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// ==UserScript== // @name SE Forum - TOP Manager // @namespace 169058880cdfb527a5b82c8240e36f01 // @version 0.3 // @description Attack TOP Manager // @author Magnus Man // @match* // @grant none // @require // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @license MIT // @copyright 2020, emptydev ( // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function getNumber(value) { return parseInt(value.toString().replace(/\./g, '')) || 0; } var checkTop = $("<input />", { "type":"button"}).css({ "background":"#c74646", "margin-left":"10px", "font-size":"11px" }).val("Verificar TOP"); var clearTop = $("<input />", { "type":"button"}).css({ "background":"#123271", "margin-left":"10px", "font-size":"11px" }).val("Limpar dados").on("click", function() { localStorage.removeItem("topsNaves"); localStorage.removeItem("topsVeiculos"); }); function nf(amount, decimalCount = 0, decimal = ".", thousands = ".") { try { decimalCount = Math.abs(decimalCount); decimalCount = isNaN(decimalCount) ? 2 : decimalCount; const negativeSign = amount < 0 ? "-" : ""; let i = parseInt(amount = Math.abs(Number(amount) || 0).toFixed(decimalCount)).toString(); let j = (i.length > 3) ? i.length % 3 : 0; return amount == 0 ? '0' : negativeSign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thousands : '') + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thousands) + (decimalCount ? decimal + Math.abs(amount - i).toFixed(decimalCount).slice(2) : ""); } catch (e) { console.log(""); } } function findByText(text) { var value = 0; $(".post .inner").find("span:contains('"+text+"')").each(function() { if($(this).closest(".bbc_standard_quote").find(":contains('Lucro Vagas não Incluídas')").length == 0) { value += getNumber($(this).nextAll("span.bbc_color:eq(0)").text()); } }); return value; } checkTop.on("click", function() { var veiculo = $(".post .inner").find(":contains('Veículo')").length > 0; var isTopSection = $(".navigate_section ul").find("li:contains('TOP')").length > 0; var topsNaves = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("topsNaves") || '{"top1":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top2":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top3":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}}}'); var topsNavesAC = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("topsNavesAC") || '{"top1":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top2":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top3":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"GR":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}}}'); var topsVeiculos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("topsVeiculos") || '{"top1":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top2":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}},"top3":{"G":{"value":"","url":""},"D":{"value":"","url":""}}}'); var url = window.location.href; url = url.substring(url.indexOf("?topic="), url.length); url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(".") > -1 ? url.indexOf(".") : url.length); var isAc = $(".navigate_section").find("a:contains('Conjuntos')").length > 0; var newText = []; var message = ""; if(!veiculo) { if(!isAc) { //var g = findByText("Lucro:"); //var gr = findByText("Lucro + Destroços:"); //var d = findByText("Perdas:"); var reciclado = $(".post .inner").first().find("div.quoteheader:contains('Reciclagem')").length; //message += ("------------------- <b>LUCRO</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; var g = 0; var gVagas = 0; $(".post .inner").first().find("span:contains('Lucro:')").each(function(i,e) { let v = parseInt($(this).nextAll("span.bbc_color:eq(0)").text().replace(/[^1234567890-]/g, '')); g += v; if(i > 0) { gVagas += v; } if(i == 1) { //message += ("------------------- <b>VAGAS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; } //message += ("Lucro: " + nf(v)) + "<br />"; }); //message += ("------------------- <b>LUCRO TOTAL</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; //message += ("Lucro: " + nf(g) + "<br />"); //message += ("Lucro vagas: " + nf(gVagas)) + "<br /><br />"; // message += ("------------------- <b>PERDAS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; var