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// ==UserScript== // @name [RED] Cover Inspector // @namespace // @version 1.15.13 // @run-at document-end // @description Easify & speed-up finding, lookup and updating of invalid, missing or non optimal album covers on site // @author Anakunda // @copyright © 2024, Anakunda ( // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @match // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*&id=* // @match* // @match*&id=* // @match // @match*&action=subscribed_collages // @match // @match* // @match* // @match*&method=* // @connect * // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_getTabs // @grant GM_saveTab // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; const isFirefox = /\b(?:Firefox)\b/.test(navigator.userAgent) || Boolean(window.InstallTrigger); const httpParser = /^(https?:\/\/\S+)$/i; const preferredHosts = { '': [''], }[document.domain]; const preferredTypes = GM_getValue('preferred_types', ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg'].map(type => 'image/' + type)); const uaVersions = { }; function setUserAgent(params, suffixLen = 8) { if (params && typeof params == 'object' && httpParser.test(params.url)) try { const url = new URL(params.url); if ([document.location.hostname, ''].includes(url.hostname)) return; //return ['dzcdn.', ''].some(pattern => hostname.includes(pattern)); params.anonymous = true; if (!navigator.userAgent) return; if (!uaVersions[url.hostname] || ++uaVersions[url.hostname].usageCount > 16) uaVersions[url.hostname] = { versionSuffix: Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, suffixLen * 4)).toString(16).padStart(suffixLen, '0'), usageCount: 1, }; if (!params.headers) params.headers = { }; params.headers['User-Agent'] = navigator.userAgent.replace(/\b(Gecko|\w*WebKit|Blink|Goanna|Flow|\w*HTML|Servo|NetSurf)\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)\b/, (match, engine, engineVersion) => engine + '/' + engineVersion + '.' + uaVersions[url.hostname].versionSuffix); } catch(e) { console.warn('Invalid url:', params.url) } } function formattedSize(size) { const units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB']; const e = (size = Math.max(size, 0)) > 0 ? Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log2(size) / 10), units.length - 1) : 0; return `${(size / Math.pow(2, e * 10)).toFixed(Math.min(e, 3))}\xA0${units[e]}`; } const imageHostHelper = 'imageHostHelper' in unsafeWindow ? unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper ? Promise.resolve(unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper) : Promise.reject('Assertion failed: void unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper') : new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function listener(evt) { clearTimeout(timeout); unsafeWindow.removeEventListener('imageHostHelper', listener); //console.log('imageHostHelper exports triggered:', evt); if ( resolve(; else if (unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper) resolve(unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper); else reject('Assertion failed: void unsafeWindow.imageHostHelper'); } unsafeWindow.addEventListener('imageHostHelper', listener); const timeout = setTimeout(function() { unsafeWindow.removeEventListener('imageHostHelper', listener); reject('Timeout reached'); }, 15000); }); if (!document.tooltipster) document.tooltipster = typeof jQuery.fn.tooltipster == 'function' ? Promise.resolve(jQuery.fn.tooltipster) : new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const script = document.createElement('SCRIPT'); script.src = '/static/functions/tooltipster.js'; script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.onload = function(evt) { //console.log('tooltipster.js was successfully loaded', evt); if (typeof jQuery.fn.tooltipster == 'function') resolve(jQuery.fn.tooltipster); else reject('tooltipster.js loaded but core function was not found'); }; script.onerror = evt => { reject('Error loading tooltipster.js') }; document.head.append(script); ['style.css'/*, 'custom.css', 'reset.css'*/].forEach(function(css) { const styleSheet = document.createElement('link'); styleSheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; styleSheet.type = 'text/css'; styleSheet.href = '/static/styles/tooltipster/' + css; //styleSheet.onload = evt => { console.log('style.css was successfully loaded', evt) }; styleSheet.onerror = evt => { (css == 'style.css' ? reject : console.warn)('Error loading ' + css) }; document.head.append(styleSheet); }); }); function setTooltip(elem, tooltip, params) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) throw 'Invalid argument'; document.tooltipster.then(function() { if (tooltip) tooltip = tooltip.replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br>') if ($(elem).data('plugin_tooltipster')) if (tooltip) $(elem).tooltipster('update', tooltip).tooltipster('enable'); else $(elem).tooltipster('disable'); else if (tooltip) $(elem).tooltipster({ content: tooltip }); }).catch(function(reason) { if (tooltip) elem.title = tooltip; else elem.removeAttribute('title'); }); } const maxOpenTabs = GM_getValue('max_open_tabs', 25), autoCloseTimeout = GM_getValue('tab_auto_close_timeout', 0); let openedTabs = [ ], tabsQueueRecovery = [ ], lastOnQueue; function openTabLimited(endpoint, params, hash) { function updateQueueInfo() { const id = 'waiting-tabs-counter'; let counter = document.getElementById(id); if (counter == null) { if (tabsQueueRecovery.length <= 0) return; const queueInfo = document.createElement('DIV'); = ` position: fixed; left: 10pt; bottom: 10pt; padding: 5pt; z-index: 999; font-size: 8pt; color: white; background-color: sienna; border: thin solid black; box-shadow: 2pt 2pt 5pt black; cursor: default; `; const tooltip = 'By closing this tab the queue will be discarded'; if (typeof jQuery.fn.tooltipster == 'function') $(queueInfo).tooltipster({ content: tooltip }); else queueInfo.title = tooltip; counter = document.createElement('SPAN'); = id; = 'bold'; queueInfo.append(counter, ' release group(s) queued to view'); document.body.append(queueInfo); } else if (tabsQueueRecovery.length <= 0) { document.body.removeChild(counter.parentNode); return; } counter.textContent = tabsQueueRecovery.length; } if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'function') return Promise.reject('Not supported'); if (!endpoint) return Promise.reject('Invalid argument'); const saveQueue = () => localStorage.setItem('coverInspectorTabsQueue', JSON.stringify(tabsQueueRecovery)); let recoveryEntry; if (maxOpenTabs > 0) { tabsQueueRecovery.push(recoveryEntry = { endpoint: endpoint, params: params || null, hash: hash || '' }); if (openedTabs.length >= maxOpenTabs) updateQueueInfo(); saveQueue(); } const waitFreeSlot = () => (maxOpenTabs > 0 && openedTabs.length >= maxOpenTabs ? Promise.race( => new Promise(function(resolve) { console.assert(!tabHandler.closed); if (!tabHandler.closed) tabHandler.resolver = resolve; //else resolve(tabHandler); }))) : Promise.resolve(null)).then(function(tabHandler) { console.assert(openedTabs.length <= maxOpenTabs); const url = new URL(endpoint + '.php', document.location.origin); if (params) for (let param in params) url.searchParams.set(param, params[param]); if (hash) url.hash = hash; (tabHandler = GM_openInTab(url.href, true)).onclose = function() { console.assert(this.closed); if (this.autoCloseTimer >= 0) clearTimeout(this.autoCloseTimer); const index = openedTabs.indexOf(this); console.assert(index >= 0); if (index >= 0) openedTabs.splice(index, 1); else openedTabs = openedTabs.filter(opernGroup => !opernGroup.closed); if (typeof this.resolver == 'function') this.resolver(this); }.bind(tabHandler); if (autoCloseTimeout > 0) tabHandler.autoCloseTimer = setTimeout(tabHandler => { if (!tabHandler.closed) tabHandler.close() }, autoCloseTimeout * 1000, tabHandler); openedTabs.push(tabHandler); if (maxOpenTabs > 0) { const index = tabsQueueRecovery.indexOf(recoveryEntry); console.assert(index >= 0); if (index >= 0) tabsQueueRecovery.splice(index, 1); updateQueueInfo(); saveQueue(); } return tabHandler; }); return (lastOnQueue = lastOnQueue instanceof Promise ? lastOnQueue.then(waitFreeSlot) : waitFreeSlot()); } const openTabParams = { }, tabData = { torrentGroups: { } }; if (GM_getValue('view_group_with_google_search', true)) openTabParams['embed-google-image-search'] = 1; if (GM_getValue('view_group_with_cse_search', false)) openTabParams['embed-cse-search'] = 1; if (GM_getValue('view_group_with_desc_source', false)) openTabParams['embed-desc-link-source'] = 1; if (GM_getValue('view_group_with_desc_images', true)) openTabParams['desc-links-image-preview'] = 1; if (GM_getValue('view_group_with_collages_highlighting', true)) openTabParams['highlight-cover-collages'] = 1; if (GM_getValue('view_group_presearch_bandcamp', true)) openTabParams['presearch-bandcamp'] = 1; function openGroup(torrentGroup) { if (!torrentGroup) throw 'Invalid argument'; if (!( > 0)) return null; tabData.torrentGroups[] = torrentGroup; GM_saveTab(tabData); return openTabLimited('torrents', Object.assign({ id: }, openTabParams)); } function checkSavedRecovery() { if ('coverInspectorTabsQueue' in localStorage) try { const savedQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('coverInspectorTabsQueue')); if (!Array.isArray(savedQueue) || savedQueue.length <= 0) return true; const unloadedCount = savedQueue.filter(item1 => !tabsQueueRecovery.some(function(item2) { if (item1.endpoint != item2.endpoint || item1.hash != item2.hash) return false; if ((item1.params == null) != (item2.params == null)) return false; return item1.params == null || Object.keys(item1.params).every(key => item2[key] == item1[key]) && Object.keys(item2.params).every(key => item1[key] == item2[key]); })).length; if (unloadedCount <= 0) return true; return confirm('Saved queue (' + (unloadedCount < savedQueue.length ? unloadedCount + '/' + savedQueue.length : savedQueue.length) + ' tabs to open) will be lost, continue?'); }catch(e) { console.warn(e) } return true; } const acceptableSize = { '': GM_getValue('acceptable_cover_size') }[document.domain] || 4 * 2**10; const fineResolution = { '': 500 }[document.domain] || 500; let acceptableResolution = { '': GM_getValue('acceptable_cover_resolution') }[document.domain] || 300; if (fineResolution > 0 && acceptableResolution > fineResolution) acceptableResolution = fineResolution; let hqResolution = { '': GM_getValue('hq_cover_resolution') }[document.domain] || 1024; if (fineResolution > 0 && hqResolution < fineResolution) hqResolution = fineResolution; function getHostFriendlyName(imageUrl) { if (httpParser.test(imageUrl)) try { imageUrl = new URL(imageUrl) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } if (imageUrl instanceof URL) imageUrl = imageUrl.hostname.toLowerCase(); else return; const knownHosts = { '2i': [''], '7digital': [''], 'AcousticSounds': [''], 'Abload': [''], 'AllMusic': [''], 