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// ==UserScript== // @name Get DLC Info from SteamDB // @namespace sak32009-get-dlc-info-from-steamdb // @description Get DLC Info from SteamDB. // @author Sak32009 // @contributor CS.RIN.RU Users // @version 3.4.7 // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @icon // @match *://* // @require // @require // @require // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== ((() => { // LINE BREAK const LineBreak = (str) => str.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n"); // DOWNLOAD const Download = (str) => `data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(LineBreak(str))}`; // STORAGE const Storage = { // PREFIX prefix: `${GM_info.script.namespace}-`, // GET get(key) { return window.localStorage.getItem(this.prefix + key); }, // SET set(key, value) { window.localStorage.setItem(this.prefix + key, value); }, // REMOVE remove(key) { window.localStorage.removeItem(this.prefix + key); }, // CLEAR clear() { window.localStorage.clear(); }, // IS VALID isValid(item) { return typeof item !== "undefined" && item !== null && item.length > 0; }, // IS CHECKED isChecked(key) { return this.get(key) === "true"; } }; // MAIN const GetDLCInfofromSteamDB = { // FORMATS formats: { // CREAMAPI creamAPI: { name: "CREAMAPI v3.1.1.0", ini: { name: "cream_api.ini", data: `[steam] ; Application ID ( appid = [steamdb]appID[/steamdb] ; Force the usage of specific language. ; Uncomment this option to turn it on. ;language = german ; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to "false". ; Keep in mind that this option is highly experimental and won't ; work if the game wants to call each DLC by index. unlockall = false ; Original Valve's steam_api.dll. ; Default is "steam_api_o.dll". orgapi = steam_api_o.dll ; Original Valve's steam_api64.dll. ; Default is "steam_api64_o.dll". orgapi64 = steam_api64_o.dll ; Enable/disable extra protection bypasser. ; Default is "false". extraprotection = false ; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games). ; Default is "false". forceoffline = false ; Some games are checking for the low violence presence. ; Default is "false". ;lowviolence = true ; Installation path for the game. ; Note, that you can use .\\ to set the parent directory (from where executable file is located). ; Maximum number of parent directories: 5 (.\\.\\.\\.\\.\\) ; Default is the path to current working directory. ;installdir = .\\ ; Use DLC id as the appended installation directory. ; e.g. <install_directory>\\480 ; Default is "true". ;dlcasinstalldir = false ; Purchase timestamp for the DLC ( ; Default is "1167609600" (2007/01/01). ;purchasetimestamp = 0 ; Turn on the wrapper mode. ; Default is "false". wrappermode = false [steam_misc] ; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler. ; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application. ; Default is "false". disableuserinterface = false ; Disables the internal SteamUtils interface handler. ; Does have an effect on the games that are checking for the actual AppId (only matters when "wrappermode" is set to "true"). ; Default is "false". disableutilsinterface = false ; Unlock/Lock Steam parental restrictions. ; Default is "true". ;unlockparentalrestrictions = false ; SteamId64 to override. Note that this action could be risky ! ; This option can only work if "disableuserinterface = false". ;steamid = 0 ; Bypass VAC signature check. Note that this action could be risky ! ; Default is "false". ;signaturebypass = true [steam_wrapper] ; Application ID to override (used when the wrapper mode is on) newappid = 0 ; Use the internal storage system. ; Default is "false". wrapperremotestorage = false ; Use the internal stats/achievements system. ; Default is "false". wrapperuserstats = false ; Store the data in the current directory (incl. stats) ; By default the data will is stored at: %appdata%/CreamAPI/%appid%/ ; Default is "false". saveindirectory = false ; Disable internal callbacks system. ; Default is "false". ;disablecallbacks = true ; Disable/Enable a StoreStats callback. Takes effect only if "wrapperuserstats" is set to "true". ; Default is "true". ;storestatscallback = false [dlc] ; DLC handling. ; Format: <dlc_id> = <dlc_description> ; e.g. : 247295 = Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack ; If the DLC is not specified in this section ; then it won't be unlocked [dlcEach]{dlc_id} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach] [dlc_installdirs] ; Installation path for the specific DLC (dependent from "installdir" option). ; This section works only if "dlcasinstalldir" option is set to "false". ; example of usage : 556760 = DLCRoot0` }, options: {} }, // GREENLUMA BATCH MODE greenluma_batch_mode: { name: "GreenLuma [BATCH MODE]", ini: {}, options: {}, callback({info}, app) { // BATCH let batch = info.replace(/; /g, ":: "); batch += `@echo off TITLE ${app.steamDB.appIDName} - ${} by ${} v${} CLS :: CHECK APPLIST DIR IF EXIST .