling) ; return n; } previousMatchingElementSibling(element, predicate) { let p; for (p = element.previousElementSibling; p != null && !predicate(p); p = p.previousElementSibling) ; return p; } createElementEx(name, attrs, children) { const element = this.doc.createElement(name); if (attrs) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attrs).forEach((k) => { const v = attrs[k]; if (k === 'class') element.setAttribute(k, v); else element[k] = v; }); } if (children) { if (!Array.isArray(children)) { throw new Error("Passed non-array as children object: "+children); } children.forEach(v => element.appendChild(v)); } return element; } createElementWithText(name, attrs, text) { return this.createElementEx(name, attrs, [ this.createTextNode(text) ]); } createTextNode(text) { return this.doc.createTextNode(text); } createSelect(attrs, options, current, listener) { const optionsElements = []; $.each(options, (k, v) => optionsElements.push(v instanceof Node ? this.createElementEx("option", { value: k }, [ v ]) : this.createElementWithText("option", { value: k }, v) )); const element = this.createElementEx("select", attrs, optionsElements); element.value = current == null && attrs.emptyIsNull ? "" : String(current); element.updateListener = listener; element.onchange = (event) => { == "" && ? null : }; return element; } templateElement(html, placeholders, prefix = 'pl$-') { const elements = this.templateElements(html, placeholders, prefix); if (elements.length != 1) { throw Error("Template resulted into multiple elements: ", elements); } return elements[0]; } templateElements(html, placeholders, prefix = 'pl$-') { const elements = $.parseHTML(html); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { let current = elements[i]; if (!(current instanceof Element)) continue; while (current != null) { if (current.localName.startsWith(prefix)) { const command = current.localName.substring(prefix.length); switch (command) { case 'text': case 'textrun': { if (current.firstChild != null) throw new Error("Replacement node contains unexpected subelements: "+current); const textName = Js.nullElseThrow(current.getAttribute("name"), () => new Error("Cannot find name attribute in element: "+current)); const providedText = Js.objGetElseThrow(placeholders, textName, () => new Error("Cannot find placeholder: "+textName)); const node = current.parentNode.insertBefore(this.doc.createTextNode(command == 'textrun' ? providedText(current, this) : providedText), current); const old = current; current = node; old.remove(); break; } case 'node': case 'noderun': { if (current.firstChild != null) throw new Error("Replacement node contains unexpected subelements: "+current); const nodeName = Js.nullElseThrow(current.getAttribute("name"), () => new Error("Cannot find name attribute in element: "+current)); const providedNode = Js.objGetElseThrow(placeholders, nodeName, () => new Error("Cannot find placeholder: "+nodeName)); const node = current.parentNode.insertBefore(command == 'noderun' ? providedNode(current, this) : providedNode, current); const old = current; current = node; old.remove(); break; } case 'if': case 'ifrun': { let trueEl; let falseEl; if (current.firstElementChild == null || current.firstElementChild.nextSibling == null || current.firstElementChild.nextSibling.nextSibling != null) { throw new Error("Expected exactly two elements of if block, true and false: "+current); } if (current.firstElementChild.localName == 'true') { trueEl = current.firstElementChild; if (trueEl.nextSibling.localName != 'false') throw new Error("Expected false block, got "+trueEl.nextSibling); falseEl = trueEl.nextSibling; } else if (current.firstElementChild.localName == 'false') { falseEl = current.firstElementChild; if (falseEl.nextSibling.localName != 'true') throw new Error("Expected false block, got "+falseEl.nextSibling); trueEl = trueEl.nextSibling; } const conditionName = Js.nullElseThrow(current.getAttribute("condition"), () => new Error("Cannot find condition attribute in