'AllThePics': [''], 'Amazon': ['', '', ''], 'AnimeBytes': [''], 'Apple': [''], 'Archive': [''], 'Bandcamp': [''], 'Bangumi': [''], 'Beatport': [''], 'BilderUpload': [''], 'Boomkat': [''], 'CasImages': [''], 'Catbox': [''], 'CloudFront': [''], 'CubeUpload': [''], 'Deezer': [''], 'Dibpic': [''], 'Discogs': [''], 'Discord': ['', ''], 'e-onkyo': [''], 'eBay': [''], 'Extraimage': [''], 'FastPic': ['', ''], 'Forumbilder': [''], 'FreeImageHost': [''], 'FunkyImg': [''], 'GeTt': [''], 'GeekPic': [''], 'Genius': [''], 'GetaPic': [''], 'Gifyu': [''], 'Goodreads': [''], 'GooPics': [''], 'HDtracks': [''], 'HRA': [''], 'imageCx': [''], 'ImageBan': [''], 'ImageKit': [''], 'ImagensBrasil': [''], 'ImageRide': [''], 'ImageToT': [''], 'ImageVenue': [''], 'ImgBank': [''], 'ImgBB': [''], 'ImgBox': [''], 'ImgCDN': [''], 'Imgoo': [''], 'ImgPile': [''], 'imgsha': [''], 'Imgur': [''], 'ImgURL': [''], 'IpevRu': [''], 'Jerking': [''], 'JPopsuki': [''], 'Juno': [''], '': ['', ''], 'Lensdump': [''], 'LightShot': [''], 'LostPic': [''], 'LutIm': [''], 'MetalArchives': [''], 'MixCloud': [''], 'Mobilism': [''], 'Mora': [''], 'MusicBrainz': [''], 'Naxos': [''], 'NetEase': [''], 'NoelShack': [''], 'OTOTOY': [''], 'Photobucket': [''], 'PicaBox': [''], 'PicLoad': ['', ''], 'PimpAndHost': [''], 'Pinterest': [''], 'PixHost': [''], 'PomfCat': [''], 'PostImg': [''], 'ProgArchives': [''], 'PTPimg': [''], 'Qobuz': [''], 'QQ音乐': [''], 'Ra': [''], 'Radikal': [''], 'RA': [''], 'RYM': [''], 'SavePhoto': [''], 'Shopify': [''], 'Slowpoke': [''], 'SoundCloud': [''], 'Spotify': [''], 'Stereogum': [''], 'SM.MS': ['', ''], 'Stereogum': [''], 'SVGshare': [''], 'Tidal': [''], 'Traxsource': [''], 'Twitter': [''], 'Upimager': [''], '': [''], 'VGMdb': ['', ''], 'VgyMe': [''], 'Wiki': [''], 'Z4A': [''], '路过图床': [''], }; for (let name in knownHosts) if (knownHosts[name].some(domain => imageUrl == (domain = domain.toLowerCase()) || imageUrl.endsWith('.' + domain))) return name; } function noCoverHere(url) { if (!url || !url.protocol.startsWith('http')) return true; let str = url.hostname.toLowerCase(); if ([ document.location.hostname, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'youri-egoro', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ].concat(GM_getValue('no_covers_here', [ ])).some(hostName => hostName && (str == (hostName = hostName.toLowerCase()) || str.endsWith('.' + hostName)))) return true; str = url.pathname.toLowerCase(); const pathParts = { '': ['artist', 'label', 'user'].map(folder => '/' + folder + '/'), }; for (let domain in pathParts) if ((url.hostname == domain || url.hostname.endsWith('.' + domain)) && pathParts[domain].some(pathPart => str.includes(pathPart.toLowerCase()))) return true; return false; } const hostSubstitutions = { '': '', }; const musicResourceDomains = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; const click2goHostLists = [ GM_getValue('click2go_blacklist', ['', '', '']), GM_getValue('click2go_whitelist', musicResourceDomains.concat([ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ])), GM_getValue('click2go_badlist', [ '', '', '', '', '', ]), ].map(click2goHostList => click2goHostList.filter((e, n, a) => a.indexOf(e) == n).sort()); if (click2goHostLists[0].some(hostName => /\b(?:imgur\.com)$/i.test(hostName))) GM_setValue('click2go_blacklist', click2goHostLists[0] = click2goHostLists[0].filter(hostName => !/\b(?:imgur\.com)$/i.test(hostName))); if (!click2goHostLists[1].includes('')) { click2goHostLists[1].push(''); GM_setValue('click2go_whitelist', click2goHostLists[1].sort()); } const getDomainListIndex = (domain, listNdx) => domain && Array.isArray(listNdx = click2goHostLists[listNdx]) ? (domain = domain.toLowerCase(), listNdx.findIndex(domain2 => (domain2 = domain2.toLowerCase()) == domain || domain.endsWith('.' + domain2))) : -1; const isOnDomainList = (domain, listNdx) => getDomainListIndex(domain, listNdx) >= 0; const domParser = new DOMParser; const autoOpenSucceed = GM_getValue('auto_open_succeed', true); const autoOpenWithLink = GM_getValue('auto_open_with_link', true); const hasArtworkSet = img => img instanceof HTMLImageElement && img.src && !img.src.includes('/static/common/noartwork/'); const singleResultGetter = result => Array.isArray(result) ? result[0] : result; function realImgSrc(img) { if (!(img instanceof HTMLImageElement)) throw 'Invalid argument'; else if (!hasArtworkSet(img)) return ''; if (img.hasAttribute('onclick')) { const src = /\blightbox\.init\('(https?:\/\/.+?)',\s*\d+\)/.exec(img.getAttribute('onclick')); if (src != null) try { var imageUrl = new URL(src[1]) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } } if (!imageUrl) try { imageUrl = new URL(img.src) } catch(e) { console.warn('Invalid IMG source: img.src'); return undefined; } if (imageUrl.hostname.endsWith('')) imageUrl.pathname = imageUrl.pathname.replace(/\/(\w{7,})m\.(\w+)$/, '/$1.$2'); return imageUrl.href; } function deProxifyImgSrc(imageUrl) { if (!imageUrl) throw 'Invalid argument'; if (httpParser.test(imageUrl)) try { imageUrl = new URL(imageUrl); if (imageUrl.hostname == document.location.hostname && imageUrl.pathname == '/image.php' && (imageUrl = imageUrl.searchParams.get('i')) && httpParser.test(imageUrl)) return imageUrl; } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } function getImageMax(imageUrl) { const friendlyName = getHostFriendlyName(imageUrl); return imageHostHelper.then(ihh => (function() { const func = friendlyName && { 'Deezer': 'getDeezerImageMax', 'Discogs': 'getDiscogsImageMax', }[friendlyName]; return func && func in ihh ? ihh[func](imageUrl) : Promise.reject('No imagemax function'); })().catch(function(reason) { let sub = friendlyName && { 'Bandcamp': [/_\d+(?=\.(\w+)$)/, '_10'], 'Deezer': ihh.dzrImageMax, 'Apple': ihh.itunesImageMax, 'Qobuz': [/_\d{3}(?=\.(\w+)$)/, '_org'], 'Boomkat': [/\/(?:large|medium|small)\//i, '/original/'], 'Beatport': [/\/image_size\/\d+x\d+\//i, '/image/'], 'Tidal': [/\/(\d+x\d+)(?=\.(\w+)$)/, '/1280x1280'], 'Amazon': [/\._\S+?_(?=\.)/, ''], 'HRA': [/_(\d+x\d+)(?=\.(\w+)$)/, ''], }[friendlyName]; if (sub) sub = String(imageUrl).replace(...sub); else return Promise.reject('No imagemax substitution'); return ihh.verifyImageUrl(sub); }).catch(reason => ihh.verifyImageUrl(imageUrl))); } if ('imageDetailsCache' in sessionStorage) try { var imageDetailsCache = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('imageDetailsCache')); } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } if (!imageDetailsCache || typeof imageDetailsCache != 'object') imageDetailsCache = { }; const imgLoadCache = new Map, imgRequestCache = new Map; function getImageDetails(imageUrl) { if (!imageUrl) throw 'Invalid argument'; if (!httpParser.test(imageUrl)) return Promise.reject('Invalid URL'); return imageUrl in imageDetailsCache ? Promise.resolve(imageDetailsCache[imageUrl]) : Promise.all([ (function(imageUrl) { if (imgLoadCache.has(imageUrl)) return imgLoadCache.get(imageUrl); const loadWorker = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const image = new Image; image.onload = evt => { resolve({ src: evt.currentTarget.src, width: evt.currentTarget.naturalWidth, height: evt.currentTarget.naturalHeight, }) }; image.onerror = evt => { reject(evt.message || 'Image loading error (' + image.src + ')') }; image.loading = 'eager'; image.referrerPolicy = 'same-origin'; image.src = imageUrl; }); imgLoadCache.set(imageUrl, loadWorker); return loadWorker; })(imageUrl), (function(imageUrl) { if (imgRequestCache.has(imageUrl)) return imgRequestCache.get(imageUrl); const getByXHR = (method = 'GET') => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const params = { method: method, url: imageUrl, binary: true, timeout: 90e3, responseType: 'blob' }; setUserAgent(params); let hdrSize, hdrType, hdrChecked = false, hXHR = GM_xmlhttpRequest(Object.assign(params, { onreadystatechange: function(response) { if (hdrChecked || response.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) return; if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 400) { reject(XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response)); return hXHR.abort(); } hdrChecked = true; if ([ '', '', '//', '', '', '', '/0dc61986-bccf-49d4-8fad-6b147ea8f327.jpg', '/ab2d1d04-233d-4b08-8234-9782b34dcab8.jpg', '', '', '', '', '/images/no-cover.png', ].some(invalidUrl => response.finalUrl.endsWith(invalidUrl))) { reject('Dummy image (placeholder): ' + response.finalUrl); return hXHR.abort(); } const Etag = /^(?:Etag)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/im.exec(response.responseHeaders); if (Etag != null && [ 'd835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946', '25d628d3d3a546cc025b3685715e065f42f9cbb735688b773069e82aac16c597f03617314f78375d143876b6d8421542109f86ccd02eab6ba8b0e469b67dc953', '"55fade2068e7503eae8d7ddf5eb6bd09"', '"1580238364"', '"rbFK6Ned4SXbK7Fsn+EfdgKVO8HjvrmlciYi8ZvC9Mc"', '7ef77ea97052c1abcabeb44ad1d0c4fce4d269b8a4f439ef11050681a789a1814fc7085a96d23212af594b6b2855c99f475b8b61d790f22b9d71490425899efa', ].some(etag => etag.toLowerCase() == Etag[1].toLowerCase())) { reject('Dummy image (placeholder): ' + response.finalUrl); return hXHR.abort(); } hdrSize = /^(?:Content-Length)\s*:\s*(\d+)\b/im.exec(response.responseHeaders); hdrSize = hdrSize != null ? parseInt(hdrSize[1]) : undefined; hdrType = /^(?:Content-Type)\s*:\s*(.+?)(?:\s*;(.+?))?\s*$/im.exec(response.responseHeaders); hdrType = hdrType != null ? hdrType[1] : undefined; if (hdrSize >= 0 && hdrType) { resolve({ size: hdrSize, type: hdrType }); if (method != 'HEAD') hXHR.abort(); } else if (method == 'HEAD') reject('Content size/type missing or invalid in header'); }, onload: function(response) { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) try { if ((hdrSize = response.response) instanceof Blob) resolve({ size: hdrSize.size, type: hdrSize.type || hdrType, }); else if ((hdrSize = new Blob([response.responseText])) instanceof Blob) resolve({ size: hdrSize.size, type: hdrType, }); else reject('Image content could not be loaded'); } catch(e) { reject(e) } else reject(XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response)); }, onerror: response => { reject(XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response)) }, ontimeout: response => { reject(XHR.defaultTimeoutHandler(response)) }, })); }); const loadWorker = getByXHR('GET'); //getByXHR('HEAD').catch(reason => getByXHR('GET')); imgRequestCache.set(imageUrl, loadWorker); return loadWorker; })(imageUrl).catch(function(reason) { console.warn(`[Cover Inspector] Failed to request remote image (${imageUrl}):`, reason); return null; }), ]).then(workers => Object.assign({ localProxy: false }, workers[0], workers[1])).then(function(imageDetails) { if (imageDetails.width <= 0 || imageDetails.height <= 0) return Promise.reject('Zero area'); const deproxiedSrc = deProxifyImgSrc(imageDetails.src); if (deproxiedSrc) return getImageDetails(deproxiedSrc) .then(imageDetails => Object.assign({ }, imageDetails, { localProxy: true })); // if (imageDetails.size < 2 * 2**10 && imageDetails.width == 400 && imageDetails.height == 100) // return Promise.reject('Known placeholder image'); // if (imageDetails.size == 503) return Promise.reject('Known placeholder image'); if (!