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// ==UserScript== // @name Appstorrent 翻译切换器 // @name:en Appstorrent Language Switcher // @namespace // @version 1.3 // @description 为appstorrent.ru自动切换翻译语言 // @description:en Automatically switch translation language for // @author Corlius // @homepageURL // @icon // @license MIT // @match* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function isFirstInstall() { const isInstalled = GM_getValue('isInstalled', false); if (!isInstalled) { GM_setValue('isInstalled', true); return true; } return false; } if (isFirstInstall()) { const detailsPageLangInitial = prompt('请选择详情页面的默认语言:\nPlease select the default language for the details pages:\nr = ru 俄语\ne = en 英语\nd = de 德语\nz = zh-TW 中文', 'e'); const otherPageLangInitial = prompt('请选择其他页面的默认语言:\nPlease select the default language of other pages:\nr = ru 俄语\ne = en 英语\nd = de 德语\nz = zh-TW 中文', 'e'); const pollingInterval = prompt('请设置监听间隔(毫秒),默认为1500:\nPlease set the listening interval (milliseconds), the default is 1500.', '1500'); GM_setValue('detailsPageLangInitial', detailsPageLangInitial); GM_setValue('otherPageLangInitial', otherPageLangInitial); GM_setValue('pollingInterval', pollingInterval); window.location.reload(); } // 根据语言代号改变网页语言的函数 function changeLanguage(languageCode) { let languageSelector = document.querySelector(`a[data-google-lang="${languageCode}"]`); if (languageSelector) {; } } // 语言映射 const languageMapping = { 'r': 'ru', 'e': 'en', 'd': 'de', 'z': 'zh-TW' } // 获取用户设置的语言首字母 function getLanguage(firstLetter) { return languageMapping[firstLetter] || 'en'; // 默认为英语 } // 获取用户设置的语言 var detailsPageLangInitial = GM_getValue('detailsPageLangInitial', 'e'); var otherPageLangInitial = GM_getValue('otherPageLangInitial', 'e'); // 获取用户设置的监听间隔 var pollingInterval = GM_getValue('pollingInterval', 1500); // 转换用户设置的语言首字母为完整的语言代码 var detailsPageLang = getLanguage(detailsPageLangInitial); var otherPageLang = getLanguage(otherPageLangInitial); // 检查当前页面是否是详情页 var isDetailsPage = window.location.pathname.endsWith(".html"); // 每pollingInterval毫秒监听一次页面语言变化并更新 setInterval(function() { var currentLang = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang'); var targetLang = isDetailsPage ? detailsPageLang : otherPageLang; if (currentLang !== targetLang) { changeLanguage(targetLang); } }, pollingInterval); // 添加语言选择命令到菜单 GM_registerMenuCommand('设置详情页语言 / Set details page language', function() { var langInitial = prompt('r = ru 俄语,e = en 英语,d= de 德语,z = zh-TW中文:', detailsPageLangInitial); if (langInitial) { GM_setValue('detailsPageLangInitial', langInitial); window.location.reload(); } }); GM_registerMenuCommand('设置其他页面语言 / Setting other page languages', function() { var langInitial = prompt('r = ru 俄语,e = en 英语,d= de 德语,z = zh-TW中文:', otherPageLangInitial); if (langInitial) { GM_setValue('otherPageLangInitial', langInitial); window.location.reload(); } }); // 添加设置监听间隔命令到菜单 GM_registerMenuCommand('设置监听间隔 / Set the listening interval', function() { var interval = prompt('默认值为1500毫秒,如果遇到页面频繁刷新,请提高此参数:\nThe default value is 1500 ms, if you encounter frequent page refreshes, please increase this parameter:', pollingInterval); if (interval !== null) { GM_setValue('pollingInterval', interval); window.location.reload(); } }); })();