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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name ConsulWar squad manager // @description Fleet squads management in relation to enemy fleet type // @copyright 2017, fusioneer ( // @license MIT // @version 1.0.6 // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author fusioneer // ==/OpenUserJS== /* RELEASE NOTES 1.0.6 + planets list handling updated 1.0.5 + game refactoring update 1.0.4 + game refactoring update 1.0.3 + game refactoring update 1.0.2 + autoloading option 1.0.1 + available presets highlighted in dropdown menu + automatic switching to available preset when loaded composition isn't complete + preset save confirmation * creation of named preset without saved default preset fixed * typo fix */ (function() { 'use strict'; function nullOrUndef(value) { return value === undefined || value === null; } const CONFIG_PRESETS = "cwfm.presets"; const CONFIG_AUTOLOAD = "cwfm.autoload"; const UNIT_TYPES = [ "gammadrone", "wasp", "mirage", "frigate", "truckc", "cruiser", "battleship", "carrier", "dreadnought", "railgun", "reaper", "flagship", ]; Object.freeze(UNIT_TYPES); const UNIT_TYPE_IDS = { gammadrone: "Unit/Human/Space/Gammadrone", wasp: "Unit/Human/Space/Wasp", mirage: "Unit/Human/Space/Mirage", frigate: "Unit/Human/Space/Frigate", truckc: "Unit/Human/Space/TruckC", cruiser: "Unit/Human/Space/Cruiser", battleship: "Unit/Human/Space/Battleship", carrier: "Unit/Human/Space/Carrier", dreadnought: "Unit/Human/Space/Dreadnought", railgun: "Unit/Human/Space/Railgun", reaper: "Unit/Human/Space/Reaper", flagship: "Unit/Human/Space/Flagship", }; Object.freeze(UNIT_TYPE_IDS); const UNIT_TYPE_NAMES = { gammadrone: "гаммадронов", wasp: "ос", mirage: "миражей", frigate: "фрегатов", truckc: "траков", cruiser: "крейсеров", battleship: "линкоров", carrier: "авианосцев", dreadnought: "дредноутов", railgun: "рейлганов", reaper: "пожинателей", flagship: "флагманов", }; Object.freeze(UNIT_TYPE_NAMES); document.querySelector("head").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); Template.cosmosAttackMenu.onRendered(function() { var enemyTitle = document.querySelector(".attack-menu > .target .cw--SpacePlanetPopup__mission, .attack-menu > .target .cw--SpaceFleetPopup__mission"); if (enemyTitle) { var squadsElement = document.querySelector(".attack-menu .squads"); var code = `<div id="cwfm"> <div> <select id="cwfm-presets" class="ui-corner-all" style="width: 150px;"> <option value="0">по умолчанию</option> </select> <div id="cwfm-load" class="ui-button ui-corner-all" style="width: 81px">Загрузить</div> <label><input type="checkbox" id="cwfm-autoload" style="display: inline-block">Автозагрузка</label> </div> <div style="padding-top: 5px;"> <div id="cwfm-create" class="ui-button ui-corner-all">Создать новый</div> <div id="cwfm-save" class="ui-button ui-corner-all">Сохранить</div> <div id="cwfm-delete" class="ui-button ui-corner-all" style="color: #800;">Удалить</div> </div> </div>`; squadsElement.innerHTML = code; var selectElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-presets"); var createBtnElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-create"); var loadBtnElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-load"); var saveBtnElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-save"); var deleteBtnElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-delete"); var autoloadCheckElement = document.querySelector("#cwfm-autoload"); autoloadCheckElement.checked = localStorage[CONFIG_AUTOLOAD] == "true"; var matchResult = enemyTitle.innerText.match(/^(\D*) (\d+)/); var enemyType = matchResult[1]; var enemyLevel = matchResult[2]; var presets = nullOrUndef(localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS]) || localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS] === "" ? {} : JSON.parse(localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS]); var currentPresetType = presets[enemyType]; var currentPresets = currentPresetType === undefined ? [] : currentPresetType[enemyLevel]; if (currentPresets === undefined) currentPresets = []; var planetElements = document.querySelectorAll(".attack-menu > .departure > .planets >"); if (planetElements.length < 1) { console.error('Планеты не найдены'); } const ensurePresetBranchExists = function() { if (currentPresetType === undefined) currentPresetType = presets[enemyType] = {}; if (currentPresetType[enemyLevel] === undefined) currentPresets = currentPresetType[enemyLevel] = []; }; const addPresetOption = function(preset) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text =; selectElement.appendChild(option); }; const readUnits = function() { var inputs = {}, maxima = {}, values = {}; for (var i = 0; i < UNIT_TYPES.length; ++i) { var type = UNIT_TYPES[i]; inputs[type] = document.querySelector(`.attack-menu > .departure .cw--UnitsReinforcement__unit:nth-child(${i + 1}) .cw--UnitsReinforcement__unitCount`); maxima[type] = parseInt(document.querySelector(`.attack-menu > .departure .cw--UnitsReinforcement__unit:nth-child(${i + 1}) .cw--UnitsReinforcement__unitReserve`).innerText); if (inputs[type].value > 0) values[type] = parseInt(inputs[type].value); } return {inputs: inputs, maxima: maxima, values: values}; }; const loadPreset = function(preset) { if (preset) { var neededUnits = preset.units; var formData = readUnits(); var notEnough = false; for (var type in formData.inputs) { if (formData.maxima[type] < neededUnits[type]) { Notifications.error("Недостаточно " + UNIT_TYPE_NAMES[type]); notEnough = true; } formData.inputs[type].value = neededUnits[type] ? neededUnits[type] : ''; formData.inputs[type].dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true })); } if (notEnough) alert("Недостаточно войск"); } else Notifications.error("Такой флот ещё не задан"); }; const presetAvailable = function(preset, formData) { if (!preset) return false; var neededUnits = preset.units; var notEnough = false; for (var type in formData.inputs) { if (formData.maxima[type] < neededUnits[type]) return false; } return true; }; const loadPresetWithFallback = function(preset) { var formData = readUnits(); if (preset && !presetAvailable(preset, formData)) { for (var i = 0; i < currentPresets.length; ++i) { if (presetAvailable(currentPresets[i], formData)) { preset = currentPresets[i]; selectElement.selectedIndex = i; Notifications.warn('Подобран состав от "' + + '"'); break; } } } loadPreset(preset); }; const recolorPresetOptions = function () { var formData = readUnits(); for (var i = 0; i < currentPresets.length; ++i) selectElement.options[i].style.backgroundColor = presetAvailable(currentPresets[i], formData) ? "" : "#ccc"; }; var i; for (i = 1; i < currentPresets.length; ++i) addPresetOption(currentPresets[i]); recolorPresetOptions(); if (autoloadCheckElement.checked) loadPresetWithFallback(currentPresets[0]); //Control handlers for (i = 0; i < planetElements.length; ++i) { planetElements[i].addEventListener("click", function() { setTimeout(function () { recolorPresetOptions(); }, 0); }); } autoloadCheckElement.addEventListener("click", function() { localStorage[CONFIG_AUTOLOAD] = autoloadCheckElement.checked; }); selectElement.addEventListener("change", function() { loadPreset(currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex]); }); loadBtnElement.addEventListener("click", function() { loadPresetWithFallback(currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex]); }); saveBtnElement.addEventListener("click", function() { if (nullOrUndef(currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex]) || confirm('Перезаписать флот "' + selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].innerText + '"?')) { ensurePresetBranchExists(); if (nullOrUndef(currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex])) currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex] = {}; currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex].units = readUnits().values; localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS] = JSON.stringify(presets); recolorPresetOptions(); } }); createBtnElement.addEventListener("click", function() { var newName = prompt("Название флота", "Флот " + selectElement.options.length); if (newName !== null) { var newPreset = {name: newName, units: readUnits().values}; addPresetOption(newPreset); ensurePresetBranchExists(); if (currentPresets.length === 0) currentPresets.push(null); currentPresets.push(newPreset); selectElement.selectedIndex = selectElement.options.length - 1; localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS] = JSON.stringify(presets); recolorPresetOptions(); } }); deleteBtnElement.addEventListener("click", function() { if (selectElement.selectedIndex > 0) { if (confirm('Удалить флот "' + selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].innerText + '"?')) { currentPresets.splice(selectElement.selectedIndex, 1); selectElement.removeChild(selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex]); loadPreset(currentPresets[selectElement.selectedIndex]); localStorage[CONFIG_PRESETS] = JSON.stringify(presets); } } }); } }); })();