(imageUrl in imageDetailsCache)) { imageDetailsCache[imageUrl] = imageDetails; try { sessionStorage.setItem('imageDetailsCache', JSON.stringify(imageDetailsCache)) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } } return imageDetails; }); } const bb2Html = bbBody => queryAjaxAPI('preview', undefined, { body: bbBody }); let userAuth = document.body.querySelector('input[name="auth"]'); if (userAuth != null) userAuth = userAuth.value; else if ((userAuth = document.body.querySelector('#nav_logout > a')) != null) { userAuth = new URLSearchParams(; userAuth = userAuth.get('auth') || null; } if (!userAuth) console.warn('[Cover Inspector] Failed to extract user auth key, removal from collages will be unavailable'); let noEditPerms = document.getElementById('nav_userclass'), cseSearchMenu; noEditPerms = noEditPerms != null && ['User', 'Member', 'Power User'].includes(noEditPerms.textContent.trim()); const [readOnly, noBatchProcessing] = ['read_only', 'no_batch_processing'].map(prefName => GM_getValue(prefName, false)); const noAutoLookups = GM_getValue('no_auto_lookups', true); const coverRelatedCollages = { '': { invalid: [31445], poor: [33309, 33307, 33308, 33310, 33314, 31735, 33306, 33311, 33312, 33313], investigate: [20036], missing: undefined, }, }[document.domain]; const inCoversCollage = (collageIndex, torrentGroup) => coverRelatedCollages && Array.isArray(coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex]) && coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex][0] > 0 && torrentGroup && Array.isArray( && => coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex].includes(; function addToCoversCollage(collageIndex, groupId) { if (!coverRelatedCollages || !(Array.isArray(coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex])) || coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex].length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Cover related collage not defined for current site'); if (!(groupId > 0)) throw 'Invalid argument'; return ajaxApiKey ? queryAjaxAPI('addtocollage', { collageid: coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex][GM_getValue('indifferent_collages', true) ? Math.floor(Math.random() * coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex].length) : 0], }, { groupids: groupId }).then(function(response) { if (response.groupsadded.includes(groupId)) return Promise.resolve('Added'); if (response.groupsrejected.includes(groupId)) return Promise.reject('Rejected'); if (response.groupsduplicated.includes(groupId)) return Promise.reject('Duplicated'); return Promise.reject('Unknown status'); }) : Promise.reject('API key not set'); } function removeFromCollage(collageId, groupId) { if (!(collageId > 0) || !(groupId > 0)) throw 'Invalid argument'; return userAuth ?'/collages.php', new URLSearchParams({ action: 'manage_handle', collageid: collageId, groupid: groupId, auth: userAuth, submit: 'Remove', }), { responseType: null }) : Promise.reject('Not supported on this page'); } const removeFromCoversCollage = (collageIndex, torrentGroup) => coverRelatedCollages && Array.isArray(coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex]) ? Promise.all( .map(collage => => coverRelatedCollages[collageIndex].includes(collageId)) .map(collageId => removeFromCollage(collageId, => statuses.length) : Promise.reject('Cover related collages not defined for current site'); const testImageQuality = (imageUrl, acceptableLevel = 0) => getImageDetails(imageUrl).then(function(imageDetails) { const loDim = Math.min(imageDetails.width, imageDetails.height); const level = loDim < acceptableResolution ? 0 : loDim < fineResolution ? 1 : loDim < hqResolution ? 2 : 3; return level < acceptableLevel ? Promise.reject('Poor image resolution') : level; }); function getLinks(descBody) { if (!descBody) return null; if (typeof descBody == 'string') descBody = domParser.parseFromString(descBody, 'text/html').body; if (descBody instanceof HTMLElement) descBody = descBody.getElementsByTagName('A'); else throw 'Invalid argument'; if (descBody.length > 0) descBody = Array.from(descBody, function(a) { if (a.href && == '_blank') try { const url = new URL(a), hostNorm = url.hostname.toLowerCase(); if (hostNorm in hostSubstitutions) url.hostname = hostSubstitutions[hostNorm]; return url; } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } return null; }).filter(url => url instanceof URL && !noCoverHere(url)); return descBody.length > 0 ? descBody : null; } function isMusicResource(imageUrl) { if (imageUrl) try { imageUrl = new URL(imageUrl); const domain = imageUrl.hostname.split('.').slice(-2).join('.').toLowerCase(); return musicResourceDomains.some(domain2 => domain2.toLowerCase() == domain); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } return false; } function setGroupImage(groupId, imageUrl, summary = 'Automated attempt to lookup cover') { if (!(groupId > 0) || !imageUrl) throw 'Invalid argument'; return queryAjaxAPI('groupedit', { id: groupId }, { image: imageUrl, summary: summary }); } function autoLookupSummary(reason) { const summary = 'Automated attempt to lookup cover'; if (/^(?:not set|unset|missing)$/i.test(reason)) reason = 'missing'; else if (/\b(?:error|timeout)\b/i.test(reason)) reason = 'link broken'; return reason ? summary + ' (' + reason + ')' : summary; } function setNewSrc(img, src) { if (!(img instanceof HTMLImageElement) || !src) throw 'Invalid argument'; img.onload = function(evt) { if ( < 1) = 1; evt.currentTarget.hidden = false; } img.onerror = evt => { evt.currentTarget.hidden = true }; if (img.hasAttribute('onclick')) img.removeAttribute('onclick'); img.onclick = evt => { lightbox.init(evt.currentTarget.src, 220) }; img.src = src; } function counterDecrement(id, tableIndex) { if (!id) throw 'Invalid argument'; let elem = 'div.cover-inspector'; if (tableIndex) elem += '-' + tableIndex; elem += ' span.' + id; if ((elem = document.body.querySelector(elem)) == null || !(elem.count > 0)) return; if (--elem.count > 0) elem.textContent = elem.count; else { (elem = elem.parentNode).textContent = 'Batch completed'; = 'green'; = 'bold'; setTimeout(function(elem) { = 'opacity 2s ease-in-out'; = 0; setTimeout(elem => { elem.remove() }, 2000, elem); }, 4000, elem); } } function inspectImage(img, groupId) { if (!(img instanceof HTMLImageElement)) throw 'Invalid argument'; if (img.parentNode != null) = 'relative'; else return Promise.resolve(-1); const inListing = (function() { for (let elem = img; elem != null; elem = elem.parentNode) if (elem.tagName == 'DIV') { if (elem.classList.contains('group_image')) return true; if (elem.classList.contains('box_image')) return false; } throw 'Unexpected cover context'; })(); const isAlternateCover = !inListing && groupId > 0 && (id => (id = /^cover_(\d+)$/.exec(id)) != null && parseInt(id[1]) > 0)(; let sticker; function editOnClick(elem, lookupFirst = false) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) return; if (noEditPerms || !ajaxApiKey || readOnly || noAutoLookups) lookupFirst = false; elem.classList.add('edit'); = 'pointer'; = 'none';['-webkit-user-select'] = 'none';['-moz-user-select'] = 'none';['-ms-user-select'] = 'none'; if (elem.hasAttribute('onclick')) elem.removeAttribute('onclick'); elem.onclick = function(evt) { if (evt.currentTarget.disabled) return false; else evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; (lookupFirst ? findCover(groupId, img) : Promise.reject('Lookup disabled')).catch(function() { const url = new URL('torrents.php', document.location.origin); url.searchParams.set('action', 'editgroup'); url.searchParams.set('groupid', groupId); if ((evt.shiftKey || evt.ctrlKey) && typeof GM_openInTab == 'function') GM_openInTab(url.href, evt.shiftKey); else document.location.assign(url); }); return false; }; if (lookupFirst) imageHostHelper.then(ihh => { setTooltip(img, 'Auto cover lookup on click') }); } function setSticker(imageUrl) { if ((sticker = img.parentNode.querySelector('div.cover-inspector')) != null) sticker.remove(); sticker = document.createElement('DIV'); sticker.className = 'cover-inspector'; = `position: absolute; display: flex; color: white; border: thin solid lightgray; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; font-weight: 700; justify-content: flex-end; cursor: default; transition-duration: 0.25s; z-index: 1; ${inListing ? 'flex-flow: column; right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 1pt 0 2pt; font-size: 6.5pt; text-align: right; line-height: 8pt;' : 'flex-flow: row wrap; right: -3pt; bottom: -7pt; padding: 1px; font-size: 8.5pt; max-width: 98%;'}` if (isAlternateCover && groupId > 0) = '7pt'; function span(content, className, isOK = false, tooltip) { const span = document.createElement('SPAN'); if (className) span.className = className; = `padding: 0 ${inListing ? '2px' : '4px'};`; if (!isOK) = 'yellow'; span.textContent = content; if (tooltip) setTooltip(span, tooltip); return span; } return (function() { if (!imageUrl) return Promise.reject('Void image URL'); if (!httpParser.test(imageUrl)) return Promise.reject('Invalid image URL'); return getImageDetails(imageUrl); })().then(function(imageDetails) { function isOutside(evt) { console.assert(evt instanceof MouseEvent); for (let tgt = evt.relatedTarget; tgt instanceof HTMLElement; tgt = tgt.parentNode) if (tgt == evt.currentTarget) return false; return true; } function addStickerItems(direction = 1, ...elements) { if (direction && elements.length > 0) direction = direction > 0 ? 'append' : 'prepend'; else return; if (!inListing) for (let element of direction == 'append' ? elements : elements.reverse()) { if (sticker.firstChild != null) sticker[direction]('/'); sticker[direction](element); } else sticker[direction](...elements); } imageUrl = new URL(imageDetails.src || imageUrl); if (imageDetails.localProxy) setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); const isPreferredHost = Array.isArray(preferredHosts) && preferredHosts.includes(imageUrl.hostname); const isSizeOK = !(acceptableSize > 0) || imageDetails.size <= acceptableSize * 2**10; const isResolutionAcceptable = !(acceptableResolution > 0) || ((document.location.pathname == '/artist.php' || imageDetails.width >= acceptableResolution) && imageDetails.height >= acceptableResolution); const isResolutionFine = isResolutionAcceptable && (!