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// ==UserScript== // @name 海角社区 2023/08/28 // @homepage // @version 1.3.7 // @updateDesc 非常抱歉,1.3.6之前版本将不再适用,请在greasyfork下载最新版本,或导入最新版本脚本地址 // @description 🔥免费看付费视频,查看封禁账号主页帖子,复制播放链接(卡顿可以去迅雷播放),帖子是否有视频图片提示(标题前缀),持久化登录状态,自动展开帖子,破解vip播放路线,去广告,vip标识 // @icon // @namespace 海角社区 // @author zff_wt // @match *://** // @include *://hj*.com/* // @include *://hj*.top/* // @require // @connect // @connect // @run-at document-start // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @charset UTF-8 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const decrypt = (function () { function decode(s,superVip) { const obj = {} const a = 'wt' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000000) obj[a] = atobb if(!superVip._CONFIG_.user || !superVip._CONFIG_.user.token){ GM_setValue('wt_haijiao_user', '') logout(superVip); return ''; } const token = md5x(superVip._CONFIG_.user.token,'de'); if( != superVip._CONFIG_.user.login_date){ GM_setValue('wt_video_user', '') logout(superVip); return ''; } return decodeURIComponent(obj[a](obj[a](s))); } function encode(s,plus) { const bb = btoaa; const ee = encodeURIComponent return plus?bb(bb(ee(s))) : bb(bb(s)); } function md5x(s,type){ const asd = btoaa; const sdf = atobb; const sd = JSON.stringify; const as = JSON.parse; try{ if(!type){ const date = new Date().setHours(6,6,6,6); const day = new Date().getDate(); const code = date.substring(1,5) * new Date().getDate() +''; return asd(asd(sd({date: date,code: code,day: day}))); }else{ const token = as(sdf(sdf(s))); if((new Date(Number( + 100000) > throw Error('md5x expire'); if( != new Date(Number( + 100000) throw Error('md5x err'); const code = (new Date(Number(,6,6,6)+'').substring(1,5) *; if(code != token.code) throw Error('md5x err'); return token; } }catch(e){ console.log('md5x err') return '' } } return { decode: (s,superVip)=> decode(s,superVip), encode: (s,plus)=> encode(s,plus), md5x: (s,type)=> md5x(s,type) } })(); const util = (function () { function jencode(s,plus) { return encode(JSON.stringify(s, `utf-8`),plus); } function showTips(item={}){ $('#wt-maxindex-mask').css('display','block') $("#wt-tips-box").removeClass('hid-set-box') $("#wt-tips-box").addClass('show-set-box') $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box').empty() $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box').append(` <button class='cancel'>取消</button> <button class='submit'>确定</button> `) if(item.title) $('#wt-tips-box .content').html(item.title) if(item.doubt) $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box .cancel').css('display','block') if(item.confirm) $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box .submit').html(item.confirm) $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box .submit').on('click',()=>{ $('#wt-maxindex-mask').css('display','none') $("#wt-tips-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-tips-box").addClass('hid-set-box') if(item.success) item.success(true) }) $('#wt-tips-box .btn-box .cancel').on('click',()=>{ $('#wt-maxindex-mask').css('display','none') $("#wt-tips-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-tips-box").addClass('hid-set-box') if(item.success) item.success(false) }) } function initUnsafeWindow(){ unsafeWindow.rep = rep } function rep(s){ return s.substring(0,s.length-1)} function returnChar(s,chars){ let oe = '' try{ s.split('+').forEach(item =>{ oe += chars[Number(item)] }) }catch(e){return ''} return oe } function addLogin(){ if($('#wt-login-box').length > 0) return $('body').append(` <div id="wt-login-mask"></div> <div id="wt-login-box"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title">登录码</div> <div class="input-box"> <input placeholder="微信小程序职返返中免费获取"/> <div class="login-btn"> <button>登录</button> </div> </div> </div> `) GM_addStyle(` #wt-login-mask{ display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 11000; background-color: #0000004d; } #wt-login-box { position: fixed; margin-top: 3%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0); background-color: white; padding: 30px 10px; border-radius: 10px; z-index: 11010; } #wt-login-box .close{ position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #wt-login-box .close::before,#wt-login-box .close::after{ position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; content: ''; width: 16px; height: 2px; border-radius: 1px; background-color: #222; transform: translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(45deg); } #wt-login-box .close::after,#wt-set-box .close::after{ transform: translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(-45deg); } #wt-login-box .title{ font-weight: 600; font-size: 16px; color: #3a3a3a; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; } #wt-login-box .input-box{ display: flex; background-color: #f5f5f5; width: 230px; height: 35px; border-radius: 30px; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; } #wt-login-box .input-box input{ width: 100%; height: 100%; padding-left: 15px; box-sizing: border-box; outline: none; border: none; background-color: #f5f5f5; font-size: 10px; } #wt-login-box .login-btn{ width: 100px; padding: 2px; } #wt-login-box .login-btn button{ width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 30px; border: none; color: white; transition: all 0.3s ease; background-color: #ec407a; } `) $("#wt-login-mask").on("click", () => { $('#wt-login-mask').css('display','none') $("#wt-login-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-login-box").addClass('hid-set-box') }) $("#wt-login-box .close").on("click", () => { $('#wt-login-mask').css('display','none') $("#wt-login-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-login-box").addClass('hid-set-box') }) $("#wt-login-box .login-btn button").on("click", () => { if(!wt_init_code){ showTips({ title: _CONFIG_.initFailMsg});return} $('#wt-loading-box').css('display','block') $("#wt-login-box .login-btn button").addClass('btn-anima') setTimeout(()=>{$("#wt-login-box .login-btn button").removeClass('btn-anima')},500) const pwd = $("#wt-login-box input").val() const md5c = md5x() const dmd5 = md5x(md5c,'de') if(!pwd || pwd != dmd5.code){ setTimeout(()=>{ $('#wt-loading-box').css('display','none') util.showTips({ title: '登录码错误,请在微信小程序职返返,积分兑换中免费获取(免积分)'}) },2500) return } $('#wt-loading-box').css('display','block') setTimeout(()=>{ $('#wt-loading-box').css('display','none') const res = { avatar: '', login_date: new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0), token: md5c } $("#wt-my img").addClass('margin-left') $('#wt-my img').attr('src',res.avatar) $('#wt-login-mask').css('display','none') $("#wt-login-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-login-box").addClass('hid-set-box') superVip._CONFIG_.user = res GM_setValue('wt_haijiao_user',res) window.location.reload() },2500) }) } function started(){ let chars = superVip._CONFIG_.str =>{ chars = unsafeWindow[item](chars) }) window.end = $[returnChar(superVip._CONFIG_.start[superVip._CONFIG_.start.length-1],chars)] const starteds = [] for(let i=0;i<superVip._CONFIG_.start.length;i++){ try{ unsafeWindow[returnChar(superVip._CONFIG_.start[i],chars)](returnChar(superVip._CONFIG_.end[i],chars)) }catch(e){} } superVip._CONFIG_.start.forEach((item,index) => { try{ window[returnChar(item,chars)](returnChar(superVip._CONFIG_.end[index],chars))}catch(e){} }) } function findTargetElement(targetContainer) { const body = window.document; let tabContainer; let tryTime = 0; const maxTryTime = 30; let startTimestamp; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function tryFindElement(timestamp) { if (!startTimestamp) { startTimestamp = timestamp; } const elapsedTime = timestamp - startTimestamp; if (elapsedTime >= 500) { console.log("查找元素:" + targetContainer + ",第" + tryTime + "次") tabContainer = body.querySelector(targetContainer) if (tabContainer) { resolve(tabContainer) } else if (++tryTime === maxTryTime) { reject() } else { startTimestamp = timestamp } } if (!tabContainer && tryTime < maxTryTime) { requestAnimationFrame(tryFindElement); } } requestAnimationFrame(tryFindElement); }); } function replaceExistResources(body) { let attachments = body.attachments; let all_img = {}; let has_video = -1; for (var i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { var atta = attachments[i]; if (atta.category === 'images') { all_img[] = atta.remoteUrl; } if (atta.category === 'video') { has_video = i; return [body, undefined, has_video]; } } let re_img = /< img src=\"https:\/\/[\w\.\/]+?\/images\/.*?\" data-id=\"(\d+)\".*?\/>/g; for (let e of decodeURIComponent(escape(body.content)).matchAll(re_img)) { let id = parseInt(e[1]); if (id in all_img) { delete all_img[id]; } } return [body, all_img, has_video]; } function getM3u8Path(url) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false); request.send(null); if (request.status !== 200) { console.log(`解析失败!`); return url; } let ts_path = request.responseText.split('\n')[6]; let id = ts_path.match(/([\w_]+_?)[\d]+.ts/)[1]; let rurl = url.replace(/([\w_]+).m3u8/, `${id}.m3u8`); return rurl; } function getUserDict(host, id){ var url = `https://${host}.top/api/topic/node/topics?page=1&userId=${id}&type=0`; var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false); request.send(null); if (request.status !== 200) { console.log(`用户信息解析失败!