d = 0; var dVagas = 0; $(".post .inner").first().find("span:contains('Perdas:')").each(function(i,e) { let v = parseInt($(this).nextAll("span.bbc_color:eq(0)").text().replace(/[^1234567890-]/g, '')); d += v; if(i > 0) { dVagas += v; } if(i == 1) { //message += ("------------------- <b>VAGAS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; } //message += ("Perdas: " + nf(v) + "<br />"); }); //message += ("------------------- <b>PERDAS TOTAIS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; //message += "Perdas: " + nf(d) + "<br />" //message += ("Perdas vagas: " + nf(dVagas)) + "<br /><br />"; // message += ("-------------------------------------------------") + "<br />"; var gr = 0; var grVagas = 0; // message += ("------------------- <b>LUCRO + DESTROÇOS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; $(".post .inner").first().find("span:contains('Lucro + Destroços:')").each(function(i,e) { let v = parseInt($(this).nextAll("span.bbc_color:eq(0)").text().replace(/[^1234567890-]/g, '')); gr += v; if(i > 0) { grVagas += v; } if(i == 1) { //message += ("------------------- <b>VAGAS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; } //message += ("Lucro + Destroços: " + nf(v) + "<br />"); }); //message += ("------------------- <b>LUCRO + DESTROÇOS TOTAIS</b> -------------------") + "<br />"; //message += ("Lucro + Destroços: " + nf(gr)) + "<br />"; //message += ("Lucro + Destroços vagas: " + nf(grVagas)) + "<br /><br />"; var lucroNaoIncluido = 0; if($(".post .inner").first().find("span:contains('Lucro Vagas não Incluídas')").length > 0) var lucroNaoIncluido = parseInt($($(".post .inner").first().find("span:contains('Lucro Vagas não Incluídas')")[0].childNodes).last().text().replace(/\D/g, '')); message += "<i><b>NOTA:</b> o Lucro Total pode ser superior ao valor do <b>G</b> ou <b>GR</b>. <br />Isto acontece se a recolha for superior aos 100%. <br />Apesar disto, o GR vai sempre representar o valor contemplando somente 100% da recolha.</i><br />"; if(lucroNaoIncluido > 0) { message += "<b style='color:#ff0000'>Este ataque contem vagas impróprias.</b><br />"; } message += "--------------------------------------<br />"; if(lucroNaoIncluido > 0) { message += "G: "+nf(g)+" - " +nf(lucroNaoIncluido)+ " = <b style='color: #21AD5A'>" + nf(g-lucroNaoIncluido) + "</b><br />"; } else { message += "G: <b>"+nf(g)+"</b><br />"; } message += "D: <b>"+nf(d)+"</b><br />"; if(reciclado) { if(lucroNaoIncluido > 0) { message += "GR: "+nf(gr+gVagas)+" - " +nf(lucroNaoIncluido)+ " = <b style='color: #21AD5A'>" + nf((gr+gVagas)-lucroNaoIncluido) + "</b><br />"; gr = (gr+gVagas)-lucroNaoIncluido; } else { message += "GR: <b style='color: #21AD5A'>"+nf(gr+gVagas)+"</b><br />"; gr = gr+gVagas; } } else { gr = 0; message += "<b style='color:#ff0000'>GR ilegível para top (não reciclado)</b><br />"; } message += "--------------------------------------<br />"; message += "Reciclado? " + (reciclado ? '<b>Sim</b>' : '<b>Não</b>') + "<br />"; message += "Não incluír lucro: <b>" + nf(lucroNaoIncluido) + "</b> (vagas impróprias)<br />"; message += "--------------------------------------<br />"; var isTopG = false, isTopGR = false, isTopD = false; if(g >= topsNaves.top1.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 G"); if(topsNaves.top1.G.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.G.value = topsNaves.top2.G.value; topsNaves.top3.G.url = topsNaves.top2.G.url; topsNaves.top2.G.value = topsNaves.top1.G.value; topsNaves.top2.G.url = topsNaves.top1.G.url; topsNaves.top1.G.value = g; topsNaves.top1.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsNaves.top2.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 G"); if(topsNaves.top2.G.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.G.value = topsNaves.top2.G.value; topsNaves.top3.G.url = topsNaves.top2.G.url; topsNaves.top2.G.value = g; topsNaves.top2.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsNaves.top3.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 G"); if(topsNaves.top3.G.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.G.value = g; topsNaves.top3.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } if(gr >= topsNaves.top1.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 GR"); if(topsNaves.top1.GR.