(fineResolution > 0) || ((document.location.pathname == '/artist.php' || imageDetails.width >= fineResolution) && imageDetails.height >= fineResolution)); const isTypeOK = !imageDetails.type || preferredTypes.some(type => imageDetails.type.toLowerCase() == type); const friendlyHost = getHostFriendlyName(imageUrl.href); const resolution = span(imageDetails.width + '×' + imageDetails.height, 'resolution', isResolutionFine), size = span(formattedSize(imageDetails.size), 'size', isSizeOK), type = span(imageDetails.type, 'mime-type', isTypeOK); const domain = imageUrl.hostname.split('.').slice(-2).join('.'); let host, lookup, downsize, rehost; addStickerItems(1, resolution, size); if (isPreferredHost && isSizeOK && isResolutionFine && isTypeOK) { = 'teal'; = 0; sticker.onmouseleave = img.onmouseleave = evt => { if (isOutside(evt)) = 0 }; if (imageDetails.type) addStickerItems(1, type); } else { function keyHandlers(evt) { if (evt.ctrlKey) evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); else return; const listIndexes =, listNdx) => getDomainListIndex(imageUrl.hostname, listNdx)); const dialog = document.createElement('DIALOG'); dialog.innerHTML = ` <form method="dialog"> <div><span><b>List entry:</b></span> <div class="domain" style="font-family: monospace; display: inline-block;" /></div><br><br> <div> <b>On lists:</b> <label style="cursor: pointer;" title="Blacklisted domains are always excluded from batch processing. Doesn't apply to downsizing and lookup tasks."><input name="lists" value="blacklist" type="radio" /> Blacklist</label> <label style="cursor: pointer;" title="Whitelisted domains are included in batch processing."><input name="lists" value="whitelist" type="radio" /> Whitelist</label> <label style="cursor: pointer;" title="Images at bad domains are always considered invalid and an attempt to lookup new cover image is made."><input name="lists" value="badlist" type="radio" /> Badlist</label> </div><br> <div> <input value="Update" type="button"><input value="Remove from all lists" type="button"><input value="Close" type="button"> </div> </form>`; = 'padding: 1rem; position: fixed; top: 40%; left: 0; right: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; z-index: 9999; box-shadow: 2pt 2pt 5pt gray;'; dialog.onclose = evt => { document.body.removeChild(evt.currentTarget) }; const radios = dialog.querySelectorAll('input[name="lists"][type="radio"]'), buttons = dialog.querySelectorAll('input[type="button"]'), domain = dialog.querySelector('div.domain'); function updateParts(index) { domain.dataset.index = index; for (let dp of domainParts) { const active = parseInt(dp.dataset.index) >= index; = active ? 1 : 0.5; = active ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = active ? 'mediumblue' : null; } } imageUrl.hostname.split('.').forEach(function(domainPart, index, arr) { const span = document.createElement('SPAN'), notLast = index < arr.length - 1; span.textContent = domainPart; span.dataset.index = index; if (notLast) { = 'pointer'; span.onclick = evt => { updateParts(parseInt(evt.currentTarget.dataset.index)) }; } domain.append(span); if (notLast) domain.append('.'); }); const domainParts = domain.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); updateParts(Math.min(Math.max(domainParts.length - 2, 0), 1)); const inList = listIndexes.findIndex(index => index >= 0); if (inList >= 0) radios[inList].checked = true; else { buttons[0].disabled = true; for (let radio of radios) radio.onchange = () => { buttons[0].disabled = false }; } buttons[0].onclick = function(evt) { radios.forEach(function(radio, index) { if (radio.checked && listIndexes[index] < 0) { click2goHostLists[index].push(, parseInt(domain.dataset.index)) .map(domainPart => domainPart.textContent).join('.')); GM_setValue('click2go_' + radio.value, click2goHostLists[index].sort()); } else if (!radio.checked && listIndexes[index] >= 0) { click2goHostLists[index].splice(listIndexes[index], 1); GM_setValue('click2go_' + radio.value, click2goHostLists[index]); } }); dialog.close(); }; if (inList < 0) buttons[1].style.display = 'none'; buttons[1].onclick = function(evt) { radios.forEach(function(radio, index) { if (listIndexes[index] >= 0) { click2goHostLists[index].splice(listIndexes[index], 1); GM_setValue('click2go_' + radio.value, click2goHostLists[index]); } }); dialog.close(); }; buttons[2].onclick = evt => { dialog.close() }; document.body.append(dialog); dialog.showModal(); return false; } function getHostTooltip() { let tooltip = 'Hosted at ' + imageUrl.hostname; if (imageDetails.localProxy) tooltip += ' (locally proxied)'; if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 2)) tooltip += ' (bad host)'; else if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 0)) tooltip += ' (blacklisted from batch rehosting)'; else if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 1)) tooltip += ' (whitelisted for batch rehosting)'; if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 2)) tooltip += '\n(look up different version on simple click)'; else if (!inListing || !isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 0)) tooltip += '\n(rehost to site preferred host on simple click)'; return tooltip + ` Ctrl + click to manage lists (Ctrl +) middle click to open (full) image domain in new window`; } = '#ae2300'; = 2/3; sticker.onmouseleave = img.onmouseleave = evt => { if (isOutside(evt)) = 2/3 }; if (inListing && !isAlternateCover && groupId > 0) editOnClick(sticker); if (!isResolutionFine) { if (isResolutionAcceptable) { let color = acceptableResolution > 0 ? acceptableResolution : 0; color = (Math.min(imageDetails.width, imageDetails.height) - color) / (fineResolution - color); color = 0xFFFF20 + Math.round((0xC0 - 0x20) * color); = '#' + color.toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); } if (/*!isResolutionAcceptable && */!isAlternateCover && groupId > 0 && !readOnly && !noAutoLookups) lookup = resolution; else setTooltip(resolution, (isResolutionAcceptable ? 'Mediocre' : 'Poor') + ' image quality (resolution)'); } if (!isPreferredHost) { host = span(friendlyHost || 'XTRN', 'unpreferred-host', false); if (imageDetails.localProxy) host.classList.add('local-proxy'); if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 0)) { = '#ffe'; if (inListing) host.classList.add('blacklisted-from-click2go'); } else if (isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 1)) { if (inListing) host.classList.add('whitelisted'); } else if (!isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 2)) = '#ffa'; setTooltip(host, getHostTooltip()); host.onclick = keyHandlers; host.onauxclick = function(evt) { if (evt.button != 1) return; GM_openInTab(evt.ctrlKey ? imageUrl.origin : imageUrl.protocol + '//' + domain, false); evt.preventDefault(); return false; }; addStickerItems(-1, host); if (!readOnly) rehost = host; } if (!isTypeOK) { type.onclick = function(evt) { if (!evt.shiftKey || !confirm(`This will add "${imageDetails.type}" to whitelisted image types`)) return false; preferredTypes.push(imageDetails.type); GM_setValue('preferred_types', preferredTypes); alert('MIME types whitelist successfully updated. The change will apply on next page load.'); return false; }; setTooltip(type, 'Shift + click to whitelist mimietype'); addStickerItems(1, type); } if (!imageDetails.localProxy && !isSizeOK && imageDetails.mimieType != 'image/gif' && !readOnly) downsize = size; if (!isAlternateCover && groupId > 0 && !noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { function setClick2Go(elem, clickHandler, tooltip) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement) || elem.classList.contains('blacklisted-from-click2go')) return null; if (typeof clickHandler != 'function') throw 'Invalid argument'; elem.classList.add('click2go'); = 'pointer'; = '250ms'; elem.onmouseenter = elem.onmouseleave = function(evt) { if (evt.relatedTarget == evt.currentTarget) return false; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? '0 0 5px lime' : null; }; elem.onclick = clickHandler; if (tooltip) setTooltip(elem, tooltip); return elem; } let summary, tableIndex; if ('tableIndex' in img.dataset) tableIndex = parseInt(img.dataset.tableIndex); setClick2Go(lookup, function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.currentTarget.disabled) return false; else evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; lookup = evt.currentTarget; = 0.3; queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(function(torrentGroup) { if (lookup == resolution && ![1].includes( && isResolutionAcceptable) return !isPreferredHost ? ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrl.href], true, false, true).then(ihh.singleImageGetter) .then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(, imageUrl, summary).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); return setSticker(imageUrl); })) : ( = 1); return coverLookup(torrentGroup, ihh, lookup == resolution).then(imageUrls => (lookup == resolution ? getImageDetails(imageUrls[0]).catch(reason => null) : null).then(function(newImageDetails) { switch (lookup) { case resolution: console.assert(acceptableResolution > 0); if (newImageDetails != null && !(newImageDetails.width * newImageDetails.height > imageDetails.width * imageDetails.height)) return Promise.reject(`New cover found in no better resolution (${newImageDetails.width}×${newImageDetails.height})`); summary = 'Automated attempt to lookup better quality cover'; // if (newImageDetails != null) // summary += ` (${imageDetails.width}×${imageDetails.height} → ${newImageDetails.width}×${newImageDetails.height})`; break; default: summary = 'Automated attempt to lookup cover'; } return ihh.rehostImageLinks(imageUrls).then(ihh.singleImageGetter) .then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(, imageUrl, summary).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); const status = setSticker(imageUrl); if (inListing && autoOpenSucceed) openGroup(torrentGroup); if (newImageDetails == null) return status.then(function(status) { if ((status & 0b100) == 0 || (status & 0b10) == 0 && [1].includes( return Promise.reject('New cover found in poor quality'); if (inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup); }); const loDim = Math.min(newImageDetails.width, newImageDetails.height); if (loDim < acceptableResolution || loDim < fineResolution && [1].includes( return Promise.reject('New cover found in poor quality'); if (inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup); })); })).catch(function(reason) { if (lookup == resolution && [1].includes( && !inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('poor',; return Promise.reject(reason); }); }).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover lookup failed: ${reason}`); = 1; lookup.disabled = false; }).then(() => { counterDecrement('process-covers-countdown', tableIndex) }); }, lookup == resolution ? (isResolutionAcceptable ? 'Mediocre' : 'Poor') + ' image quality (resolution)' : undefined ) || setClick2Go(downsize, function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.currentTarget.disabled) return false; else evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; downsize = evt.currentTarget; = 0.3; ihh.reduceImageSize(imageUrl.href, 2160, 90).then(output => output.size < imageDetails.size ? ihh.rehostImages([output.uri]).then(ihh.singleImageGetter).then(function(imageUrl) { summary = 'Automated cover downsize'; if (!isSizeOK) summary += ` (${formattedSize(imageDetails.size)} → ${formattedSize(output.size)})`; return setGroupImage(groupId, imageUrl, summary).