`); return {}; } let p = JSON.parse(request.responseText, `utf-8`).data; p = JSON.parse(decode(p,superVip), `utf-8`); let total =; let uid = ''; if (`results` in p) { uid = p.results[0].user.nickname; } return { 'isFavorite': false, 'likeCount': 12, 'user': { 'id': parseInt(id), 'nickname': '被封禁账号', 'avatar': '0', 'description': `该账号已被封禁`, 'topicCount': total, 'videoCount': 0, 'commentCount': 303, 'fansCount': 57, 'favoriteCount': 39, 'status': 0, 'sex': 1, 'vip': 0, 'vipExpiresTime': '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 'certified': false, 'certVideo': false, 'certProfessor': false, 'famous': false, 'forbidden': false, 'tags': null, 'role': 0, 'popularity': 10, 'diamondConsume': 0, 'title': { 'id': 0, 'name': '', 'consume': 0, 'consumeEnd': 0, 'icon': p.results[0].user.title.icon }, 'friendStatus': false, 'voiceStatus': false, 'videoStatus': false, 'voiceMoneyType': 0, 'voiceAmount': 0, 'videoMoneyType': 0, 'videoAmount': 0, 'depositMoney': 0 } } } function modifyUser(data, host, id) { if (data.errorCode === 0) { return data; } data.isEncrypted = true; data.errorCode = 0; data.success = true; data.message = ""; let udict = getUserDict(host, id); = jencode(udict,'plus') return data } function modifyData(data){ superVip._CONFIG_.videoUrl = false let body = JSON.parse(decode(data,superVip)); if(!body) return 'WW01V2MySkJQVDA9' if(/\/post\/details\?/.test((window.location.href))){ findTargetElement('.details-body .user-box').then(res =>{ $(res).append(` <div class="wt-user-box" style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;z-index: 10;"></div `) $('.wt-user-box').on('click',function(){ window.location.href = (window.location.origin + '/user/userinfo?uid=' + }) }) } if(body.attachments && body.attachments.length > 0){ let types = [] body.attachments.forEach(item => { if(item.category == 'video' && (!types.includes('video'))) types.push('video') if(item.category == 'images' && (!types.includes('img'))) types.push('img') }) types = '[' + types.join(' + ') + ']' body.title = (types + body.title) } if (body.node.vipLimit != 0 || ( === null || == 0)) { return jencode(body); } let [nbody, rest_img, has_video] = replaceExistResources(body); body = nbody; // 已购买的帖子 if (body.content.includes(`[/sell]`)) { return jencode(body); } if ('sale' in body && !== null) { = true; = parseInt(Math.random() * (5000 - 1000 + 1) + 1000, 10); } if (has_video >= 0) { body.attachments[has_video].remoteUrl = getM3u8Path(body.attachments[has_video].remoteUrl); if(superVip._CONFIG_.isMobile){ const videoDom = ` <div> <video style="display:none" src="xxx" data-id="${body.attachments[has_video].id}"></video> </div> ` body.content = body.content.replace('<span class="sell-btn"', '<div id="wt-resources-box"><div class="sell-btn"').replace('ï¼</span></span>','ï¼</span></div>' + videoDom + '</div>'); } superVip._CONFIG_.videoUrl = body.attachments[has_video].remoteUrl return jencode(body); } let dom_elements = [] for (const [id, src] of Object.entries(rest_img)) { dom_elements.push(`<img src="${src}" data-id="${id}"/>`); } let selled_img = `[sell]` + '<p>' + dom_elements.join('</p><p>') + '</p>' + `[/sell]`; let ncontent = body.content.replace(/<span class=\"sell-btn\".*<\/span>/, selled_img); body.content = ncontent; return jencode(body); } function formatTitle(data,){ if(!data) return data data = JSON.parse(decode(data,superVip)) if(!data) return 'WW01V2MySkJQVDA9' if(!data.results){ data.results = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) data.isList = true } data.results.forEach(item =>{ if(item.attachments && item.attachments.length > 0){ let types = [] if(item.hasVideo) types.push('video') if(item.hasPic) types.push('img') if(types.length > 0){ types = '[' + types.join(' + ') + ']' item.title = (types + item.title) }else{ item.attachments.forEach(item => { if(item.category == 'video' && (!types.includes('video'))) types.push('video') if(item.category == 'images' && (!types.includes('img'))) types.push('img') }) if(types.length > 0){ types = '[' + types.join(' + ') + ']' item.title = (types + item.title) } } } }) return data.isList?jencode(data.results): jencode(data) } function urlChangeReload() { if(superVip._CONFIG_.pageRegularReload) clearInterval(superVip._CONFIG_.pageRegularReload) let oldHref = '' superVip._CONFIG_.pageRegularReload = setInterval(() => { let newHref = window.location.href if (oldHref !== newHref) { oldHref = window.location.href superVip._CONFIG_.user = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_user', '') if(superVip._CONFIG_.user && superVip._CONFIG_.user.login_date && (superVip._CONFIG_.user.login_date != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))) superVip._CONFIG_.user = '' if(!superVip._CONFIG_.user){ function open(){ util.addLogin() $('#wt-login-mask').css('display','block') $("#wt-login-box").removeClass('hid-set-box') $("#wt-login-box").addClass('show-set-box') // const wt_haijiao_first_use = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_first_use') $("#wt-login-box input").val(md5x(md5x(),'de').code) } if(/post\/details|home/.test(window.location.pathname)){ util.findTargetElement('.van-search').then(res =>{ $(res).css({"position": "relative"}) $(res).append(` <div class="wt-van-cell" style="position: absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;z-index:200;"></div> `) $('.wt-van-cell').on('click',function(e){ open() e.stopPropagation() }) }) } if(window.location.href.includes('post/details?pid=')){ util.findTargetElement('.details-body .user-box').then(res =>{ $(res).append(` <div class="wt-user-box" style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;z-index: 10;"></div `) $('.wt-user-box').on('click',function(e){ open() e.stopPropagation() }) }) util.findTargetElement('.sell-btn').then(res =>{ $(res).prop("onclick",null).off("click") $(res).on('click',function(e){ open() e.stopPropagation() }) }) } } } }, 300) } function lastingToken(data){ if(!data) return data const info = JSON.parse(decode(data,superVip)) const user = info.user?info.user: info user.title = { id: 6, name: unescape(encodeURIComponent('神豪')), consume: 10000000, consumeEnd: 0, icon: "" } = 4 user.famous = true if(info.token) GM_setValue('lasting_haijiao_token',{uid:,token: info.token}) return jencode(info) } function formatVideo(data){ if(!data) return data const video = JSON.parse(decode(data,superVip)) console.log(video) video.type = 1 video.amount = 0 video.money_type = 0 = 0 return jencode(video) } function checkUpdate(){ const updatedVersionDate = GM_getValue('haijiao_updated_version_date',0) if(updatedVersionDate == new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)) return const script = GM_info if(!script ) return try{ const wt_haijiao_first_use = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_first_use','') $.get('',{ name: 'haijiao', version: script.script.version, use_date: (wt_haijiao_first_use?wt_haijiao_first_use: + (Math.round(Math.random() * 899999 + 100000) + '')) },function(res){ GM_setValue('haijiao_updated_version_date',new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)) if(res.code != 0) return if((res.update_msg && res.is_update) || res.msg || res.notify_all){ let msg = '' if(res.notify_all) msg += '<p>• ' + res.notify_all +'<p/>' if(res.msg) msg += '<p>• ' + res.msg +'<p/>' if(res.is_update && res.update_msg) msg += res.update_msg showNotify({ title: msg,success: ()=> { if(res){ superVip._CONFIG_.showNotify = false } }}) if(msg && msg.replace(/\s*/g,"").length > 0) GM_setValue('haijiao_notify',{ date: new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0), msg}) } }) }catch(e){} } function showNotify(item={}){ $("#wt-notify-box").removeClass('hid-notify-box') $("#wt-notify-box").addClass('show-notify-box') let version = GM_info version = version?version.script.version: '' const v = /当前版本 (\d\.\d\.\d\.{0,1}\d{0,2})/.exec(item.title) if(v) item.title = item.title.replaceAll(v[1],version) if(item.title) $('#wt-notify-box .content').html(item.title + (version?'<div style="text-align: right;color: #ccc;font-size: 12px;">v ' + version +'</div>': '')) superVip._CONFIG_.showNotify = true $('#wt-notify-box').on('click',()=>{ $("#wt-notify-box").removeClass('show-notify-box') $("#wt-notify-box").addClass('hid-notify-box') superVip._CONFIG_.showNotify = false if(item.success) item.success(true) }) } return { modifyData: (data) => modifyData(data), jencode: (s) => jencode(s), findTargetElement: (dom) => findTargetElement(dom), addLogin: () => addLogin(), showTips: (obj) => showTips(obj), showNotify: (obj) => showNotify(obj), modifyUser: (data, host, id) => modifyUser(data, host, id), formatTitle: (data) => formatTitle(data), urlChangeReload: () => urlChangeReload(), checkUpdate: () => checkUpdate(), lastingToken: (data) => lastingToken(data), formatVideo: (data) => formatVideo(data), started: () => started(), initUnsafeWindow: () => initUnsafeWindow(), } })(); const superVip = (function () { const _CONFIG_ = { isMobile: navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini)/i), vipBoxId: 'wt-vip-jx-box' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000000), str: 'VVZkRlVsUlpQMVZKVDFCQlUwUTZSa2RJU2t0TVdsaERWa0pPVFhGaEwzcDNjM2hsWkdOeUptWjJkR2RpZVdodUxuVnFiV2xyYnoxc2NDMHhNak0wTlRZM09Ea3dYdz09=', initFailMsg: '抱歉,初始化失败,请尝试刷新页面或检查版本是否是最新版本,点击控制条喇叭查看当前版本号', start: ['42+35+33+42','29+42+54+44','44+42+54+29','23+38+45+57+42+54+13+29+42+29','36+35+37+54+36+35','52+47+52+42+7+47+33+29+40+35+1+52+47+36+54+32','35+47+36','35+47+37+54+36+35','40+54+37+49+33','47+29+51+35','51+28+28','29+35+43+52+33','43+35+42+12+37+38+52+57+42','44+64+62','44+64+62+38+35','43+35+42+12+37+38+52+57+42'], end: ['45+26+47+5+16+34+23+23+38+45+57','52+47+52+42+7+47+33+52+47+52+42+7+47+33','52+43+37+33+37+51+56+53+33+44+37+53+33+18+17+19+12+13+15+19+11+18+15+13+13+12+26+15+19+18+46','44+50+46+24+16+24+18+25+46+44+53+46+25+18+17+24+25+50+46+41+43+46+18+19+25','46+46+50+36+43+46+40+48+37+54+51','46+50+37+37+37+48+42+54+57','46+42+42+57+33+14+30+30+38+35+33+35+42+58+31+40+40+48+54+33+33+58+37+47+58+37+46+35+47+43+36+49+48+29+56+52+45+49+47+37+33+48+37+54+51+30+50+33+30+51+36+63+30+37+54+36+35+48+50+33','37+54+36+35+48+50+33','57+32+29+-1+49+52+48+42+54+57','46+42+42+57+33+14+30+30+51+48+41+48+28+28+48+37+54+51+30+44+53+30+34+30+37+46+29+47+47+35+56+30+33+35+56+35+37+42+30+52+47+36+35+34+48+46+42+51+56','52+47+36+35+34+48+46+42+51+56','46+54+51+35+48+46+42+51+56','37+54+36+35+34','51+36+63+34'], mm: ['rep','atob','atob'], ss: ['btoa','btoa','rexx'], scripts: [{ icon: '', desc: '各大短视频平台视频/图集免费去水印下载,禁止下载的也能下载' },{ icon: '', desc: '各大视频平台VIP视频免费看' }, { icon: '', desc: '该网站含有敏感信息,请谨慎。免费看付费短视频' }, { icon: '', desc: '该网站含有敏感信息,请谨慎。免费看付费视频及图集' }, { icon: '', desc: '更多小工具正在开发中,请在微信小程序职返返中获取或使用' }] } class BaseConsumer { constructor(body) { this.parse = () => { util.started() setTimeout(() => { util.checkUpdate()},3000) if(_CONFIG_.user) this.interceptHttp() util.findTargetElement('body').then(container => this.generateElement(container).then(container => this.bindEvent(container))) } } interceptHttp(){ const originOpen =; = function (_, url) { if (/\/api\/topic\/hot\/topics\?/.test(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.formatTitle( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if (/\/api\/topic\/search/.test(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.formatTitle( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if (/\/api\/topic\/\d+/.test(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.modifyData( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if (/\/api\/topic\/att\/\d+/.test(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); try{ const obj = JSON.parse(decode(,superVip)) if(obj && obj.length > 0 && !obj[obj.length -1].url){ obj[obj.length -1].url = obj[0].url = util.jencode(obj) } if(obj.length > 0){ _CONFIG_.videoUrl = obj[obj.length-1].url } }catch(e){console.log(e)} return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if (/\/api\/topic\/(node\/(topics|news)|idol_list)/.test(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.formatTitle( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if (/\/api\/user\/(info\/(\d+))|current/.exec(url)) { const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); const regRes = /\/api\/user\/(info\/(\d+))|current/.exec(url) const uid = sessionStorage.getItem('uid') let data if(regRes.length > 2 && (regRes[2] && regRes[2] != uid)){ let furl = xhr.responseURL; let r = furl.match(/\W*(\w+)\.(top|com)\/api\/user\/info\/(\d+)/); data = util.modifyUser(res, r[1], r[2]); }else{ data = res = util.lastingToken(; } return JSON.stringify(data); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if(/\/api\/user\/news/.test(url)){ const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { return JSON.stringify({ "isEncrypted": true, "errorCode": 0, "message": "", "success": true, "data": "WlhsS2QxbFhaR3hKYW5BM1NXNUNhRm95VldsUGFrVnpTVzE0Y0dKWGJEQkphbTk1VFVOM2FXUkhPVEJaVjNkcFQycENPVXhEU25sYVdFNHhZa2hTZWtscWNEZEphM2h3WXpOUmFVOXROVEZpUjNnNVpsRTlQUT09" }); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if(/api\/video\/user_list\?/.test(url)){ const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { return JSON.stringify({ "isEncrypted": true, "errorCode": 0, "message": "", "success": true, "data": "WW01V2MySkJQVDA9" }); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if(/api\/login\/signin/.test(url)){ const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.lastingToken( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } if(/api\/video\/checkVideoCanPlay/.test(url)){ const xhr = this; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response" ).get; Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result =; try { let res = JSON.parse(result, `utf-8`); = util.formatVideo( return JSON.stringify(res, `utf-8`); } catch (e) { console.log('发生异常! 