element: "+current)); const condition = Js.objGetElseThrow(placeholders, conditionName, () => new Error("Cannot find placeholder: "+conditionName)); const chosen = (command == 'ifrun' ? condition(current, this) : condition) ? trueEl : falseEl; let restart = chosen.firstElementChild; while (chosen.firstChild) { const next = chosen.firstChild; current.parentNode.insertBefore(next, current); } if (restart == null) { restart = current; do { if (restart.nextElementSibling != null) { restart = restart.nextElementSibling; break; } restart = restart.parentElement; } while (restart != null); } current.remove(); current = restart; continue; } default: throw new Error("Unexpected element: "+current); } } else { if (current.attributes.length != 0) { const names = []; for (let i = 0; i < current.attributes.length; ++i) { names.push(current.attributes[i].name); } names.forEach((name) => { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { const placeholder = current.getAttribute(name); current[name.substring(prefix.length)] = Js.objGetElseThrow(placeholders, placeholder, () => new Error("Cannot find placeholder: "+placeholder)); current.removeAttribute(name); } }); } if (current.firstElementChild != null) { current = current.firstElementChild; continue; } } do { if (current.nextElementSibling != null) { current = current.nextElementSibling; break; } current = current.parentElement; } while (current != null); } } return elements; } setVisible(element, isVisible, visibilityType = 'block') { = isVisible ? visibilityType : 'none'; return isVisible; } } /** * UI for Activity UI */ class ZbynekOkcupidQuestionPriorityUi { settingsDb; dwrapper; donateUrl = "¤cy_code=CAD&source=url"; questionPriorities; bodyEl; bodyObserver; questionsEl; questionsObserver; settingsEl; constructor(settingsDb, dwrapper) { this.settingsDb = settingsDb; this.dwrapper = dwrapper; } init() { this.initializeStatic(); this.initializeUi(); } initializeStatic() { GM_addStyle( ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-settings { }\n"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-settings .import-settings-dialog { }\n"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-settings .export-settings { }\n"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button { }\n"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button .updowndel { }"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button .rankind { }"+ ".zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button .priority { }" ); } initializeUi() { this.listenBody(); } reloadQuestionPriorities() { let savedPriorities = this.settingsDb.get("questionPriorities") || {}; this.questionPriorities = {}; (savedPriorities.upranked || []).forEach((name, i) => this.questionPriorities[name] = i+1); (savedPriorities.downranked || []).forEach((name, i) => this.questionPriorities[name] = -i-1); } listenBody() { if (this.questionsObserver) { this.questionsObserver.disconnect(); this.questionsObserver = null; } this.bodyEl = this.dwrapper.needXpathNode("/html/body", this.dwrapper.doc); this.questionsEl = null; this.bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(() => this.bodyUpdated()); this.bodyObserver.observe(this.bodyEl, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }); } bodyUpdated() { if (this.questionsEl != null) { if (!this.bodyEl.contains(this.questionsEl)) { this.questionsEl = null; this.questionsObserver.disconnect(); this.questionsObserver = null; } } if (this.questionsEl == null) { if ((this.questionsEl = this.dwrapper.findXpathNode("//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' profile-questions ')]", this.dwrapper.doc)) == null) { return; } if (this.questionsEl) { this.questionsObserver = new MutationObserver(() => this.updateQuestions()); this.questionsObserver.observe(this.questionsEl, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: false }); this.updateQuestions(); } } if (this.settingsEl != null) { if (!this.bodyEl.contains(this.settingsEl)) { this.settingsEl = null; } } if (this.settingsEl == null) { let leftMenuEl = this.dwrapper.findXpathNode("//div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), 'profile-questions-sidebar')]", this.dwrapper.doc); if (leftMenuEl == null) { return; } this.settingsEl = this.dwrapper.templateElement( ""+ "<div>\n"+ " <ul class='zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-settings'>\n"+ " <li>Zbynek Okcupid Settings</li>\n"+ " <li>\n"+ " <a pl$-onclick='importSettingsFunc'>Import Settings</a>\n"+ " <div class='import-settings-dialog' zIndex='32768' style='display: none;'>\n"+ " <textarea placeholder='Paste the dump here' rows='80' cols='20'></textarea>\n"+ " <button pl$-onclick='importSettingsSubmitFunc'>Ok</button>\n"+ " </div>\n"+ " </li>\n"+ " <li><a pl$-onclick='exportSettingsFunc'>Export Settings</a></li>\n"+ " <li><a pl$-href='donateUrl' target='_blank' title='Support further development by donating to project'>Donate to development</a></li>\n"+ " </ul>\n"+ "</div>", { enrichSegmentsFunc: (event) => this.enrichSegments(), importSettingsFunc: (event) => this.importSettings( this.dwrapper.needXpathNode("..//*[@class = 'import-settings-dialog']", event.currentTarget, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE), this.dwrapper.needXpathNode("..//*[@class = 'import-settings-dialog']//textarea", event.currentTarget, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE) ), importSettingsSubmitFunc: (event) => this.dwrapper.evaluate("..//textarea", event.currentTarget, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE).singleNodeValue.confirmHandler(), exportSettingsFunc: () => this.exportSettings(), donateUrl: this.donateUrl, }, "pl$-" ); leftMenuEl.append(this.settingsEl); } } updateQuestions() { GM_log("questions updated"); const questions = this.dwrapper.listXpath("./*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), 'profile-question')]", this.questionsEl); for (let i = 0; i < questions.length; ++i) { let questionEl = questions[i]; let extensionButton = this.dwrapper.findXpathNode("./button[@class = 'zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button']", questionEl); if (extensionButton == null) { extensionButton = this.dwrapper.templateElement( ""+ "<button class='zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button'>\n"+ " <span pl$-onclick='upHandler' class='updowndel'>⇧</span>\n"+ " <span pl$-onclick='downHandler' class='updowndel'>⇩</span>\n"+ " <span pl$-onclick='removeHandler' class='updowndel'>✖</span>\n"+ " <span class='rankind'></span>\n"+ "</button>"+ "", { upHandler: (event) => this.upQuestion(event), downHandler: (event) => this.downQuestion(event), removeHandler: (event) => this.removeQuestion(event), }, "pl$-" ); questionEl.appendChild(extensionButton); this.rehiearchizeQuestion(questionEl, null); } } } importSettings(dialog, input) { = 'block'; input.confirmHandler = () => { try { this.settingsDb.import(input.value); this.reloadQuestionPriorities(); const questions = this.dwrapper.listXpath("./*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' profile-question ') and not contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' isLoading ')]", this.questionsEl); for (let i = 0; i < questions.length; ++i) { let questionEl = questions[i]; let extensionButton = this.dwrapper.findXpathNode("./button[@class = 'zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button']", questionEl); if (extensionButton) { extensionButton.remove(); } } this.updateQuestions(); } catch (err) { alert("Failed to parse data from clipboard, please make sure you copied preference dump correctly: "+err); } = 'none'; } } exportSettings() { GM_setClipboard(this.settingsDb.dump()); alert("Preference dump was copied into clipboard"); } findQuestionPriority(questionContent) { if (!this.questionPriorities) { this.reloadQuestionPriorities(); } return this.questionPriorities[questionContent] || 0; } removeOldPriority(prio) { for (let x in this.questionPriorities) { if (this.questionPriorities[x] == prio) { delete this.questionPriorities[x]; } if ((prio > 0 && this.questionPriorities[x] > prio) || (prio < 0 && this.questionPriorities[x] < prio)) { this.questionPriorities[x] -= prio > 0 ? 