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); setSticker(imageUrl); }); }) : Promise.reject('Converted image not smaller')).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover downsize failed: ${reason}`); = 1; downsize.disabled = false; }).then(() => { counterDecrement('process-covers-countdown', tableIndex) }); }, 'Downsize on click') || setClick2Go(rehost, function(evt) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (evt.ctrlKey) return keyHandlers(evt); if (evt.currentTarget.disabled) return false; else evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; rehost = evt.currentTarget; = 0.3; summary = 'Automated cover rehost'; //summary += ' (' + imageUrl.hostname + ')'; getImageMax(imageUrl.href).then(maxImgUrl => ihh.rehostImageLinks([maxImgUrl], true, false, true) .then(ihh.singleImageGetter)).then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(groupId, imageUrl, summary).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); setSticker(imageUrl); })).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover rehost failed: ${reason}`); = 1; rehost.disabled = false; }).then(() => { counterDecrement('process-covers-countdown', tableIndex) }); }); }); } sticker.title = imageUrl.href; //setTooltip(sticker, imageUrl.href); sticker.onmouseenter = img.onmouseenter = evt => { = 1 }; img.after(sticker); const status = 1 << 8 | 1 << 7 | (![host, downsize, lookup].some(elem => elem instanceof HTMLElement)) << 6 | !imageDetails.localProxy << 5 | isPreferredHost << 4 | isSizeOK << 3 | isResolutionAcceptable << 2 | isResolutionFine << 1 | isTypeOK << 0; img.dataset.statusFlags = status.toString(2).padStart(9, '0'); return status; }).catch(function(reason) { img.hidden = true; if (groupId > 0) if (!isAlternateCover) editOnClick(sticker, true); else if (GM_getValue('auto_remove_invalid', true)) { let div = img.parentNode; if (div != null && (div = div.parentNode) != null) { let rmCmd = div.querySelector('span.remove_cover_art > a'); if (rmCmd != null && (rmCmd.parentNode.previousSibling == null || !rmCmd.parentNode.previousSibling.textContent.trim()) && typeof rmCmd.onclick == 'function' && (rmCmd = /\bajax\.get\((.+?)\)/.exec(rmCmd.onclick.toString())) != null) { eval(rmCmd[0]); div.remove(); return -1; } } } = ` position: static; padding: 10pt; box-sizing: border-box; width: ${inListing ? '90px' : '100%'}; z-index: 1; text-align: center; background-color: red; font: 700 auto "Segoe UI", sans-serif; `; sticker.append(span('INVALID')); setTooltip(sticker, reason); img.after(sticker); img.dataset.statusFlags = (1 << 8).toString(2).padStart(9, '0'); return 1 << 8; }); } if (groupId > 0 && !isAlternateCover) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { img.classList.add('drop'); img.ondragover = evt => false; if (img.clientWidth > 100) img.ondragenter = img[`ondrag${'ondragexit' in img ? 'exit' : 'leave'}`] = function(evt) { if (evt.relatedTarget == evt.currentTarget) return false; = evt.type == 'dragenter' ? '#7fff0040' : null; }; img.ondrop = function(evt) { function dataSendHandler(endPoint) { sticker = evt.currentTarget.parentNode.querySelector('div.cover-inspector'); if (sticker != null) sticker.disabled = true; = 0.3; endPoint([items[0]], true, false, true, { ctrlKey: evt.ctrlKey, shiftKey: evt.shiftKey, altKey: evt.altKey, }).then(ihh.singleImageGetter).then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(groupId, imageUrl, 'Cover update from external link').then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); setSticker(imageUrl).then(status => { updateCoverCollages(status, groupId) }); })).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover update failed: ${reason}`); if (sticker != null) sticker.disabled = false; = 1; }); } evt.stopPropagation(); let items = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/uri-list'); if (items) items = items.split(/\r?\n/); else { items = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/x-moz-url'); if (items) items = items.split(/\r?\n/).filter((item, ndx) => ndx % 2 == 0); else if (items = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain')) items = items.split(/\r?\n/).filter(RegExp.prototype.test.bind(httpParser)); } if (Array.isArray(items) && items.length > 0) { if (confirm('Update torrent cover from the dropped URL?\n\n' + items[0])) dataSendHandler(ihh.rehostImageLinks); } else if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { items = Array.from(evt.dataTransfer.files) .filter(file => file instanceof File && file.type.startsWith('image/')); if (items.length > 0 && confirm('Update torrent cover from the dropped file?')) dataSendHandler(ihh.uploadFiles); } if (img.clientWidth > 100) = null; return false; }; }); if (hasArtworkSet(img)) return setSticker(realImgSrc(img)); img.dataset.statusFlags = (0).toString(2).padStart(8, '0'); if (!isAlternateCover && groupId > 0) editOnClick(img, true); return Promise.resolve(0); } const recoverableHttpErrors = [/*0, */500, 502, 503, 504, 520, /*521, */522, 523, 524, 525, /*526, */527, 530]; const bpRequestsCache = new Map; const requestsCache = new Map, mbRequestsCache = new Map, caRequestsCache = new Map; let mbLastRequest = null, bpAccessToken = null, spfAccessToken = null; const bareReleaseTitle = title => title && [ /\s+(?:EP|E\.\s?P\.|-\s+(?:EP|E\.\s?P\.))$/i, /\s+\((?:EP|E\.\s?P\.|Live)\)$/i, /\s+\[(?:EP|E\.\s?P\.|Live)\]$/i, ///\s+\((?:feat\.|ft\.|featuring\s).+\)$/i, /\s+\[(?:feat\.|ft\.|featuring\s).+\]$/i, ].reduce((title, rx) => title.replace(rx, ''), title.trim()); function cseSearch(album, artist, country = GM_getValue('cse_country', 'us')) { if (!album) return Promise.reject('Album missing'); const origin = '', getAuth = () => (async function(au, cu) { const e = Math.floor(Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) / cu); const t = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', new TextEncoder().encode(au), { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, !0, ['sign']); const n = await crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', t, new Int32Array([e]).buffer); return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(n))); })('yUzpZk3QDoq6ztdbTB9Zx9MwTB4SSwtj', 150), apiHeaders = headers => Object.assign({ 'Referer': origin + '/', 'Origin': origin, 'X-Session': crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', ''), 'X-Page-Query': '', 'X-Page-Referrer': '', }, headers); return GlobalXHR.get(origin + '/api/info', { responseType: 'json', headers: apiHeaders() }).then(function({json}) { if (!json.sources || json.sources.length <= 0) throw 'Assertion failed: Sources not found'; console.log('CSE API info:', json); GM_setValue('cse_api_info', json); return json; }).catch(function(reason) { console.warn('CSE API Info failed:', reason); return GM_getValue('cse_api_info', null); }).then(function(apiInfo) { const search = sources => getAuth().then(auth => + '/api/search', { album: album, artist: artist || '', country: country, sources: sources, }, { responseType: 'text', headers: apiHeaders({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth }), }).then(({responseText}) => responseText.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/).map(function(line) { try { if (line.trim() && (line = JSON.parse(line)).type == 'cover') { for (let prop of ['type', 'cache']) delete line[prop]; return line; } } catch(e) { console.warn(e, 'Line:', line) } }).filter(Boolean))); let sources = apiInfo != null && apiInfo.sources ? apiInfo.sources.filter(source => source.enabled).map(source => : [ ]; if (sources.length <= 0) sources = [ 'applemusic', 'itunes', 'qobuz', 'deezer', 'tidal', 'amazonmusic', 'bandcamp', 'gracenote', 'soundcloud', 'musicbrainz', 'spotify', 'vgmdb', 'bugs', 'flo', 'netease', 'linemusic', 'recochoku', 'kugou', 'gaana', 'discogs', 'soulseek', 'lastfm', 'metalarchives', 'fanarttv', 'melon', 'ototoy', 'kkbox', 'beatport', 'booth', 'thwiki', ]; let batchSize = apiInfo != null && apiInfo.activeSourceLimit || 12; batchSize = Math.ceil(sources.length / Math.ceil(sources.length / batchSize)); if (!country || apiInfo != null && apiInfo.countries && apiInfo.countries.length > 0 && !apiInfo.countries.some(c => c.toLowerCase() == country.toLowerCase())) country = 'us'; const searchWorkers = [ ]; for (let offset = 0; offset < sources.length; offset += batchSize) searchWorkers.push(search(sources.slice(offset, offset + batchSize))); return Promise.all(searchWorkers).then(results => (results = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], results)).length > 0 ? results : Promise.reject('No results')); }); } function checkBarcode(barcode, allowAddCheckDigit = false) { if (!barcode || !/^\d+$/.test(barcode = barcode.replace(/\W+/g, '')) || barcode.length < 7) return'Invalid barcode: %s (%s)', barcode, 'invalid format'); const typeString = { 8: 'EAN-8', 12: 'UPC', 13: 'EAN-13', 14: 'GTIN' }; const validated = (function checkBarcode(barcode) { const digits = Array.from(barcode, ch => parseInt(ch)); const checkDigit = (effectiveLength = digits.length) => digits.length > 0 && effectiveLength > 0 ? (10 - digits.slice(0, effectiveLength).reverse().reduce((sum, digit, index) => sum + digit * ((index & 1) == 0 ? 3 : 1), 0) % 10) % 10 : undefined; const checkDigitAt = (skipNumbers = 0) => checkDigit(digits.length - 1 - skipNumbers) == digits[digits.length - 1 - skipNumbers]; if (typeString[digits.length] && checkDigitAt(0)) {'Valid %s:', typeString[barcode.length], barcode); return barcode; } else if (typeString[digits.length - 2] && checkDigitAt(2)) { barcode = barcode.slice(0, -2);'Valid %s with 2 char add-on code:', typeString[barcode.length], barcode); return barcode; } else if (typeString[digits.length - 5] && checkDigitAt(5)) { barcode = barcode.slice(0, -5);'Valid %s with 5 char add-on code:', typeString[barcode.length], barcode); return barcode; } else if (typeString[digits.length + 1] && allowAddCheckDigit) { barcode += checkDigit(digits.length);'Valid %s after adding check digit:', typeString[barcode.length], barcode); return barcode; } else if (digits.length < 18) return checkBarcode('0' + barcode); })(barcode); if (validated) return validated;'Invalid barcode: %s (%s)', barcode, typeString[barcode.length] ? 'check digit mismatch' : 'invalid length'); } function coverLookup(torrentGroup, ihh, qualityAccent = false) { if (!torrentGroup || !ihh) throw 'Invalid argument'; const namedFn = (fn, name) => Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: name, configurable: true }); const namesToSearchTerm = names => names.filter(Boolean).map(name => '"' + name + '"').join(' '); let qA = GM_getValue('image_lookup_quality_accent'); if (qA && typeof (qA = { 'always': true, 'never': false }[qA.toLowerCase()]) == 'Boolean') qualityAccent = qA; let lookupWorkers = [ ], workersOrder; switch ( { case 1: { // Music category const strippers = [ /^(?:Not On Label|Self[\s\-]Released|None)$|(?:\s+\b(?:Record(?:ing)?s)\b|,?