\\AppList\\NUL ( RMDIR /S /Q .\\AppList\\ ) :: CREATE APPLIST DIR MKDIR .\\AppList\\ :: CREATE DLCS FILES :: ${app.steamDB.appIDName} ECHO ${app.steamDB.appID}> .\\AppList\\0.txt ${app.dlcEach(`:: {dlc_name} ECHO {dlc_id}> .\\AppList\\{dlc_index}.txt\n`, true)}`; // GENERATE saveAs(new File([LineBreak(batch)], `${app.steamDB.appIDName}_AppList.bat`, { type: "application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8" })); } }, // LUMAEMU (ONLY DLCs LIST) lumaemu_only_dlcs: { name: "LUMAEMU v1.9.7 (ONLY DLCs LIST)", ini: { name: "LumaEmu_only_dlcs.ini", data: "[dlcEach]; {dlc_name}\nDLC_{dlc_id} = 1\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // SMARTSTEAMEMU (ONLY DLCs LIST) smartsteamemu_only_dlcs: { name: "SMARTSTEAMEMU (ONLY DLCs LIST)", ini: { name: "SmartSteamEmu_only_dlcs.ini", data: "[dlcEach]{dlc_id} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // CODEX (ID = NAME) codex: { name: "CODEX (ID = NAME)", ini: { name: "steam_emu.ini", data: "[dlcEach]{dlc_id} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // CODEX (DLC00000, DLCName) codex_t: { name: "CODEX (DLC00000, DLCName)", ini: { name: "steam_emu.ini", data: "[dlcEach=false:5]DLC{dlc_index} = {dlc_id}\nDLCName{dlc_index} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // 3DMGAME "3dmgame": { name: "3DMGAME", ini: { name: "3DMGAME.ini", data: "[dlcEach=true:3]; {dlc_name}\nDLC{dlc_index} = {dlc_id}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // ALI213 ali213: { name: "ALI213", ini: { name: "ALI213.ini", data: "[dlcEach]{dlc_id} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // SKIDROW skidrow: { name: "SKIDROW", ini: { name: "steam_api.ini", data: "[dlcEach]; {dlc_name}\n{dlc_id}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} }, // SST311212 SST311212: { name: "SST311212", ini: { name: "SST311212.ini", data: "[dlcEach]{dlc_id} = {dlc_name}\n[/dlcEach]" }, options: {} } }, // INFO info: { // AUTHOR author: "Sak32009", // NAME name:, // VERSION version: GM_info.script.version, // STEAMDB URL steamDB: "", // HOMEPAGE URL homepage: "", // SUPPORT URL support: "" }, // STEAMDB steamDB: { // APPID appID: "", // APPID NAME appIDName: "", // APPID DLCS appIDDLCs: {}, // APPID TOTAL DLCS appIDDLCsCount: 0 }, // OPTIONS options: { // AUTOMATICALLY DOWNLOAD FILE .INI globalAutoDownload: { title: "Automatically download file .INI", type: "checkbox" }, // SAVE THE LAST SELECTED FORMAT AND SUBMIT FORM WHEN YOU OPEN THE PAGE globalSaveLastSelectionAndAutoSubmit: { title: "Save the last selected format and submit form when you open the page", type: "checkbox" }, // IGNORE DLCs 'SteamDB Unknown App' globalIgnoreSteamDBUnknownApp: { title: "Ignore DLCs 'SteamDB Unknown App'", type: "checkbox" }, // CHANGE IN THE DLC TABLE TEXT FIELDS INTO AN INPUT FIELD globalChangeDLCTableTextToInput: { title: "Change in the DLC table text fields into an input field (need reload of the page)", type: "checkbox" } }, // RUN run() { // CHECK IF THE APPID HAS DLCs const $check = $(".tab-pane#dlc .app[data-appid]"); if ($check.length > 0) { // GET DATA this.getData(); // CREATE DOM this.createDOM(); // CREATE FORMATS this.createFormats(); // CREATE GLOBAL OPTIONS TAB this.createTab("globalOptions", "Global Options", this.options); // LOAD OPTIONS this.loadOptions(); // LOAD EVENTS this.loadEvents(); // INCLUDE EXTRA this.includeExtra(); } }, // GET DATA getData() { // SET APPID this.steamDB.appID = $(".scope-app[data-appid]").data("appid"); // SET APPID NAME this.steamDB.appIDName = $("td[itemprop='name']").text().trim(); // SET APPID DLCs $(".tab-pane#dlc .app[data-appid]").each((_index, dom) => { const $this = $(dom); const appID = $"appid"); const appIDName = $this.find("td:nth-of-type(2)").text().trim(); const appIDTime = $this.find("td:nth-of-type(3)").data("sort"); const appIDDate = new Date(appIDTime * 1000).toUTCString(); this.steamDB.appIDDLCs[appID] = { name: appIDName, timestamp: appIDTime, date: appIDDate }; this.steamDB.appIDDLCsCount += 1; }); }, // CREATE DOM createDOM() { // STYLE $("<style>").text(`#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_textarea{margin-bottom:10px;width:100%;display:none} #GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_header h2, #GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_header form{display:inline-block}`).appendTo("head"); // WRAP $("#dlc > h2").wrap($("<div>").attr("id", "GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_header")); // HEADER $(`<div class='pull-right' style='margin-top:15px'> <form id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submit'> <select id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_select'></select> <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>Get DLCs List</button> </form> <a href='javascript:;' class='btn' id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_downloadFile'><i class='octicon octicon-file-symlink-file'></i> Download File</a> <button type='button' class='btn btn-danger' id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_resetOptions'>Reset Options</button> </div>`).appendTo("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_header"); // TEXTAREA $("<textarea id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_textarea' rows='20'></textarea>").insertAfter("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_header"); }, // CREATE FORMATS createFormats() { // EACH $.each(this.formats, (index, values) => { const name =; const options = values.options; // ADD OPTION const tag = $("<option>").attr("value", index).text(name); // ..... SAVE LAST SELECTION if (Storage.isChecked("globalSaveLastSelectionAndAutoSubmit") && Storage.get("globalSaveLastSelectionValue") === index) { tag.prop("selected", true); } // ..... tag.appendTo("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_select"); // CREATE TAB this.createTab(index, name, options); }); }, // LOAD EVENTS loadEvents() { // EVENT SUBMIT $(document).on("submit", "#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // RESULT let result = ""; // SELECTED FORMAT const selectedFormat = $("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_select option:selected").val(); // GET FORMAT DATA const formatData = this.formats[selectedFormat]; const formatName =; const formatININame =; const formatINIData =; const formatCallback = formatData.callback; // WRITE INFO result += `; ${} by ${} v${} ; Format: ${formatName} ; AppID: ${this.steamDB.appID} ; AppID Name: ${this.steamDB.appIDName} ; AppID Total DLCs: ${this.steamDB.appIDDLCsCount} ; SteamDB: ${}${this.steamDB.appID} ; Homepage: ${} ; Support: ${}\n\n`; // CALLBACK if ($.isFunction(formatCallback)) { formatCallback({ "info": result }, this); } else { // GET DLCs result += this.dlcEachStr(formatINIData); // WRITE RESULT $("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_textarea").html(result).show().scrollTop(0); // SET DOWNLOAD FILE $("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_downloadFile").attr({ href: Download(result), download: formatININame }); // ..... AUTO DOWNLOAD if (Storage.isChecked("globalAutoDownload")) { document.getElementById("GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_downloadFile").click(); } // ..... } // ..... SAVE LAST SELECTION if (Storage.isChecked("globalSaveLastSelectionAndAutoSubmit")) { Storage.set("globalSaveLastSelectionValue", selectedFormat); } // ..... }); // ..... AUTO SUBMIT if (Storage.isChecked("globalSaveLastSelectionAndAutoSubmit")) { $("#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submit").trigger("submit"); } // ..... // SUBMIT OPTIONS $(document).on("submit", "form#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submitOptions", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // EACH $(e.currentTarget).find("input, select").each((_index, dom) => { const $this = $(dom); const name = $this.attr("name"); const type = $this.attr("type"); const value = type === "checkbox" ? $this.prop("checked") : $this.val(); // SET Storage.set(name, value); }); // ALERT alert("Options saved!"); }); // RESET OPTIONS $(document).on("click", "#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_resetOptions", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // CONFIRM if (window.confirm("Do you really want to reset options?")) { // CLEAR Storage.clear(); // LOAD OPTIONS this.loadOptions(); // ALERT alert("Restored default options!"); } }); // STEAMDB - SHOW TABNAV $(document).on("click", ".GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_tabNav", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // SHOW $(e.currentTarget).tab("show"); }); }, // LOAD OPTIONS