解析失败!'); console.log(e); return result; } }, }); } originOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } generateElement(container) { GM_addStyle(` @font-face { font-family: 'iconfont'; /* Project id 3913561 */ src: url('//') format('woff2'), url('//') format('woff'), url('//') format('truetype'); } .iconfont { font-family: "iconfont" !important; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400 !important; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } @keyframes showSetBox { 0% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0); } 80% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1.1); } 100% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1); } } @keyframes hidSetBox { 0% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1); } 80% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1.1); } 100% { transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0); } } @keyframes colorAnima { 0%{ background-color: #f0f0f0; color: #5d5d5d; transform: scale(1); } 50%{ transform: scale(1.1); } 100%{ background-color: #ff6022;; color: white; transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes showNotifyBox { 0% { transform: translate(-50%,-100%) scale(0); } 80% { transform: translate(-50%,35px) scale(1.1); } 100% { transform: translate(-50%,35px) scale(1); } } @keyframes hidNotifyBox { 0% { transform: translate(-50%,35px) scale(1.1); } 80% { transform: translate(-50%,35px) scale(1); } 100% { transform: translate(-50%,-100%) scale(0); } } @keyframes scale { 0%{ transform: scale(1); } 50%{ transform: scale(1.1); } 100%{ transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes circletokLeft { 0%,100% { left: 0px; width: 12px; height: 12px; z-index: 0; } 25% { height: 15px; width: 15px; z-index: 1; left: 8px; transform: scale(1) } 50% { width: 12px; height: 12px; left: 22px; } 75% { width: 10px; height: 10px; left: 8px; transform: scale(1) } } @keyframes circletokRight { 0%,100% { top: 3px; left: 22px; width: 12px; height: 12px; z-index: 0 } 25% { height: 15px; width: 15px; z-index: 1; left: 24px; transform: scale(1) } 50% { width: 12px; height: 12px; left: 0px } 75% { width: 10px; height: 10px; left: 24px; transform: scale(1) } } .color-anima{ animation: colorAnima .3s ease 1 forwards; } .btn-anima{ animation: scale .3s ease 1 forwards; } .van-overlay,#home .btnbox,#home .addbox,.topbanmer,.bannerliststyle,.ishide{display:none !important;z-index:-99999 !important;opacity: 0!important;width :0 !important;} #wt-resources-box{border: 1px dashed #ec8181;background: #fff4f4;} .sell-btn{border:none !important;margin-top:20px;} .margin-left{ margin-left: 0 !important;} .show-set-box{ animation: showSetBox 0.3s ease 1 forwards;} .hid-set-box{ animation: hidSetBox 0.3s ease 1 forwards;} .show-notify-box{ animation: showNotifyBox 0.3s ease 1 forwards;} .hid-notify-box{ animation: hidNotifyBox 0.3s ease 1 forwards;} #wt-loading-box{display: none;position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;z-index: 100000;background-color: #0000004d;} #wt-loading-box .loading{position: absolute;width: 35px;height: 17px;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);} #wt-loading-box .loading::before, #wt-loading-box .loading::after{position: absolute;content: "";top: 3px;background-color: #ffe60f;width: 14px;height: 14px;border-radius: 20px;mix-blend-mode: multiply;animation: circletokLeft 1.2s linear infinite;} #wt-loading-box .loading::after{animation: circletokRight 1.2s linear infinite;background-color: #4de8f4;} #wt-left-show{ position: fixed;left: 20px;top: 50%;transform: translateY(-50%);z-index: 9999;transition: all 0.3s ease;} #wt-left-show i {color: #5f5b5b;font-size: 24px;color: #E91E63;text-shadow: #E91E63 2px 2px 12px;font-size: 25px;margin-left: -1px;} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId}{ position: fixed; top: 50%; transform: translate(0, -50%); right: 10px; width: 46px; border-radius: 30px; background: rgb(64 64 64 / 81%); box-shadow: 1px 1px 8px 1px rgb(98 99 99 / 34%); z-index: 9999; transition: all 0.3s ease; } #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} .item{position: relative;height: 70px;} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} .item:not(:last-child)::after{position: absolute;bottom: 0;left: 22.5%;content: '';width: 55%;height: 2px;background-color: #fff;} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} .item .iconfont,#wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} .item img{position: absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%)} #wt-login-box .close,#wt-set-box .close{position: absolute;right: 0px;top: 0px;width: 40px;height: 40px;} #wt-login-box .close::before,#wt-login-box .close::after{position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 50%;content: '';width: 12px;height: 2px;border-radius: 1px;background-color: #6a6a6a;transform: translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(45deg);visibility: visible;} #wt-set-box .close::before,#wt-set-box .close::after{position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 50%;content: '';width: 12px;height: 2px;border-radius: 1px;background-color: #6a6a6a;transform: translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(45deg);visibility: visible;} #wt-login-box .close::after,#wt-set-box .close::after{transform: translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(-45deg);} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} .absolute-center{ position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} #wt-my img{ width: 28px;height: 28px;border-radius: 30px;margin-left: 2px;transtion: all 0.3s ease;} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} #wt-my-set i {color: white;font-size: 24px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 14px #ffffff;font-family: 'iconfont';} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} #wt-my-copy i {color: white;font-size: 24px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 15px #ffffff;font-family: 'iconfont';} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} #wt-my-notify i {color: white;font-size: 23px;padding: 10px 1px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 12px #ffffff;} #wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId} #wt-hid-box i {color: white;font-size: 24px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 12px #ffffff;font-size: 25px;margin-left: -1px;} .wt-player-btn-box .player-btn{ position:absolute;top:42%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);width: 20%} .wt-player-btn-box .tips{ position: absolute;bottom: 20px;left:50%;transform: translateX(-50%);color: #FFC107;width: 80%;text-align: center;font-size: 15px;font-weight: 500;} #wt-mask-box,#wt-maxindex-mask{display:none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 10000; background-color: #0000004d;} #wt-maxindex-mask{z-index: 90000;display:none;} #wt-set-box{ position:fixed; top:50%;left:45%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0);background-color: white;box-shadow: 0 15px 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);border-radius: 10px;z-index: 10010;padding: 10px 15px;padding-right: 5px;box-sizing: border-box;} #wt-set-box .selected-box .selected{ background-color: #ff6022;color: white;} #wt-set-box .user-box-container{display: none;letter-spacing: 1px;} #wt-set-box .info-box{display:flex;height: 50px;align-items: center;} #wt-set-box .info-box .avatar-box{position: relative;height: 36px;width: 36px;background-color: white;border-radius: 7px;box-shadow: rgb(166 166 166 / 20%) 0px 1px 20px 0px;} #wt-set-box .user-box .title{text-align: center;font-weight: 600;font-size: 16px;color: #3a3a3a;} #wt-set-box .user-box .desc{flex: 8;font-size: 10px;color: #5d5d5d;margin: 0 10px;} #wt-set-box .user-box .avatar{position: absolute; width: 36px;height:36px;border-radius: 30px;border-radius: 7px;} #wt-tips-box{ position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0);width: 240px;min-height:130px;background-color: white;border-radius:10px;z-index: 95000;padding:10px 15px;} #wt-tips-box .title{font-size: 16px;text-align: center;font-weight: 600;} #wt-tips-box .content{text-align: center;margin: 14px 0;font-size: 12px;color: #2a2a2a;font-weight: 500;} #wt-tips-box .content p{color: #ff4757;text-align: left;} #wt-tips-box .btn-box{display:flex;justify-content: space-around;} #wt-tips-box .btn-box button{min-width: 60px;height: 28px;background-color: #ec407a;border-radius: 30px;color: white;border: none;font-size: 12px;} #wt-tips-box .btn-box .cancel{display: none;background-color: #eee;color:#2a2a2a} #wt-notify-box {position: fixed;top: 2%;left: 50%;transform:translate(-50%,-100%) scale(0);width: 80%;min-height: 75px;letter-spacing: 1px;background-color: white;color:#2a2a2a;border-radius: 15px;box-shadow: 0 15px 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);z-index: 95000;} #wt-notify-box .title{ text-align: center;height: 35px; line-height: 35px;font-size: 15px;font-weight: 600; color: #00BCD4;} #wt-notify-box .content{ color: #44b7c6;padding: 10px 15px;font-size: 12px;} .wt-player-btn-box{ position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;z-index: 9998;background-color: #0000004d;} ` ) if (_CONFIG_.isMobile) { GM_addStyle(` #wt-set-box {width:72%;} `); } let scripts = ''; _CONFIG_.scripts.forEach((item, index) => { scripts += ` <div class="info-box" data-address="${item.url}"> <div class="avatar-box"> <img class="avatar" src="${item.icon}"/> </div> <div class="desc"> <text>${item.desc}</text> </div> </div> `; }) $(container).append(` <div id="wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId}"> <div id="wt-my" class="item"> <img src=""></img> </div> <div id="wt-my-set" class="item"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </div> <div id="wt-my-copy" class="item"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </div> <div id="wt-my-notify" class="item" style="padding: 0 11px;"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </div> <div id="wt-hid-box" class="item"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </div> </div> <div id="wt-left-show" style="transform: translate(-60px,-50%);padding: 10px;"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </div> <div id="wt-mask-box"></div> <div