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// ==UserScript== // @name bilibili订阅+ // @namespace // @version 0.7.9 // @description bilibili导航添加订阅按钮以及订阅列表 // @author tyx1703 // @license MIT // @noframes // @require // @match ** // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // ==/UserScript== (async function () { const DedeUserID = getCookie("DedeUserID"); const loginStatus = DedeUserID !== ""; if (!loginStatus) { log("少侠请先登录~ 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~"); return; } const PER_PAGE = 15; try { const lastPopoverButton = await getLastPopoverButton(); const subscribeMenuEl = document.createElement("li"); subscribeMenuEl.setAttribute("id", "subscribe"); lastPopoverButton.after(subscribeMenuEl); const getBangumis = (page) => { return fetch( `//${page}&ps=${PER_PAGE}&vmid=${DedeUserID}`, { method: "GET", credentials: "include", } ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => .then(({ list, }) => { return { list: => ({ ...item, id: item.media_id })),, }; }); }; const getCinemas = (page) => { return fetch( `//${page}&ps=${PER_PAGE}&vmid=${DedeUserID}`, { method: "GET", credentials: "include", } ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => .then(({ list, }) => { return { list: => ({ ...item, id: item.media_id })),, }; }); }; const getFloowings = (page) => { return fetch( `//${page}&ps=${PER_PAGE}&vmid=${DedeUserID}&order=desc`, { method: "GET", credentials: "include", } ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => { return { list: => ({ ...item, id: item.mid, })), total:, pn: page, }; }); }; const VideoItem = { props: ["item"], computed: { coverURL() { return this.item.cover.replace("http:", ""); }, }, template: ` <a target="_blank" class="header-history-card header-history-video" :href="item.url" > <div class="header-history-video__image"> <picture class="v-img"> <source :srcset="coverURL + '@256w_144h_1c.webp'" type="image/webp" /> <img :src="coverURL + '@256w_144h_1c'" /> </picture> <div class="header-history-live__tag header-history-live__tag--red" v-if="item?.new_ep?.index_show ?? false" > <span class="header-history-live__tag--text"> {{item.new_ep.index_show}} </span> </div> </div> <div class="header-history-card__info"> <div :title="item.title" class="header-history-card__info--title"> {{item.title}} </div> <div class="header-history-card__info--date"> <span>{{item.time}}</span> </div> <div class="header-history-card__info--name"> <span>{{item?.new_ep?.long_title ?? '' }}</span> </div> </div> </a> `, }; const UserItem = { props: ["item"], computed: { spaceURL() { return `${this.item.mid}`; }, avatarURL() { return this.item.face.replace("http:", ""); }, }, template: ` <a target="_blank" class="header-history-card header-history-video" :href="spaceURL" > <div class="header-history-video__image"> <picture class="v-img""> <source :srcset="avatarURL + '@256w_144h_1c.webp'" type="image/webp" /> <img :src="avatarURL + '@256w_144h_1c'" /> </picture> </div> <div class="header-history-card__info"> <div :title="item.title" class="header-history-card__info--title"> {{item.uname}} </div> <div class="header-history-card__info--name"> <span>{{item.sign }}</span> </div> </div> </a> `, }; new Vue({ el: subscribeMenuEl, components: { VideoItem, UserItem }, data() { return { isPanelVisible: false, loading: false, inLeaveAnimation: false, activeTab: "bangumis", tabs: [ { key: "bangumis", name: "追番" }, { key: "cinemas", name: "追剧" }, { key: "floowings", name: "关注" }, ], dataset: { bangumis: { list: [], total: 0, page: 0, component: "VideoItem", }, cinemas: { list: [], total: 0, page: 0, component: "VideoItem", }, floowings: { list: [], total: 0, page: 0, component: "UserItem", }, }, }; }, created() { this.load(); }, computed: { list() { return this.dataset[this.activeTab].list; }, total() { return this.dataset[this.activeTab].total; }, page() { return this.dataset[this.activeTab].page; }, tabComponent() { return this.dataset[this.activeTab].component; }, }, methods: { async load() { const tab = this.activeTab; let request; if (tab === "bangumis") { request = getBangumis; } if (tab === "cinemas") { request = getCinemas; } if (tab === "floowings") { request = getFloowings; } try { this.loading = true; const { list, total, pn } = await request( + 1); this.dataset[tab].list = [...this.dataset[tab].list, ...list]; this.dataset[tab].total = total; this.dataset[tab].page = pn; } catch (error) { throw error; } finally { this.loading = false; } }, changeTabHandler(tab) { this.activeTab = tab.key; if (this.list.length <= 0) { this.load(); } }, onMouseoverHandler() { if (!this.inLeaveAnimation) { this.isPanelVisible = true; } }, onMouseleaveHandler() { this.isPanelVisible = false; }, onContentBeforeLeaveHandler() { this.inLeaveAnimation = true; }, onContentAfterLeaveHandler() { this.inLeaveAnimation = false; }, onScrollHandler() { const panelContent = this.$refs.panelContent; if ( !this.loading && this.list.length < && panelContent.scrollHeight - panelContent.scrollTop - 50 <= panelContent.clientHeight ) { this.load(); } }, }, template: ` <li class="v-popover-wrap" @mouseover="onMouseoverHandler" @mouseleave="onMouseleaveHandler" > <a href="//" target="_blank" class="right-entry__outside" > <svg class="right-entry-icon" viewBox="0 0 1182 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="2974" xmlns:xlink="" width="20" height="21"><path d="M1088.792893 96.259987A330.610168 330.610168 0 0 0 622.44343 96.259987l-31.600682 31.600683L560.199662 96.259987A330.370769 330.370769 0 0 0 93.132002 96.259987c-128.557321 128.557321-121.854146 345.692312 6.703175 474.249634l23.939911 23.939911 401.472304 402.429901a92.886854 92.886854 0 0 0 131.190712 0L1058.149807 595.167729l23.939911-23.939911c128.317922-128.317922 135.260496-345.452913 6.703175-474.967831z m-23.939911 247.299279a220.486579 220.486579 0 0 1-66.313553 140.527277l-25.136906 26.333902-383.038573 383.038573-383.038573-383.038573-24.41871-25.376306a220.725978 220.725978 0 0 1-66.552952-140.527276A210.671215 210.671215 0 0 1 340.191882 120.199898a219.528982 219.528982 0 0 1 140.527276 67.031751l25.615705 25.376305L550.623698 256.896789l63.201364 63.201365a62.483167 62.483167 0 1 0 88.338271-88.57767l-22.742915-23.939911 26.8127-25.615705a210.671215 210.671215 0 0 1 359.098662 162.551995z" fill="currentColor" p-id="2975"></path><path d="M249.030112 413.615829m42.320183-42.320184l0 0q42.320183-42.320183 84.640366 0l107.323985 107.323985q42.320183 42.320183 0 84.640367l0 0q-42.320183 42.320183-84.640367 0l-107.323984-107.323985q-42.320183-42.320183 0-84.640367Z" fill="currentColor" p-id="2976"></path></svg> <span class="right-entry-text">订阅</span> </a> <transition name="v-popover_bottom" enter-active-class="v-popover_bottom-enter-from" leave-active-class="v-popover_bottom-leave-from" @before-leave="onContentBeforeLeaveHandler" @after-leave="onContentAfterLeaveHandler" > <div v-show="isPanelVisible" class="v-popover is-bottom" style="padding-top: 15px; margin-left: -50px;" > <div class="v-popover-content"> <div class="history-panel-popover"> <div class="header-tabs-panel"> <div v-for="tab in tabs" :key="tab.key" class="header-tabs-panel__item" :class="{'header-tabs-panel__item--active': activeTab === tab.key }" @click="changeTabHandler(tab)" >{{}}</div> </div> <div class="header-tabs-panel__content" ref="panelContent" @scroll="onScrollHandler"> <component :is="tabComponent" v-for="item in list" :item="item" :key="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </transition> </li> `, }); } catch (error) { log(error); } function getLastPopoverButton(count = 1) { if (count >= 30) { return Promise.reject("获取顶部按列表超时"); } return new Promise((resolve) => { const popoverButtons = document.body.querySelectorAll( ".bili-header .bili-header__bar .right-entry>.v-popover-wrap" ); if (popoverButtons.length) { resolve(popoverButtons[popoverButtons.length - 1]); return; } setTimeout(() => { resolve(getLastPopoverButton(count++)); }, 100); }); } /** * Get cookie by name * @param {string} name */ function getCookie(name) { const value = "; " + document.cookie; let parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) { return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); } return ""; } /** * print something in console with custom style * @param {*} stuff */ function log(stuff) { console.log( "%cbilibili订阅+:", "background: #f25d8e; border-radius: 3px; color: #fff; padding: 0 8px", stuff ); } })();