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// ==UserScript== // @name 叮当公共库收录情况(测试) // @homepage // @namespace // @version 0.9.6 // @description 在steam网页中浏览游戏页面时,在标题后追加显示其在叮当公共库的收录情况。 // @author Smiorld // @match* // @icon // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== window.addEventListener("load", function () { if (window.location == '') { let tab_newreleases_content = document.querySelector('#tab_newreleases_content'); //the box for searching result. each child in it is an <a>. let children = tab_newreleases_content.children; for (let i = 1; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'app') { let data = { Id: child.href.split('/')[4] }; let title = child.children[2].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>(未收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } else { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>(已收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } }); } } } } else if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] == 'app') { let data = { Id: window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] }; let title = document.getElementById("appHubAppName"); if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { title.innerHTML += " ----- 公共库未收录" } else { title.innerHTML += " <br> 已收录,提交者:" + response.response.Data.NickName + ",入库时间:" + response.response.Data.Date; } } }); } } else if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] == 'search') { let tmp_script = document.querySelector('#responsive_page_template_content').children[0].innerHTML; let position ="infiniscroll"/); let infiniscroll = tmp_script[position + 15]; //为0时没有无限下滚,为1时有。这个决定了整个页面变化的div如何定位。经过实测,如果无限下滚,则不需要onload的时候触发一次。 if (infiniscroll == 0) { let searching_result = document.querySelector('#search_resultsRows'); //the box for searching result. each child in it is an <a>. let children = searching_result.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'app') { let data = { Id: child.href.split('/')[4] }; let title = child.children[1].children[0].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>(未收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } else { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>(已收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } }); } } else if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'bundle') { let title = child.children[1].children[0].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:orange;'>(合集)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } } } } }) //mutation检测是否在搜索结果内部分有变化。若有,触发脚本 //主页. xxx0是服务于global_hover_content的,xxx1是服务于类搜索结果的部分的 if (window.location == '') { let targetNode0 = document.querySelector('body'); let targetNode1 = document.querySelector('#last_tab'); let config = { subtree: true, attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }; let callback0 = mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { try { let global_hover_content = document.getElementById('global_hover_content'); let children = global_hover_content.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; let data = { Id: }; if (!child.getAttribute("dinged")) { child.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { child.children[1].innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>(未收录)</span>" + child.children[1].innerHTML; } else { child.children[1].innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>(已收录)</span>" + child.children[1].innerHTML; } } }); } } } catch (e) { //exception handle; } }) } let callback1 = mutations => { let tags = targetNode1.getAttribute("value"); let display = document.querySelector('#' + tags); //the box for searching result. each child in it is an <a>. let children = display.children; for (let i = 1; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'app') { let data = { Id: child.href.split('/')[4] }; let title = child.children[2].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>(未收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } else { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>(已收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } }); } } else if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'bundle') { let title = child.children[2].children[0]; console.log(title); if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:orange;'>(合集)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } } } const observer0 = new MutationObserver(callback0); const observer1 = new MutationObserver(callback1); observer0.observe(targetNode0, config); observer1.observe(targetNode1, config); } //搜索页面 else if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] == 'search') { let targetNode = document.querySelector('#search_results'); let config = { subtree: true, attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }; let callback = mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { let searching_result = document.querySelector('#search_resultsRows'); //the box for searching result. each child in it is an <a>. let children = searching_result.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'app') { let data = { Id: child.href.split('/')[4] }; let title = child.children[1].children[0].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(data), timeout: 20000, responseType: "json", ontimeout: function () { console.log("post request time out"); }, onload: function (response) { console.log("got response"); if (response.response.Data.Id == "0") { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>(未收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } else { title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>(已收录)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } }); } } else if (child.href.split('/')[3] == 'bundle') { let title = child.children[1].children[0].children[0]; if (!title.getAttribute("dinged")) { title.setAttribute("dinged", "dinged"); title.innerHTML = "<span style='color:orange;'>(合集)</span>" + title.innerHTML; } } } }); } const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(targetNode, config); }