DenverCoder1 / Unedit and Undelete for Reddit

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Unedit and Undelete for Reddit
// @namespace
// @version      3.9.4
// @description  Creates the option next to edited and deleted Reddit comments/posts to show the original comment from before it was edited
// @author       Jonah Lawrence (DenverCoder1)
// @match        *://**
// @include      https://**
// @include*
// @grant        none
// @require
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint esversion: 8 */

(function () {
    "use strict";

     * Whether or not we are on old reddit and not redesign.
     * This will be set in the "load" event listener.
     * @type {boolean}
    let isOldReddit = false;

     * Timeout to check for new edited comments on page.
     * This will be updated when scrolling.
     * @type {number?}
    let scriptTimeout = null;

     * The element that is currently requesting content
     * @type {Element?}
    let currentLoading = null;

     * List of submission ids of edited posts.
     * Used on Reddit redesign since the submissions are not marked as such.
     * This is set in the "load" event listener from the Reddit JSON API.
     * @type {Array<{id: string, edited: float}>}
    let editedSubmissions = [];

     * The current URL that is being viewed.
     * On Redesign, this can change without the user leaving page,
     * so we want to look for new edited submissions if it changes.
     * @type {string}
    let currentURL = window.location.href;

     * Showdown markdown converter
     * @type {showdown.Converter}
    const mdConverter = new showdown.Converter();

     * Logging methods for displaying formatted logs in the console.
     *"This is an info message");
     * logging.warn("This is a warning message");
     * logging.error("This is an error message");
     * logging.table({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
    const logging = {
        INFO: "info",
        WARN: "warn",
        ERROR: "error",
        TABLE: "table",

         * Log a message to the console
         * @param {string} level The console method to use e.g. "log", "info", "warn", "error", "table"
         * @param {...string} messages - Any number of messages to log
        _format_log(level, ...messages) {
            const logger = level in console ? console[level] : console.log;
            logger(`%c[unedit-for-reddit] %c[${level.toUpperCase()}]`, "color: #00b6b6", "color: #888800", ...messages);

         * Log an info message to the console
         * @param {...string} messages - Any number of messages to log
        info(...messages) {
            logging._format_log(this.INFO, ...messages);

         * Log a warning message to the console
         * @param {...string} messages - Any number of messages to log
        warn(...messages) {
            logging._format_log(this.WARN, ...messages);

         * Log an error message to the console
         * @param {...string} messages - Any number of messages to log
        error(...messages) {
            logging._format_log(this.ERROR, ...messages);

         * Log a table to the console
         * @param {Object} data - The table to log
        table(data) {
            logging._format_log(this.TABLE, data);

     * Find the ID of a comment or submission.
     * @param {Element} innerEl An element inside the comment.
     * @returns {string} The Reddit ID of the comment.
    function getPostId(innerEl) {
        let postId = "";
        // redesign
        if (!isOldReddit) {
            const post = innerEl?.closest("[class*='t1_'], [class*='t3_']");
            postId = Array.from(post.classList).filter(function (el) {
                return el.indexOf("t1_") > -1 || el.indexOf("t3_") > -1;
        // old reddit
        else {
            // old reddit comment
            postId = innerEl?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.id.replace("thing_", "");
            // old reddit submission
            if (!postId && isInSubmission(innerEl)) {
                const match = window.location.href.match(/comments\/([A-Za-z0-9]{5,8})\//);
                postId = match ? match[1] : null;
                // submission in list view
                if (!postId) {
                    const thing = innerEl.closest(".thing");
                    postId = thing?.id.replace("thing_", "");
            // if still not found, check for the .reportform element
            if (!postId) {
                postId = innerEl.parentElement.parentElement
                    .className.replace(/.*t1/, "t1");
        return postId;

     * Get the container of the comment or submission body for appending the original comment to.
     * @param {string} postId The ID of the comment or submission
     * @returns {Element} The container element of the comment or submission body.
    function getPostBodyElement(postId) {
        let bodyEl = null,
            baseEl = null;
        // redesign
        if (!isOldReddit) {
            baseEl = document.querySelector(`#${postId}, .Comment.${postId}`);
            // in post preview popups, the id will appear again but in #overlayScrollContainer
            const popupEl = document.querySelector(`#overlayScrollContainer .Post.${postId}`);
            baseEl = popupEl ? popupEl : baseEl;
            if (baseEl) {
                if (baseEl.getElementsByClassName("RichTextJSON-root").length > 0) {
                    bodyEl = baseEl.getElementsByClassName("RichTextJSON-root")[0];
                } else if (isInSubmission(baseEl) && baseEl?.firstElementChild?.lastElementChild) {
                    bodyEl = baseEl.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;
                } else {
                    bodyEl = baseEl;
        // old reddit
        else {
            // old reddit comments
            baseEl = document.querySelector(`form[id*='${postId}'] .md`);
            if (baseEl?.closest(".entry")) {
                bodyEl = baseEl;
            } else {
                baseEl = document.querySelector(".report-" + postId);
                bodyEl = baseEl ? baseEl.closest(".entry").querySelector(".usertext") : null;
            // old reddit submissions
            if (!bodyEl) {
                bodyEl =
                    document.querySelector("div[data-url] .entry form .md") ||
                    document.querySelector("div[data-url] .entry form .usertext-body");
            // link view
            if (!bodyEl) {
                bodyEl = document.querySelector(`.id-${postId}`);
        return bodyEl;