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.GR.value = topsNaves.top2.GR.value; topsNaves.top3.GR.url = topsNaves.top2.GR.url; topsNaves.top2.GR.value = topsNaves.top1.GR.value; topsNaves.top2.GR.url = topsNaves.top1.GR.url; topsNaves.top1.GR.value = gr; topsNaves.top1.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } else if(gr >= topsNaves.top2.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 GR"); if(topsNaves.top2.GR.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.GR.value = topsNaves.top2.GR.value; topsNaves.top3.GR.url = topsNaves.top2.GR.url; topsNaves.top2.GR.value = gr; topsNaves.top2.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } else if(gr >= topsNaves.top3.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 GR"); if(topsNaves.top3.GR.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.GR.value = gr; topsNaves.top3.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } if(d >= topsNaves.top1.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 D"); if(topsNaves.top1.D.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.D.value = topsNaves.top2.D.value; topsNaves.top3.D.url = topsNaves.top2.D.url; topsNaves.top2.D.value = topsNaves.top1.D.value; topsNaves.top2.D.url = topsNaves.top1.D.url; topsNaves.top1.D.value = d; topsNaves.top1.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsNaves.top2.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 D"); if(topsNaves.top2.D.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.D.value = topsNaves.top2.D.value; topsNaves.top3.D.url = topsNaves.top2.D.url; topsNaves.top2.D.value = d; topsNaves.top2.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsNaves.top3.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 D"); if(topsNaves.top3.D.url !== url) { topsNaves.top3.D.value = d; topsNaves.top3.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } if(!isTopG && !isTopGR && !isTopD) { alert("Arquivar - Não se enquandra em nenhum TOP."); } } else { var g = findByText("Lucro:"); var gr = findByText("Lucro + Destroços:"); var d = findByText("Perdas:"); var isTopG = false, isTopGR = false, isTopD = false; if(g >= topsNavesAC.top1.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 G"); if(topsNavesAC.top1.G.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.G.value = topsNavesAC.top2.G.value; topsNavesAC.top3.G.url = topsNavesAC.top2.G.url; topsNavesAC.top2.G.value = topsNavesAC.top1.G.value; topsNavesAC.top2.G.url = topsNavesAC.top1.G.url; topsNavesAC.top1.G.value = g; topsNavesAC.top1.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsNavesAC.top2.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 G"); if(topsNavesAC.top2.G.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.G.value = topsNavesAC.top2.G.value; topsNavesAC.top3.G.url = topsNavesAC.top2.G.url; topsNavesAC.top2.G.value = g; topsNavesAC.top2.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsNavesAC.top3.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 G"); if(topsNavesAC.top3.G.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.G.value = g; topsNavesAC.top3.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } if(gr >= topsNavesAC.top1.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 GR"); if(topsNavesAC.top1.GR.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.GR.value = topsNavesAC.top2.GR.value; topsNavesAC.top3.GR.url = topsNavesAC.top2.GR.url; topsNavesAC.top2.GR.value = topsNavesAC.top1.GR.value; topsNavesAC.top2.GR.url = topsNavesAC.top1.GR.url; topsNavesAC.top1.GR.value = gr; topsNavesAC.top1.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } else if(gr >= topsNavesAC.top2.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 GR"); if(topsNavesAC.top2.GR.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.GR.value = topsNavesAC.top2.GR.value; topsNavesAC.top3.GR.url = topsNavesAC.top2.GR.url; topsNavesAC.top2.GR.value = gr; topsNavesAC.top2.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } else if(gr >= topsNavesAC.top3.GR.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 GR"); if(topsNavesAC.top3.GR.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.GR.value = gr; topsNavesAC.top3.GR.url = url; } isTopGR = true; } if(d >= topsNavesAC.top1.