\s+(?:Ltd|Inc|Co)\.?)+$|[\s\-]+/ig, /^(?:None)$|[\s\-]+/ig, ].map(rx => idStr => idStr && idStr.trim().replace(rx, '').toLowerCase() || undefined); const audioFileCount = torrent => torrent && torrent.fileList ? torrent.fileList.split('|||').filter(file => /^(.+\.(?:flac|mp3|m4[ab]|aac|dts(?:hd)?|truehd|ac3|ogg|opus|wv|ape))\{{3}(\d+)\}{3}$/i.test(file)).length : 0; const mainArtist = (function() { let mainArtist = 'dj' in &&[0]; if (!mainArtist && != 7 && 'artists' in mainArtist =[0]; if (mainArtist) return; })(); const barcodes = Array.isArray(torrentGroup.torrents) && torrentGroup.torrents.length > 0 ? (function() { const barcodes = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], { const catNos = torrent.remasterCatalogueNumber.split(/[\/\|\,\;]+/) .map(catNo => checkBarcode(catNo, true)).filter(Boolean); if (catNos.length > 0) return catNos; }).filter(Boolean)); return barcodes.length > 0 ? Promise.resolve(barcodes) : Promise.reject('No torrents with barcode/UPC'); })() : Promise.reject('Cover lookup by barcode/UPC not available'); const allLabelsCatNos = (function() { const queryParams = { if (!torrent.remasterRecordLabel || !torrent.remasterCatalogueNumber) return null; const [labels, catNos] = [torrent.remasterRecordLabel, torrent.remasterCatalogueNumber].map(value => (value = value.split(/[\/\|]+/).map(value => value.trim()).filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? value : null).filter(Boolean); return labels.length > 0 && catNos.length == labels.length ?, index) => ({ label: label.replace(/(?:\s+Record(?:s|ings)|,?\s+(?:Inc|Ltd|GmBH|a\.?s|s\.?r\.?o)\.?)+$/i, ''), catno: catNos[index], })) : null; }).filter(Boolean); return queryParams.length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], queryParams).filter((qp1, ndx, arr) => arr.findIndex(qp2 => Object.keys(qp2).every(key => qp2[key] == qp1[key])) == ndx) : null; })(); workersOrder = qualityAccent ? [ 'itunesSearchByUPC', 'bpSearchByUPC', 'spfSearchByUPC', 'mbSearchByBarcode', 'dcSearchByBarcode', 'mbSearchByDiscId', 'bpSearchByArtistAlbumStrict', 'mbSearchByLabelCatno', 'dcSearchByLabelCatno', 'getImagesFromWikiBodyLinks', 'mbSearchByArtistAlbum', 'dcSearchByArtistMaster', 'dcSearchByArtistRelease', 'spfSearchByArtistAlbum', 'itunesSearchByArtistAlbum', 'bcSearchByArtistAlbum', 'bpSearchByArtistAlbum', ] : [ 'itunesSearchByUPC', 'bpSearchByUPC', 'mbSearchByBarcode', 'spfSearchByUPC', 'itunesSearchByArtistAlbum', 'bpSearchByArtistAlbumStrict', 'mbSearchByDiscId', 'mbSearchByLabelCatno', 'dcSearchByBarcode', 'bcSearchByArtistAlbum', 'getImagesFromWikiBodyLinks', 'dcSearchByLabelCatno', 'mbSearchByArtistAlbum', 'spfSearchByArtistAlbum', 'dcSearchByArtistMaster', 'dcSearchByArtistRelease', 'bpSearchByArtistAlbum', ]; // ####################################### Extract from desc. links ####################################### lookupWorkers.push(function getImagesFromWikiBodyLinks() { const links = getLinks(; if (!links) return Promise.reject('No active external links found in dscriptions'); return Promise.all( => ihh.imageUrlResolver(url.href).then(singleResultGetter, reason => null))) .then(imageUrls => (imageUrls = imageUrls.filter(isMusicResource)).length > 0 ? imageUrls : Promise.reject('No cover images could be extracted from links in wiki body')); }); // ############################### Ext. lookup at Discogs, req. credentials ############################### const dcApiRequestsCache = new Map, dcAuth = (function() { const token = GM_getValue('discogs_api_token'); if (token) return { token: token }; const [key, secret] = ['discogs_api_consumerkey', 'discogs_api_consumersecret'].map(name => GM_getValue(name)); if (key && secret) return { key: key, secret: secret }; //return { key: '', secret: '' }; })(), dcApiRateControl = { requestsMax: dcAuth ? 60 : 25 }; if (dcAuth instanceof Object) { function apiRequest(endPoint, params) { if (endPoint) endPoint = new URL(endPoint, ''); else return Promise.reject('No endpoint provided'); if (params instanceof URLSearchParams) = params; else if (params instanceof Object) for (let key in params) endPoint.searchParams.set(key, params[key]); else if (params) = new URLSearchParams(params); const cacheKey = endPoint.pathname.slice(1) +; if (dcApiRequestsCache.has(cacheKey)) return dcApiRequestsCache.get(cacheKey); // if (!dcApiResponses && 'discogsApiResponseCache' in sessionStorage) try { // dcApiResponses = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('discogsApiResponseCache')); // } catch(e) { // sessionStorage.removeItem('discogsApiResponseCache'); // console.warn(e); // } // if (dcApiResponses && cacheKey in dcApiResponses) return Promise.resolve(dcApiResponses[cacheKey]); params = { method: 'GET', url: endPoint, responseType: 'json', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' } }; if (dcAuth instanceof Object) { params.headers.Authorization = 'Discogs ' + Object.keys(dcAuth).map(key => key + '=' + dcAuth[key]).join(', '); //for (let key in dcAuth) endPoint.searchParams.set(key, dcAuth[key]); } const request = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function request() { const now =; if (!dcApiRateControl.timeFrameExpiry || now > dcApiRateControl.timeFrameExpiry) { dcApiRateControl.timeFrameExpiry = now + 60 * 1000 + 500; if (dcApiRateControl.requestDebt > 0) { dcApiRateControl.requestCounter = Math.min(dcApiRateControl.requestsMax, dcApiRateControl.requestDebt); dcApiRateControl.requestDebt -= dcApiRateControl.requestCounter; console.assert(dcApiRateControl.requestDebt >= 0, 'dcApiRateControl.requestDebt >= 0'); } else dcApiRateControl.requestCounter = 0; } if (dcApiRateControl.requestCounter++ < dcApiRateControl.requestsMax) GM_xmlhttpRequest(params); else postpone(now); } const postpone = timeStamp => setTimeout(request, dcApiRateControl.timeFrameExpiry - timeStamp); let retryCounter = 0; params.onload = function(response) { response = GlobalXHR.responseAdapter(response, true); const [rateLimit, rateLimitUsed, rateLimitRemaining] = ['ratelimit', 'ratelimit-used', 'ratelimit-remaining'] .map(header => parseInt(response.headers['x-discogs-' + header])); console.assert(rateLimit > 0 && rateLimitUsed >= 0, response.responseHeaders); if (rateLimit > 0) dcApiRateControl.requestsMax = rateLimit; if (rateLimitUsed + 1 > dcApiRateControl.requestCounter) dcApiRateControl.requestCounter = rateLimitUsed + 1; dcApiRateControl.requestDebt = Math.max(dcApiRateControl.requestCounter - dcApiRateControl.requestsMax, 0); if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) { // if (!quotaExceeded) try { // if (!dcApiResponses) dcApiResponses = { }; // dcApiResponses[cacheKey] = response.response; // sessionStorage.setItem('discogsApiResponseCache', JSON.stringify(dcApiResponses)); // } catch(e) { // quotaExceeded = true; // console.warn(e); // } resolve(response.response); } else { const error = XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response); if (response.status == 429) { console.warn(error, response.response.message, `Rate limit used: ${rateLimitUsed}/${dcApiRateControl.requestsMax}`); postpone(; } else if (XHR.recoverableErrors.has(response.status) && retryCounter++ < XHR.maxRetries) setTimeout(request, XHR.retryTimeout); else reject(error); } }; params.onerror = function(response) { const error = XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response); if (response.status == 0 && !response.finalUrl && retryCounter++ < XHR.maxRetries) setTimeout(request, XHR.retryTimeout); else reject(error); }; params.ontimeout = response => { reject(XHR.defaultTimeoutHandler(response)) }; request(); }); dcApiRequestsCache.set(cacheKey, request); return request; } function search(type, queryParams, strictReleaseMatch = false) { if (!type || !queryParams) throw 'Invalid argument'; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(queryParams); if (type) searchParams.set('type', type = type.toLowerCase()); searchParams.set('sort', 'score'); searchParams.set('sort_order', 'desc'); searchParams.set('per_page', 100); return apiRequest('database/search', searchParams).then(function(response) { function getFromResults(results) { if (!results || results.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); const coverImages = => result.cover_image || singleResultGetter(result.images)) .filter(coverImage => coverImage && !coverImage.endsWith('/spacer.gif')); return coverImages.length > 0 ? coverImages : Promise.reject('None of matched results has cover'); } function getFromMR(masterIds) { if (!masterIds || masterIds.size <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); if (masterIds.size > 1) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results'); if (!((masterIds = masterIds.values().next().value) > 0)) return Promise.reject('No master release'); return apiRequest('masters/' + masterIds).then(masterRelease => masterRelease.images && masterRelease.images.length > 0 ? => image.uri || image.resource_url) : Promise.reject('No cover image for master release')); //return ihh.imageUrlResolver('' + masterIds).then(singleResultGetter); } let results = response.results, masterIds; if (results && results.length > 0) switch (type) { case 'release': { const getMasterIds = results => new Set( => result.master_id)); if (strictReleaseMatch || getMasterIds(results).size > 1) results = => apiRequest('releases/' + => null).then(function(release) { const releaseYear = release != null && release.year || new Date(result.year).getUTCFullYear(); const releaseTracks = release != null && release.tracklist ? release.tracklist.filter(track => ['track', 'index'].includes(track.type_)/* && !/^\d+\.\d+/.test(track.position)*/).length : -1; if (torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentIds = ['remasterRecordLabel', 'remasterCatalogueNumber'] .map((prop, index) => torrent[prop].split(/[\/\|]+/).map(strippers[index]).filter(Boolean)); if (release != null && release.labels && release.labels.some(function(label) { label = ['name', 'catno'].map((prop, index) => strippers[index](label[prop])); return label[1] && label.every((id, index) => !id || torrentIds[index].includes(id)); })) return true; const torrentTracks = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentTracks > 0 && releaseTracks > 0 && torrentTracks != releaseTracks) return false; return torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 || torrentTracks > 0 && releaseTracks > 0; })) return result; })); return Promise.all(results).then(results => results.filter(Boolean)).then(function(results) { if (results.length > 1) { //if (strictReleaseMatch) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results');'[Cover Inspector] Ambiguous Discogs results for lookup query (type=%s, queryParams=%o)', type, queryParams); } if ((masterIds = getMasterIds(results)).size > 1) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results'); return getFromMR(masterIds).catch(reason => getFromResults(results)); }); break; } case 'master': return results.length > 1 ? Promise.reject('Ambiguous results') : getFromResults(results); break; default: return Promise.reject('Unsupported search type'); } else return Promise.reject('No matches'); }); } const dcLookupWorkers = [ namedFn(() => barcodes.then(barcodes => Promise.all( => search('release', { barcode: barcode }).catch(reason => null))).then(imageUrls => (imageUrls = imageUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], imageUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by barcode'))), 'dcSearchByBarcode'), function dcSearchByLabelCatno() { if (!Array.isArray(torrentGroup.torrents) || torrentGroup.torrents.