1 : -1; } } } insertNewPriority(key, prio) { let min = 0, max = 0; for (let x in this.questionPriorities) { if ((prio > 0 && this.questionPriorities[x] >= prio) || (prio < 0 && this.questionPriorities[x] <= prio)) { if (prio > 0) { max = Math.max(max, ++this.questionPriorities[x]); } else { min = Math.min(min, --this.questionPriorities[x]); } } } this.questionPriorities[key] = prio > 0 ? (prio > max+1 ? max+1 : prio) : (prio < min-1 ? min-1 : prio); } updateQuestionPriority(questionContent, priorityChange) { // this is super underoptimal but we can afford it, given amount of updates: this.reloadQuestionPriorities(); let oldPrio = this.findQuestionPriority(questionContent); let newPrio = priorityChange != 0 ? oldPrio+priorityChange : 0; this.removeOldPriority(oldPrio); if (newPrio != 0) { this.insertNewPriority(questionContent, newPrio); } let savedPriorities = { upranked: [], downranked: [], }; for (const [ k, v ] of Object.entries(this.questionPriorities)) { if (v > 0) { savedPriorities.upranked[v-1] = k; } else { savedPriorities.downranked[-v-1] = k; } } this.settingsDb.put("questionPriorities", savedPriorities); return newPrio; } readQuestionContent(questionEl) { return this.dwrapper.needXpathString(".//*[@class = 'profile-question-text']/text()", questionEl); } readQuestionElement(questionEl) { return { element: questionEl, rankInd: this.dwrapper.needXpathNode(".//button[@class = 'zbynek-okcupid-questions-priority-button']/span[@class = 'rankind']", questionEl), content: this.readQuestionContent(questionEl), }; } comparePriorities(pl, pr) { return pr-pl; } isQuestionPredicate(el) { return el.classList.contains("profile-question"); } rehiearchizeQuestion(questionEl, priorityChange) { let q = this.readQuestionElement(questionEl); let newPrio = priorityChange === null ? this.findQuestionPriority(q.content) : this.updateQuestionPriority(q.content, priorityChange); { let p; for (p = this.dwrapper.previousMatchingElementSibling(questionEl, this.isQuestionPredicate); p != null && this.comparePriorities(this.findQuestionPriority(this.readQuestionContent(p)), newPrio) > 0; p = this.dwrapper.previousMatchingElementSibling(p, this.isQuestionPredicate)) ; if (p != this.dwrapper.previousMatchingElementSibling(questionEl, this.isQuestionPredicate)) { const parent = questionEl.parentElement; parent.removeChild(questionEl); if (p == null) { parent.insertBefore(questionEl, parent.firstElementChild); } else { this.dwrapper.insertAfter(questionEl, p); } } } { let n; for (n = this.dwrapper.nextMatchingElementSibling(questionEl, this.isQuestionPredicate); n != null && this.comparePriorities(this.findQuestionPriority(this.readQuestionContent(n)), newPrio) < 0; n = this.dwrapper.nextMatchingElementSibling(n, this.isQuestionPredicate)) ; if (n != this.dwrapper.nextMatchingElementSibling(questionEl, this.isQuestionPredicate)) { const parent = questionEl.parentElement; parent.removeChild(questionEl); parent.insertBefore(questionEl, n); } } q.rankInd.textContent = newPrio != 0 ? newPrio > 0 ? "upranked" : "downranked" : "not-ranked"; } eventRehiearchizeQuestion(event, priorityChange) { const questionEl = this.dwrapper.needXpathNode("ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' profile-question ')]", event.currentTarget); this.rehiearchizeQuestion(questionEl, priorityChange); } upQuestion(event) { this.eventRehiearchizeQuestion(event, +1); } downQuestion(event) { this.eventRehiearchizeQuestion(event, -1); } removeQuestion(event) { this.eventRehiearchizeQuestion(event, 0); } } if (true /* /^\/profile\/\d+\/questions\/?$/.test(window.location.pathname) */) { new ZbynekOkcupidQuestionPriorityUi( new GlobalDbStorageCache(window.localStorage, "ZbynekOkcupidInfo.questionPriority", 1, null), new HtmlWrapper(document) ) .init(); } else { GM_log("Failed to match URL to known pattern, ignoring: "+window.location.pathname); } })();