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// ==UserScript== // @name Msy calcs // @namespace http://your.homepage/ // @version 0.1 // @description enter something useful // @author Chris Chase <> // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== Array.prototype.clean = function(deleteValue) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == deleteValue) { this.splice(i, 1); i--; } } return this; }; console.log("My Msy calcs"); GM_addStyle(".results{ width:90%; border:1px solid black; margin:10px auto;} "); GM_addStyle(".resDiv{ width:100%; border:1px solid grey; margin:10px auto; padding:2px; text-align: center;} "); GM_addStyle(".results tr td{ padding-left:3px} "); GM_addStyle(".results tr th{ padding-left:3px; border-bottom:1px solid black;} "); GM_addStyle(".CalculateButton {width:50%; padding:5px 25px; display: inline-block;} "); GM_addStyle(".aveSpan {width:50%; margin:auto; padding:5px 25px; display: block; text-align:center} "); var res = $("<div/>").addClass("resDiv"); var avespan = $("<span/>").addClass("aveSpan"); var table = $("<table/>").addClass("results"); var unknowns = $("<div/>"); var bt = $("<button class='CalculateButton'>Calculate Per TB Costs</button>"); var bt2 = $("<button class='CalculateButton'>Calculate Per GB Costs</button>"); //Magic Consts var GBPerTB = 1000;// 1024 ;) function getSize(strstring, GBPerTB, ResINTB){ isGB = false; size= 0; sizeArr = strstring.split("TB").clean(""); if (sizeArr.length<=1){ isGB = true; sizeArr =strstring.split("GB").clean(""); } if (sizeArr.length<=1){ isGB = true; sizeArr = strstring.split("G ").clean(""); } if (sizeArr.length<=1){ //watts still working it out sizeArr = strstring.split("W").clean(""); } if (sizeArr.length>1){ sizeArr = sizeArr[0].split(" " ); sizeStr = sizeArr[sizeArr.length -1]; if (sizeStr ==Math.round(sizeStr)) { size = Math.round(sizeStr); if (ResINTB && isGB){ size = size / GBPerTB; } if (!ResINTB && !isGB){ size = size * GBPerTB; } } } return size; } function Calc(ResINTB){ var sizeunit = "TB"; if (!ResINTB) { sizeunit = "GB"; } var ave = 0; unknowns.html(""); table.html(""); table.append("<tr><th>$ Per " + sizeunit + "</th><th>Total " + sizeunit + " Size</th> <th>Total Price</th> <th>Desc</th></tr>"); $('.bottom_block').each(function() { a = $(this).children('h3').children('a'); size = getSize(a.html(), GBPerTB, ResINTB); price = $(this).children('.content_price').children('.price').html(); while(price.charAt(0) === '$') price = price.substr(1); linka = "<a href='"+ a.attr('href')+"'>" + a.html() + "</a>"; if (size > 0){ priceper = (price/size); if (ave === 0 ) { ave = priceper; } else { ave = ( ave + priceper ) /2; } table.append("<tr><td>$" + Math.round (priceper*100)/100 + "</td><td>" + Math.round(size*100)/100 + "</td> <td>$" + price+ "</td> <td>"+linka+"</td></tr>"); } else { unknowns.append("<p>Unknown Size: $" + price + ", " + linka + "</p>"); } }); if (ResINTB) { avespan.html("Ave Cost Per TB: $"+Math.round ((ave*100)/100 ) + " <br/>Ave Cost Per GB: $"+Math.round ((ave/GBPerTB*100)/100 )); } else { avespan.html("Ave Cost Per TB: $"+Math.round ((ave*100*GBPerTB)/100 ) + " <br/>Ave Cost Per GB: $"+Math.round ((ave*100)/100 )); } } { Calc(true); }); { Calc(false); }); res.append(table); res.append(unknowns); res.prepend(avespan); res.prepend(bt); res.prepend(bt2); res.append("<i><b>Notice:</b> 1 TB = " + GBPerTB + " GB </i>"); $("#center_column").prepend(res);