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by label/ not available'); if (allLabelsCatNos == null) return Promise.reject('No torrents with label/'); return Promise.all( => search('release', queryParams, true).catch(reason => null))) .then(imageUrls => (imageUrls = imageUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], imageUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by label/')); }, function dcSearchByArtistMaster() { const queryParams = { }; if (mainArtist) queryParams.artist = mainArtist; else if ( != 7) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/album/year not available'); queryParams.release_title = bareReleaseTitle(; queryParams.year =; if ([6, 7].includes( queryParams.format = 'Compilation'; queryParams.strict = true; //!artistName return search('master', queryParams); }, function dcSearchByArtistRelease() { const queryParams = { }; if (mainArtist) queryParams.artist = mainArtist; else if ( != 7) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/album not available'); queryParams.release_title = bareReleaseTitle(; if ([6, 7].includes( queryParams.format = 'Compilation'; queryParams.strict = true; //!artistName return search('release', queryParams, true); }, ]; if (qualityAccent) { const discogsSearch = () => (function searchMethod(index = 0) { return index < dcLookupWorkers.length ? dcLookupWorkers[index]().then(function(results) { namedFn(discogsSearch, dcLookupWorkers[index].name); return results; }, reason => searchMethod(index + 1)) : Promise.reject('No matches'); })(); lookupWorkers.push(discogsSearch); } else Array.prototype.push.apply(lookupWorkers, dcLookupWorkers); } { // #################################### Ext. lookup at MusicBrainz #################################### function apiRequest(endPoint, params) { if (!endPoint) throw 'Endpoint is missing'; const url = new URL('/ws/2/' + endPoint.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ''), ''); if (params) for (let key in params) url.searchParams.set(key, params[key]); url.searchParams.set('fmt', 'json'); const cacheKey = url.pathname.slice(6) +; if (mbRequestsCache.has(cacheKey)) return mbRequestsCache.get(cacheKey); const request = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let retryCounter = 0; const xhr = { method: 'GET', url: url, responseType: 'json', timeout: 60e3, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }, onload: function(response) { mbLastRequest =; if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) resolve(response.response); else { const error = XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response); if (XHR.recoverableErrors.has(response.status) && retryCounter++ < 60) { console.log('MusicBrainz API request retry #%d on HTTP error %d', retryCounter, response.status); setTimeout(request, 1000); } else reject(error); } }, onerror: response => { mbLastRequest =; reject(XHR.defaultErrorHandler(response)); }, ontimeout: response => { mbLastRequest =; reject(XHR.defaultTimeoutHandler(response)); }, }, request = () => { if (mbLastRequest == Infinity) return setTimeout(request, 50); const availableAt = mbLastRequest + mbRequestRate, now =; if (now < availableAt) return setTimeout(request, availableAt - now); else mbLastRequest = Infinity; GM_xmlhttpRequest(xhr); }; request(); }); mbRequestsCache.set(cacheKey, request); return request.catch(reason => (mbRequestsCache.delete(cacheKey), Promise.reject(reason))); } function getFrontCovers(type, id) { if (!type || !id) return Promise.reject('Invalid argument'); const key = type + '/' + id; if (caRequestsCache.has(key)) return caRequestsCache.get(key); const request = GlobalXHR.get(`${type}/${id}`, { responseType: 'json' }).then(function({json}) { if (json.images && json.images.length > 0) { let frontCovers = json.images.filter(image => image.front || image.types && image.types.includes('Front')); //if (frontCovers.length <= 0) frontCovers = json.images; frontCovers = => image.image).filter(Boolean); return frontCovers.length > 0 ? frontCovers : Promise.reject('This entity has no front cover'); } else return Promise.reject('No artwork for this id'); }); caRequestsCache.set(key, request); return request; } function search(type, queryParams, strictReleaseMatch = false) { if (!type || !queryParams) throw 'Invalid argument'; queryParams = Object.keys(queryParams).map(field => `${field}:"${queryParams[field]}"`).join(' AND '); return apiRequest((type = type.toLowerCase()) + '/', { query: queryParams }).then(function(response) { function getFromRG(releaseGroupIds) { if (!releaseGroupIds || releaseGroupIds.size <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); if (releaseGroupIds.size > 1) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results'); return (releaseGroupIds = releaseGroupIds.values().next().value) ? getFrontCovers('release-group', releaseGroupIds) : Promise.reject('No release group'); } function rgFilter(releaseGroup) { if ((function rgFilter(releaseGroup) { if (!releaseGroup) return false; const isPrimaryType = primaryType => releaseGroup['primary-type'] == primaryType; const hasSecondaryType = secondaryType => 'secondary-types' in releaseGroup && releaseGroup['secondary-types'].includes(secondaryType); //if (['Audiobook', 'Spokenword', 'Audio drama'].some(hasSecondaryType) return false; const releaseType = { 1: 'Album', 3: 'Soundtrack', 5: 'EP', 6: 'Anthology', 7: 'Compilation', 9: 'Single', 11: 'Live album', 13: 'Remix', 14: 'Bootleg', 15: 'Interview', 16: 'Mixtape', 17: 'Demo', 18: 'Concert Recording', 19: 'DJ Mix', 21: 'Unknown', }[]; console.assert(releaseType != undefined); switch (releaseType) { case 'Album': return ['Album', 'EP'].some(isPrimaryType)/* && !hasSecondaryType('Compilation')*/; case 'Single': return ['Single', 'EP'].some(isPrimaryType); case 'EP': return ['EP', 'Single'].some(isPrimaryType); case 'Live album': case 'Concert Recording': return !isPrimaryType('Single') && hasSecondaryType('Live'); case 'Soundtrack': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('Soundtrack'); case 'Anthology': case 'Compilation': return !isPrimaryType('Single') && hasSecondaryType('Compilation'); case 'Remix': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('Remix'); case 'DJ Mix': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('DJ-mix'); case 'Demo': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('Demo'); case 'Mixtape': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('Mixtape/Street'); case 'Interview': return /*!isPrimaryType('Single') && */hasSecondaryType('Interview'); case 'Bootleg': //return !isPrimaryType('Single')/* && hasSecondaryType('Bootleg')*/; } return Boolean(releaseType); })(releaseGroup)) return true; console.log('[Cover Inspector] rgFilter(%o) returns false: releaseType=%d', releaseGroup,, document.location.origin + '/torrents.php?id=' +, '' +; return false; } if (response.count > 0) switch (type) { case 'release': { let releases = response.releases, releaseGroupIds; if (!releases) return Promise.reject('No matches (renounced)'); const getReleaseGroupIds = releases => (releaseGroupIds = new Set( => release['release-group'].id))); if ((strictReleaseMatch || getReleaseGroupIds(releases).size > 1) && getReleaseGroupIds(releases = releases.filter(function releaseFilter(release) { if ((function releaseFilter(release) { if (strictReleaseMatch && 'release-group' in release && !rgFilter(release['release-group'])) return false; let releaseYear = new Date(; releaseYear = isNaN(releaseYear) ? undefined : releaseYear.getUTCFullYear(); return torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentIds = ['remasterRecordLabel', 'remasterCatalogueNumber'] .map((prop, index) => torrent[prop].split(/[\/\|]+/).map(strippers[index]).filter(Boolean)); if ('label-info' in release && release['label-info'].some(function(labelInfo) { labelInfo = [labelInfo.label &&, labelInfo['catalog-number']] .map((prop, index) => strippers[index](prop)); return labelInfo[1] && labelInfo.every((id, index) => !id || torrentIds[index].includes(id)); })) return true; const torrentTracks = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentTracks > 0 && release['track-count'] > 0 && torrentTracks != release['track-count']) return false; return torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 || torrentTracks > 0 && release['track-count'] > 0; }); })(release)) return true; console.log('[Cover Inspector] releaseFilter(%o) returns false: torrents=%o', release, torrentGroup.torrents, document.location.origin + '/torrents.php?id=' +, '' +; return false; })).size > 1) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results'); return getFromRG(releaseGroupIds).catch(reason => releases.length > 0 ? Promise.all( { const coverArtArchive = release['cover-art-archive']; if (coverArtArchive && coverArtArchive.count <= 0) return Promise.resolve(null); return getFrontCovers('release',, reason => null); })).then(frontCovers => (frontCovers = frontCovers.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? frontCovers : Promise.reject('None of results has front cover')) : Promise.reject('No matches')); } case 'release-group': { let releaseGroups = response['release-groups']; if (!releaseGroups) return Promise.reject('No matches (renounced)'); if (strictReleaseMatch) releaseGroups = releaseGroups.filter(rgFilter); return getFromRG(new Set( =>; } default: return Promise.reject('Unsupported search type'); } else return Promise.reject('No matches'); }); } const mbLookupWorkers = [ namedFn(() => barcodes.then(barcodes => Promise.all( => search('release', { barcode: barcode }).catch(reason => null))).then(imageUrls => (imageUrls = imageUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], imageUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by barcode'))), 'mbSearchByBarcode'), function mbSearchByDiscId() { if (typeof unsafeWindow != 'object' || !['lookupByToc', 'tocEntriesToMbTOC', 'mbComputeDiscID'] .every(prop => typeof(unsafeWindow[prop]) == 'function')) return Promise.reject('CD TOC lookup endpoints not available'); const torrents = torrentGroup.torrents.filter(torrent => == 'CD' && torrent.format == 'FLAC' && torrent.encoding == 'Lossless' && torrent.hasLog); if (torrents.