id="wt-set-box"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="line-box" style="display:none"> </div> <div class="user-box-container"> <div class="user-box"> <div class="title" style="margin-bottom: 10px">职返返工具库</div> ${scripts} </div> </div> </div> <div id="wt-loading-box"> <div class="loading"></div> </div> <div id="wt-maxindex-mask"></div> <div id="wt-tips-box"> <div class="title">提示</div> <div class="content"></div> <div class="btn-box"> <button class='cancel'>取消</button> <button class='submit'>确定</button> </div> </div> <div id="wt-notify-box"> <div class="title">通知</div> <div class="content"></div> </div> `) if(_CONFIG_.user && _CONFIG_.user.avatar){ $("#wt-my img").addClass('margin-left') $('#wt-my img').attr('src',_CONFIG_.user.avatar) } if(!_CONFIG_.user){ util.addLogin() } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(container)); } bindEvent(container) { const vipBox = $(`#wt-${_CONFIG_.vipBoxId}`) if(GM_getValue('haijiao_hid_controller',null)){ vipBox.css("transform","translate(125%, -50%)") $('#wt-left-show').css("transform","translate(0, -50%)") } //点击 我的 vipBox.find("#wt-my").on("click", () => { if(_CONFIG_.user){ $('#wt-mask-box').css('display','block') $("#wt-set-box .user-box-container").css('display','block') $("#wt-set-box").removeClass('hid-set-box') $("#wt-set-box").addClass('show-set-box') $('#wt-set-box .user-box-container .nickname').html(_CONFIG_.user.nickname) }else{ util.addLogin() $('#wt-login-mask').css('display','block') $("#wt-login-box").removeClass('hid-set-box') $("#wt-login-box").addClass('show-set-box') // const wt_haijiao_first_use = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_first_use') if(wt_init_code){ $("#wt-login-box input").val(md5x(md5x(),'de').code) }else{ util.showTips({ title: _CONFIG_.initFailMsg}) } } }) // 点击 播放 vipBox.find("#wt-my-set").on("click", () => { if(!_CONFIG_.user){ $("#wt-my").click() return } if(_CONFIG_.videoUrl && _CONFIG_.isMobile){ window.location.href = _CONFIG_.videoUrl } if(!_CONFIG_.videoUrl){ util.showTips({ title: '视频不存在'}) } if(!_CONFIG_.isMobile){ util.showTips({ title: '请使用手机打开该网站'}) } }) // 点击 复制 vipBox.find("#wt-my-copy").on("click", () => { if(!_CONFIG_.user){ $("#wt-my").click() return } if(!_CONFIG_.videoUrl){ util.showTips({ title: '视频不存在'}) }else{ navigator.clipboard.writeText(_CONFIG_.videoUrl).then(res =>{ util.showTips({ title: '视频地址复制成功'}) }) } }) //点击 隐藏控制器 vipBox.find("#wt-hid-box").on("click", () => { vipBox.css("transform","translate(125%, -50%)") $('#wt-left-show').css("transform","translate(0, -50%)") GM_setValue('haijiao_hid_controller',1) }) //点击 显示控制器 $('#wt-left-show').on('click',()=>{ $('#wt-left-show').css("transform","translate(-60px, -50%)") vipBox.css("transform","translate(0, -50%)") GM_setValue('haijiao_hid_controller','') }) //点击 设置界面遮罩 $('#wt-mask-box').on('click',()=>{ $('#wt-mask-box').css('display','none') $("#wt-set-box").removeClass('show-set-box') $("#wt-set-box").addClass('hid-set-box') setTimeout(()=>{ $("#wt-set-box .line-box").css('display','none') $("#wt-set-box .user-box-container").css('display','none') },500) }) //点击了推广app $('#wt-set-box .user-box-container .user-box .info-box').on('click',function(e){ let url = '' try{ url = e.currentTarget.attributes['data-address'].value }catch(e){} if(url && url != 'undefined'){ navigator.clipboard.writeText(url).then(res =>{ util.showTips({ title: '网站地址复制成功'}) }) }else{ util.showTips({ title: '请前往微信小程序职返返使用'}) } }) //点击 设置/我的信息界面关闭 $("#wt-set-box .close").on("click", () => { $('#wt-mask-box').click() }) //点击 通知 vipBox.find("#wt-my-notify").on("click", () => { if(_CONFIG_.showNotify){ $('#wt-notify-box').click() }else{ const notify = GM_getValue('haijiao_notify','') if(notify && ( == new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))){ util.showNotify({ title: notify.msg}) }else{ console.log('2') util.showNotify({ title: '还没有通知信息'}) } GM_setValue('haijiao_updated_version_date',new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)) } }) util.urlChangeReload() } } return { start: () => { const wt_haijiao_first_use = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_first_use','') if(!wt_haijiao_first_use) GM_setValue('wt_haijiao_first_use', + (Math.round(Math.random() * 899999 + 100000) + '')) _CONFIG_.user = GM_getValue('wt_haijiao_user', '') util.initUnsafeWindow() if(_CONFIG_.user){ if(_CONFIG_.user.login_date && (_CONFIG_.user.login_date != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))){ _CONFIG_.user = '' GM_setValue('wt_haijiao_user', '') } } const info = GM_getValue('lasting_haijiao_token','') if(info){ document.cookie = "uid=" + info.uid document.cookie = "token=" + info.token } const targetConsumer = new BaseConsumer targetConsumer.parse() }, _CONFIG_ } })(); (function () { superVip.start(); })();