arcum42 / FIMFiction Emote Extender: Bully For You Module - Alt

// ==UserScript==
// @name FIMFiction Emote Extender: Bully For You Module - Alt
// @namespace ffemoteextender
// @description Adds additional emotes to; for Chrome
// @author arcum42
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @grant none
// @require
// @version 1.0
// ==/UserScript==


function run() {

	//Use the following settings only in the first script you run.

	//Uncomment to enable verbose emote tables:
	//$("body").append("<div id='verboseEnabled'></div>");

	//Uncomment *one* line to select emote size:
	//$("body").append("<div id='emoteSizeSmall'></div>"); //Small Emotes
	//$("body").append("<div id='emoteSizeRegular'></div>"); //Regular Emotes
	//$("body").append("<div id='emoteSizeLarge'></div>"); //Large Emotes

    addEmote("", "DTBlankFlanks", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SSBlankFlanks", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "BabsWolf", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "ABWut", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "DTPout", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SSGrin", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "BabsGrimace", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "ABScared", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "DTScrunch", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SSSmug", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "BabsSmug", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "ABMenace", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "DTSuperior", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SSGrimace", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "BabsBigEyed", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SweetieSad", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "DTSalute", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "SSAngry", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "BabsCrusader", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
    addEmote("", "ScootaScared", "BLY", "BullyForYou", 1);