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 D"); if(topsNavesAC.top1.D.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.D.value = topsNavesAC.top2.D.value; topsNavesAC.top3.D.url = topsNavesAC.top2.D.url; topsNavesAC.top2.D.value = topsNavesAC.top1.D.value; topsNavesAC.top2.D.url = topsNavesAC.top1.D.url; topsNavesAC.top1.D.value = d; topsNavesAC.top1.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsNavesAC.top2.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 D"); if(topsNavesAC.top2.D.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.D.value = topsNavesAC.top2.D.value; topsNavesAC.top3.D.url = topsNavesAC.top2.D.url; topsNavesAC.top2.D.value = d; topsNavesAC.top2.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsNavesAC.top3.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 D"); if(topsNavesAC.top3.D.url !== url) { topsNavesAC.top3.D.value = d; topsNavesAC.top3.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } if(!isTopG && !isTopGR && !isTopD) { alert("Arquivar - Não se enquandra em nenhum TOP."); } } } else if(veiculo) { var g = findByText("Lucro:"); var d = findByText("Perdas:"); var isTopG = false, isTopD = false; if(g >= topsVeiculos.top1.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 G"); if(topsVeiculos.top1.G.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.G.value = topsVeiculos.top2.G.value; topsVeiculos.top3.G.url = topsVeiculos.top2.G.url; topsVeiculos.top2.G.value = topsVeiculos.top1.G.value; topsVeiculos.top2.G.url = topsVeiculos.top1.G.url; topsVeiculos.top1.G.value = g; topsVeiculos.top1.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsVeiculos.top2.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 G"); if(topsVeiculos.top2.G.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.G.value = topsVeiculos.top2.G.value; topsVeiculos.top3.G.url = topsVeiculos.top2.G.url; topsVeiculos.top2.G.value = g; topsVeiculos.top2.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } else if(g >= topsVeiculos.top3.G.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 G"); if(topsVeiculos.top3.G.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.G.value = g; topsVeiculos.top3.G.url = url; } isTopG = true; } if(d >= topsVeiculos.top1.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 1 D"); if(topsVeiculos.top1.D.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.D.value = topsVeiculos.top2.D.value; topsVeiculos.top3.D.url = topsVeiculos.top2.D.url; topsVeiculos.top2.D.value = topsVeiculos.top1.D.value; topsVeiculos.top2.D.url = topsVeiculos.top1.D.url; topsVeiculos.top1.D.value = d; topsVeiculos.top1.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsVeiculos.top2.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 2 D"); if(topsVeiculos.top2.D.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.D.value = topsVeiculos.top2.D.value; topsVeiculos.top3.D.url = topsVeiculos.top2.D.url; topsVeiculos.top2.D.value = d; topsVeiculos.top2.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } else if(d >= topsVeiculos.top3.D.value) { newText.push("TOP 3 D"); if(topsVeiculos.top3.D.url !== url) { topsVeiculos.top3.D.value = d; topsVeiculos.top3.D.url = url; } isTopD = true; } if(!isTopG && !isTopD) { alert("Arquivar - Não se enquandra em nenhum TOP."); } } if(newText.length > 0) { message += "<br />Novo título: <input type='text' value='["+newText.join(" & ")+"] ' /><br /><br />"; buildModal(message); } localStorage.setItem("topsNaves", JSON.stringify(topsNaves)); localStorage.setItem("topsNavesAC", JSON.stringify(topsNavesAC)); localStorage.setItem("topsVeiculos", JSON.stringify(topsVeiculos)); }); $(".pagesection .pagelinks").append(checkTop, clearTop); function buildModal(text, newTitle) { var modal = $("<div />").css({ "position":"fixed", "top":"50%", "left":"10%", "transform":"translate(0, -50%)", "border":"2px solid #FFF", "background-color":"#010714", "padding":"10px" }); var message = $("<div />").css({ "width":"100%", "float":"left" }).html(text); var fechar = $("<input />").attr({ "type":"button" }).css({ "background":"#c74646", "margin-left":"10px", "font-size":"11px", "float":"right" }).val("Fechar").on("click", function() { modal.remove(); }); modal.append(message, fechar); $("body").append(modal); } })();