     * Check if surrounding elements imply element is in a selftext submission.
     * @param {Element} innerEl An element inside the post to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the element is in a selftext submission
    function isInSubmission(innerEl) {
        const selectors = [
            "a.thumbnail", // old reddit on profile page or list view
            "div[data-url]", // old reddit on submission page
            ".Post", // redesign
        return Boolean(innerEl.closest(selectors.join(", ")));

     * Check if the element bounds are within the window bounds.
     * @param {Element} element The element to check
     * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the element is within the window
    function isInViewport(element) {
        const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
        return (
   >= 0 &&
            rect.left >= 0 &&
            rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&
            rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)

     * Create a new paragraph containing the body of the original comment/post.
     * @param {Element} commentBodyElement The container element of the comment/post body.
     * @param {string} postType The type of post - "comment" or "post" (submission)
     * @param {object} postData The archived data of the original comment/post.
    function showOriginalComment(commentBodyElement, postType, postData) {
        const originalBody = typeof postData?.body === "string" ? postData.body : postData?.selftext;
        // create paragraph element
        const origBodyEl = document.createElement("p");
        origBodyEl.className = "og";
        // set text
        origBodyEl.innerHTML = mdConverter.makeHtml("\n\n### Original " + postType + ":\n\n" + originalBody);
        // paragraph styling = 0.96; = "14px"; = "#fff59d"; = "16px"; = "black"; = "20px";
        // author and date details
        const detailsEl = document.createElement("div"); = "12px";
        detailsEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Posted by "));
        const authorEl = document.createElement("a");
        authorEl.href = `/user/${}`;
        authorEl.innerText =;
        detailsEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ยท "));
        const dateEl = document.createElement("a");
        dateEl.href = postData.permalink;
        dateEl.title = new Date(postData.created_utc * 1000).toString();
        dateEl.innerText = getRelativeTime(postData.created_utc);
        // append to original comment
        if (commentBodyElement.lastElementChild.className !== 'og') {
        // scroll into view
        setTimeout(function () {
            if (!isInViewport(origBodyEl)) {
                origBodyEl.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
        }, 500);
        // Redesign
        if (!isOldReddit) {
            // Make sure collapsed submission previews are expanded to not hide the original comment.
   = "unset";
        // Old reddit
        else {
            // If the comment is collapsed, expand it so the original comment is visible

     * Expand comment if it is collapsed (on old reddit only).
     * @param {Element} innerEl An element inside the comment.
    function expandComment(innerEl) {
        const collapsedComment = innerEl.closest(".collapsed");
        if (collapsedComment) {

     * Create a link to view the original comment/post.
     * @param {Element} innerEl An element inside the comment or post to create a link for.
    function createLink(innerEl) {
        // if there is already a link, don't create another
        if (innerEl.parentElement.querySelector("a.showOriginal")) {
        // create link to "Show orginal"
        const showLinkEl = document.createElement("a");
        showLinkEl.innerText = "Show original";
        showLinkEl.className = innerEl.className + " showOriginal"; = "underline"; = "pointer"; = "6px";
        // find id of selected comment or submission
        const postId = getPostId(showLinkEl);
        showLinkEl.alt = `View original post for ID ${postId}`;
        if (!postId) {
   = "#dd2c00";
        // click event
            async function () {
                // allow only 1 request at a time
                if (typeof currentLoading != "undefined" && currentLoading !== null) {
                // create url for getting comment/post from pushshift api
                const idURL = isInSubmission(this)
                    ? "" +
                      postId +
                    : "" +
                      postId +
                // create url for getting author comments/posts from pushshift api
                const author = this.parentElement.querySelector("a[href*=user]")?.innerText;
                const authorURL = isInSubmission(this)
                    ? "" +
                      author +
                    : "" +
                      author +

                // set loading status
                currentLoading = this;
                this.innerHTML = "loading...";

      "Fetching from " + idURL + " and " + authorURL);