loadOptions() { $("form#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submitOptions").find("input, select").each((_index, dom) => { const $this = $(dom); const name = $this.attr("name"); const type = $this.attr("type"); const tagName = $this.prop("tagName"); const item = Storage.get(name); if (tagName === "SELECT") { const selected = Storage.isValid(item) ? `value = '${item}'` : "selected"; $this.find(`option[${selected}]`).prop("selected", true); } else if (type === "checkbox") { $this.prop("checked", item === "true"); } else { $this.val(item); } }); }, // CREATE TAB createTab(key, name, options) { // CHECK IF OPTIONS IS EMPTY if (Object.keys(options).length > 0) { // ADD TABNAV-TAB $(`<a href='#' data-target='#GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_${key}' class='tabnav-tab GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_tabNav'> <img src='' style="width:16px;height:16px;margin-top:-4px;"> ${name} </a>`).insertBefore(".tabnav-tab[data-target='#dlc']"); // ADD TAB-PANE $(`<div id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_${key}' class='tab-pane'> <h2>${name}</h2> <form id='GetDLCInfofromSteamDB_submitOptions'> <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block' style='margin:5px 0'>Save Options</button> <table class='table table-bordered table-fixed' style='margin-bottom:0'> <tbody>${this.optionsToInput(options)}</tbody> </table> <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block' style='margin:5px 0'>Save Options</button> </form> </div>`).appendTo(".tabbable > .tab-content"); } }, // OPTIONS TO INPUT optionsToInput(options) { // RESULT let result = ""; // EACH $.each(options, (index, values) => { // COMMON const title = values.title; const type = values.type; // INPUT PLACEHOLDER const placeholder = values.placeholder || ""; // SELECT const select_options = values.options || {}; const select_default = values.default || ""; result += `<tr><td>${title}</td><td>`; switch (type) { case "text": { result += `<input type='text' class='input-block' name='${index}' placeholder='${placeholder}'>`; break; } case "checkbox": { result += `<input type='checkbox' name='${index}'>`; break; } case "select": { result += `<select class='input-block' name='${index}'>`; $.each(select_options, (key, value) => { result += `<option value='${key}' ${select_default === key ? "selected" : ""}>${value}</option>`; }); result += "</select>"; break; } } result += "</td></tr>"; }); return result; }, // INCLUDE EXTRA includeExtra() { // ..... CHANGE IN THE DLC TABLE TEXT FIELDS INTO AN INPUT FIELD if (Storage.isChecked("globalChangeDLCTableTextToInput")) { $(".tab-pane#dlc .app[data-appid] td").each((_index, dom) => { const $this = $(dom); $this.html(`<input type='text' class='input-block' onClick='' value='${$this.text().trim()}'>`); }); } // ..... }, // DLC EACH dlcEach(str, index_start_zero, index_prefix) { // RESULT let result = ""; // INDEX START FROM ZERO let index = index_start_zero ? 0 : -1; // EACH $.each(this.steamDB.appIDDLCs, (key, values) => { const name =; const date =; const timestamp = values.timestamp; // ..... IGNORE DLCs 'SteamDB Unknown App' if (!(Storage.isChecked("globalIgnoreSteamDBUnknownApp") && name.includes("SteamDB Unknown App"))) { index += 1; result += this.dlcEachSprint(str, { "dlc_id": key, "dlc_name": name, "dlc_index": this.dlcEachIndex(index.toString(), parseInt(index_prefix)), "dlc_timestamp": timestamp, "dlc_date": date }); } // ..... }); return result; }, // DLC EACH SPRINT dlcEachSprint(str, values) { $.each(values, (key, value) => { str = str.replace(new RegExp(`{${key}}`, "g"), value); }); return str; }, // DLC EACH INDEX dlcEachIndex(index, prefix) { const len = index.length; return prefix > len ? "0".repeat(prefix - len) + index : index; }, // DLC EACH STR dlcEachStr(str) { const re = /\[(\w+)(?:=(.*))?]([^[]+)\[\/(\w+)]/g; let re_exec; while ((re_exec = re.exec(str)) !== null) { // GET DATA const [bbcode, bbcode_open, bbcode_opt, bbcode_val, bbcode_close] = re_exec; // CHECK if (bbcode_open === bbcode_close) { const bbcode_opts = typeof bbcode_opt !== "undefined" ? bbcode_opt.split(":") : []; switch (bbcode_open) { case "steamdb": { if (bbcode_val in this.steamDB) { str = str.replace(bbcode, this.steamDB[bbcode_val]); } break; } case "option": { const item = Storage.get(bbcode_val); if (Storage.isValid(item)) { str = str.replace(bbcode, item); } break; } case "dlcEach": { str = str.replace(bbcode, this.dlcEach(bbcode_val, bbcode_opts[0] === "true", bbcode_opts[1] || 0)); break; } } } } return str; } }; // RUN; })());