                // request from pushshift api
                await Promise.all([
                        .then((resp) => resp.json())
                        .catch((error) => {
                            logging.error("Error:", error);
                        .then((resp) => resp.json())
                        .catch((error) => {
                            logging.error("Error:", error);
                    .then((responses) => {
                        responses.forEach((out) => {
                            // locate the comment that was being loaded
                            const loading = currentLoading;
                            // exit if already found
                            if (loading.innerHTML === "") {
                            // locate comment body
                            const commentBodyElement = getPostBodyElement(postId);
                            const post = out?.data?.find((p) => p?.id === postId?.split("_").pop());
                  "Response:", { author, id: postId, post, data: out?.data });
                            // check that comment was fetched and body element exists
                            if (!commentBodyElement) {
                                // the comment body element was not found
                                loading.innerHTML = "body element not found";
                                logging.error("Body element not found:", out);
                            } else if (typeof post?.body === "string") {
                                // create new paragraph containing the body of the original comment
                                showOriginalComment(commentBodyElement, "comment", post);
                                // remove loading status from comment
                                loading.innerHTML = "";
                      "Successfully loaded comment.");
                            } else if (typeof post?.selftext === "string") {
                                // check if result has selftext instead of body (it is a submission post)
                                // create new paragraph containing the selftext of the original submission
                                showOriginalComment(commentBodyElement, "post", post);
                                // remove loading status from post
                                loading.innerHTML = "";
                      "Successfully loaded post.");
                            } else if (out?.data?.length === 0) {
                                // data was returned empty
                                loading.innerHTML = "not found";
                                logging.warn("No results:", out);
                            } else if (out?.data?.length > 0) {
                                // no matching comment/post was found in the data
                                loading.innerHTML = "not found";
                                logging.warn("No matching post:", out);
                            } else {
                                // other issue occurred with displaying comment
                                loading.innerHTML = "fetch failed";
                                logging.error("Fetch failed:", out);
                    .catch(function (err) {
                        throw err;

                // reset status
                currentLoading = null;

     * Convert unix timestamp in seconds to a relative time string (e.g. "2 hours ago").
     * @param {number} timestamp A unix timestamp in seconds.
     * @returns {string} A relative time string.
    function getRelativeTime(timestamp) {
        const time = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
        const now = new Date();
        const seconds = Math.round((now.getTime() - time.getTime()) / 1000);
        const minutes = Math.round(seconds / 60);
        const hours = Math.round(minutes / 60);
        const days = Math.round(hours / 24);
        const months = Math.round(days / 30.5);
        const years = Math.round(days / 365);
        if (years > 0 && months >= 12) {
            return `${years} ${years === 1 ? "year" : "years"} ago`;
        if (months > 0 && days >= 30) {
            return `${months} ${months === 1 ? "month" : "months"} ago`;
        if (days > 0 && hours >= 24) {
            return `${days} ${days === 1 ? "day" : "days"} ago`;
        if (hours > 0 && minutes >= 60) {
            return `${hours} ${hours === 1 ? "hour" : "hours"} ago`;
        if (minutes > 0 && seconds >= 60) {
            return `${minutes} ${minutes === 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"} ago`;
        return "just now";

     * Locate comments and add links to each.
    function findEditedComments() {
        // when function runs, cancel timeout
        if (scriptTimeout) {
            scriptTimeout = null;
        // list elements to check for edited or deleted status
        let selectors = [],
            elementsToCheck = [],
            editedComments = [];
        // redesign
        if (!isOldReddit) {
            // check for edited/deleted comments and deleted submissions
            selectors = [
                ".Comment div:first-of-type span:not(.found)", // Comments "edited..." or "Comment deleted/removed..."
                ".Post div div div:last-of-type div ~ div:last-of-type:not(.found)", // Submissions "It doesn't appear in any feeds..." message
            elementsToCheck = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(", ")));
            editedComments = elementsToCheck.filter(function (el) {
                return (
                    !el.children.length && // we only care about the element if it has no children
                    (el.innerText.substring(0, 6) === "edited" || // include edited comments
                        el.innerText.substring(0, 15) === "Comment deleted" || // include comments deleted by user
                        el.innerText.substring(0, 15) === "Comment removed" || // include comments removed by moderator
                        el.innerText.substring(0, 30) === "It doesn't appear in any feeds" || // include deleted submissions
                        el.innerText.substring(0, 23) == "Moderators remove posts") // include submissions removed by moderators
            // Edited submissions found using the Reddit API
            editedSubmissions.forEach((submission) => {
                const postId =;
                const editedAt = submission.edited;
                selectors = [
                    `#t3_${postId} > div:first-of-type > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:first-of-type > div:first-of-type > span:first-of-type:not(.found)`, // Submission page
                    `#t3_${postId} > div:last-of-type[data-click-id] > div:first-of-type > div:first-of-type > div:first-of-type:not(.found)`, // Subreddit listing view
                    `.Post.t3_${postId} > div:last-of-type[data-click-id] > div:first-of-type > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:first-of-type:not(.found)`, // Profile/home listing view
                    `.Post.t3_${postId}:not(.scrollerItem) > div:first-of-type > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:first-of-type > div:first-of-type:not(.found)`, // Preview popup
                Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(", "))).forEach((el) => {
                    // display when the post was edited
                    const editedDateElement = document.createElement("span");
           = "italic";
                    editedDateElement.innerText = ` \u00b7 edited ${getRelativeTime(editedAt)}`; // middle-dot = \u00b7
            // If the url has changed, check for edited submissions again
            // This is an async fetch that will check for edited submissions again when it is done
            if (currentURL !== window.location.href) {
      `URL changed from ${currentURL} to ${window.location.href}`);
                currentURL = window.location.href;
        // old Reddit
        else {
            selectors = [
                ".entry p.tagline time:not(.found)", // Comment or Submission "last edited" timestamp
                ".entry p.tagline em:not(.found)", // Comment "[deleted]" author
                "div[data-url] p.tagline span:first-of-type:not(.found)", // Submission "[deleted]" author
                "div[data-url] .usertext-body em:not(.found)", // Submission "[removed]" body
            elementsToCheck = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(", ")));
            editedComments = elementsToCheck.filter(function (el) {
                return (
                    el.title.substring(0, 11) === "last edited" || // include edited comments or submissions
                    el.innerText === "[deleted]" || // include comments or submissions deleted by user
                    el.innerText === "[removed]" // include comments or submissions removed by moderator
        // create links
        editedComments.forEach(function (el) {
            // for removed submissions, add the link to an element in the tagline instead of the body
            if (el.closest(".usertext-body") && el.innerText === "[removed]") {
                el = el.closest(".entry")?.querySelector("p.tagline span:first-of-type") || el;

     * If the script timeout is not already set, set it and
     * run the findEditedComments in a second, otherwise do nothing.
    function waitAndFindEditedComments() {
        if (!scriptTimeout) {
            scriptTimeout = setTimeout(findEditedComments, 1000);

     * Check for edited submissions using the Reddit JSON API.
     * Since the Reddit Redesign website does not show if a submission was edited,
     * we will check the data in the Reddit JSON API for the information.
    function checkForEditedSubmissions() {
        // don't need to check if we're not on a submission page or list view
        if (!document.querySelector(".Post, .ListingLayout-backgroundContainer")) {
        const match = /^https?:.*?\/r\/[^?]+)?([?]?.*)$/.exec(window.location.href);
        if (match?.length < 3) {
        const jsonUrl = `${match[1]}.json${match[2]}`;`Fetching additional info from ${jsonUrl}`);
            .then(function (response) {
                if (!response.ok) {
                    throw new Error(`${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
                return response.json();
            .then(function (data) {
      "Response:", data);
                const out = data?.length ? data[0] : data;
                const children = out?.data?.children;
                if (children) {
                    editedSubmissions = children
                        .filter(function (post) {
                            return post.kind === "t3" &&;
                        .map(function (post) {
                            return {
          "Edited submissions:", editedSubmissions);
                    setTimeout(findEditedComments, 1000);
            .catch(function (error) {
                logging.error("Error fetching additional info:", error);

    // check for new comments when you scroll
    window.addEventListener("scroll", waitAndFindEditedComments, true);

    // check for new comments when you click
    document.body.addEventListener("click", waitAndFindEditedComments, true);

    // add additional styling, find edited comments, and set old reddit status on page load
    window.addEventListener("load", function () {
        // determine if reddit is old or redesign
        isOldReddit = /old\.reddit/.test(window.location.href) || !!document.querySelector("#header-img");
        // Reddit redesign
        if (!isOldReddit) {
            // fix styling of created paragraphs in new reddit
                    p.og pre {
                        font-family: monospace;
                        background: #fff59d;
                        padding: 6px;
                        margin: 6px 0;
                        color: black;
                    p.og h1 {
                        font-size: 2em;
                    p.og h2 {
                        font-size: 1.5em;
                    p.og>h3:first-child {
                        font-weight: bold;
                        margin-bottom: 0.5em;
                    p.og h3 {
                        font-size: 1.17em;
                    p.og h4 {
                        font-size: 1em;
                    p.og h5 {
                        font-size: 0.83em;
                    p.og h6 {
                        font-size: 0.67em;
                    p.og a {
                        color: #3e88a0;
                        text-decoration: underline;
                    p.og summary {
                        cursor: pointer;
                    p.og hr {
                        border: none;
                        border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
                        background: transparent;
            // check for edited submissions
        // find edited comments