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by CD TOC not available'); const safeRgId = release => release && 'release-group' in release ? release['release-group'].id : undefined; const isConsistent = (results, ndx, arr) => safeRgId(results[0]) == safeRgId(arr[0][0]); const mediaCD = media => !media.format || /\b(?:H[DQ])?CD\b/.test(media.format); return Promise.all( => unsafeWindow.lookupByToc(, function(tocEntries, volumeNdx, totalDiscs) { const mbTOC = unsafeWindow.tocEntriesToMbTOC(tocEntries); if (mbTOC.length != mbTOC[1] - mbTOC[0] + 4) return Promise.reject('Missing or invalid TOC'); return apiRequest('discid/' + unsafeWindow.mbComputeDiscID(mbTOC), { 'media-format': 'all', 'inc': ['release-groups'].join('+'), }).then(result => && Array.isArray(result.releases) && (result = result.releases.filter(release => ! || == totalDiscs)).length > 0 ? result.every((release, ndx, arr) => safeRgId(release) == safeRgId(arr[0])) ? result : Promise.reject('Inconsistent results') : Promise.reject('No matches')); }).then(results => (results = results.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 && results.every(isConsistent) ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], results) : null))).then(function(results) { if ((results = results.filter(Boolean)).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); if (!results.every(isConsistent)) return Promise.reject('Inconsistent results'); results = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], results); return getFrontCovers('release-group', safeRgId(results[0])).catch(reason => (function doIndex(index = 0) { if (index < results.length) { const coverArtArchive = results[index]['cover-art-archive']; if (coverArtArchive && coverArtArchive.count <= 0) return doIndex(index + 1); return getFrontCovers('release', results[index].id).catch(reason => doIndex(index + 1)); } else return Promise.reject('No covers found by CD TOC'); })()); }); }, function mbSearchByLabelCatno() { if (!Array.isArray(torrentGroup.torrents) || torrentGroup.torrents.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by label/ not available'); if (allLabelsCatNos == null) return Promise.reject('No torrents with label/'); return Promise.all( => search('release', queryParams, true).catch(reason => null))) .then(imageUrls => (imageUrls = imageUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], imageUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by label/')); }, function mbSearchByArtistAlbum() { const queryParams = { }; if (mainArtist) queryParams.artistname = mainArtist; else if ( != 7) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/album/year not available'); queryParams.releasegroup = bareReleaseTitle(; queryParams.firstreleasedate =; return search('release-group', queryParams, true); }, ]; if (qualityAccent) { const mbSearch = () => (function searchMethod(index = 0) { return index < mbLookupWorkers.length ? mbLookupWorkers[index]().then(function(results) { namedFn(mbSearch, mbLookupWorkers[index].name); return results; }, reason => searchMethod(index + 1)) : Promise.reject('No matches'); })(); lookupWorkers.push(mbSearch); } else Array.prototype.push.apply(lookupWorkers, mbLookupWorkers); } { // ####################################### Ext. lookup at iTunes ####################################### function apiRequest(endpoint, queryParams, noAmbiguity = false) { if (!endpoint || !queryParams) throw 'Invalid argument'; endpoint = new URL(endpoint.toLowerCase(), ''); if (queryParams) for (let key in queryParams) endpoint.searchParams.set(key, queryParams[key]); endpoint.searchParams.set('media', 'music'); endpoint.searchParams.set('entity', 'album'); return GlobalXHR.get(endpoint, { responseType: 'json', recoverableErrors: [403] }).then(function({json}) { if (!(json.resultCount > 0)) return Promsie.reject('No matches'); let results = json.results; if (endpoint.pathname == '/search' && (results = results.filter(function(result) { let releaseYear = new Date(result.releaseDate); releaseYear = isNaN(releaseYear) ? undefined : releaseYear.getUTCFullYear(); return torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentTracks = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentTracks > 0 && result.trackCount > 0 && torrentTracks != result.trackCount) return false; return torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrentTracks > 0 && result.trackCount > 0; }); })).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); else if (results.length > 1) { if (noAmbiguity) return Promise.reject('Ambiguous results');'[Cover Inspector] Ambiguous iTunes results for lookup query (endpoint=%s, queryParams=%o)', endpoint.pathname, queryParams); } let artworkUrls = { const imageUrl = result.artworkUrl100 || result.artworkUrl60; return imageUrl && imageUrl.replace(/\/(\d+)x(\d+)/, '/4000x4000'); }); return (artworkUrls = artworkUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? artworkUrls : Promsie.reject('No matches'); }); } lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => barcodes.then(upcs => Promise.all( => apiRequest('lookup', { upc: upc }).catch(reason => null))).then(artworkUrls => (artworkUrls = artworkUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], artworkUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by UPC'))), 'itunesSearchByUPC')); lookupWorkers.push(function itunesSearchByArtistAlbum() { function addImportance(importance, maxArtists = 3) { if (importance && Array.isArray([importance]) &&[importance].length > 0) Array.prototype.push.apply(artistNames,[importance].slice(0, maxArtists).map(artist =>; } let artistNames = [ ], albumTitle = bareReleaseTitle(; addImportance('dj'); if (artistNames.length <= 0 && != 7) { addImportance('artists'); if ( &&'classical')) { addImportance('conductor'); //addImportance('composers'); } } if (artistNames.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/title not available'); return apiRequest('search', { term: namesToSearchTerm(artistNames.concat(albumTitle)), attribute: 'mixTerm', limit: 15, }, artistNames.join(' & ').toLowerCase() == albumTitle.toLowerCase() || artistNames.join('').length + albumTitle.length < 15); }); } { // ###################################### Ext. lookup at Spotify ###################################### const spfAuth = (function() { const [clientId, clientSecret] = ['spotify_client_id', 'spotify_client_secret'].map(name => GM_getValue(name)); return clientId && clientSecret ? btoa(clientId + ':' + clientSecret) : undefined; })(); function requestEndpoint(server, endpoint, auth, params) { if (!server || !endpoint || !auth) throw 'Invalid argument'; const url = new URL(endpoint, `https://${server}`), isPost = server.toLowerCase() != 'api'; if (params) if (isPost) var payload = new URLSearchParams(params); else for (let param in params) url.searchParams.set(param, params[param]); params = { responseType: 'json', headers: { 'Authorization': auth } }; return (isPost ?, payload, params) : GlobalXHR.get(url, params)).then(({json}) => json); } const search = queryParams => queryParams && typeof queryParams == 'object' ? (function getAuthToken() { const isTokenValid = accessToken => typeof accessToken == 'object' && accessToken.token_type && accessToken.access_token && accessToken.expires_at >= + 30 * 1000; if ('spotifyAccessToken' in localStorage) try { const accessToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('spotifyAccessToken')); if (!isTokenValid(accessToken)) throw 'Throwing expired or otherwise invalid Spotify cached token'; //'[Cover Inspector] Re-using cached Spotify access token:', accessToken, // 'expires at', new Date(accessToken.expires_at).toTimeString(), // '(+' + ((accessToken.expires_at - / 1000 / 60).toFixed(2) + 'm)'); return Promise.resolve(accessToken); } catch(e) {'[Cover Inspector]', e); localStorage.removeItem('spotifyAccessToken'); } if (spfAccessToken instanceof Promise) return spfAccessToken.then(accessToken => isTokenValid(accessToken) ? Promise.resolve(accessToken) : Promise.reject('auth session failed')).catch(function(reason) { spfAccessToken = null;'[Cover Inspector] Discarding Spotify access token:', reason); return getAuthToken(); }); const timeStamp =; return (spfAccessToken = spfAuth ? requestEndpoint('accounts', 'api/token', 'Basic ' + spfAuth, { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials' }).then(function(accessToken) { if (!accessToken.timestamp) accessToken.timestamp = timeStamp; if (!accessToken.expires_at) accessToken.expires_at = accessToken.timestamp + (accessToken.expires_in_ms || accessToken.expires_in * 1000); if (isTokenValid(accessToken)) { try { localStorage.setItem('spotifyAccessToken', JSON.stringify(accessToken)) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } spfAccessToken = null; console.log('[Cover Inspector] Spotify access token successfully set:', accessToken, `(+${( - accessToken.timestamp) / 1000}s)`); } else { spfAccessToken = null; console.warn('Received invalid Spotify token:', accessToken); return Promise.reject('invalid token received'); } return accessToken; }) : Promise.reject('Basic authorization not fully configured')); })().then(authToken => requestEndpoint('api', 'v1/search', authToken.token_type + ' ' + authToken.access_token, { q: Object.keys(queryParams).map(param => `${param}:"${queryParams[param]}"`).join(' '), type: 'album', limit: 50, }).then(function(results) { if ( > 0) results = results.albums.items; else return Promise.reject('No matches'); //console.debug('[Cover Inspector] Spotify search results for %o:', queryParams, results); if (!Object.keys(queryParams).includes('upc')) results = results.filter(function(result) { if (result.album_type == 'single' ? ![9, 5].includes( : == 9) return false; if ((result.album_type == 'compilation') != [6, 7].includes( return false; let releaseYear = new Date(result.release_date); releaseYear = isNaN(releaseYear) ? undefined : releaseYear.getUTCFullYear(); return torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentFiles = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentFiles > 0 && result.total_tracks > 0 && torrentFiles != result.total_tracks) return false; return torrentFiles > 0 && result.total_tracks > 0 || torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0; }); }); if (results.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); else if (results.length > 1) { //return reject('Ambiguous results');'[Cover Inspector] Ambiguous Spotify results for lookup query (queryParams=%o)', queryParams); } return (results = { if (!result.images) return null; let highest = Math.max( => image.width * image.height)); highest = result.images.find(image => image.width * image.height == highest); return highest && highest.url; }).filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? results : Promise.reject('No covers'); })) : Promise.reject('No query provided'); lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => barcodes.then(upcs => Promise.all( => search({ upc: upc }) // 7 .catch(reason => null))) .then(artworkUrls => (artworkUrls = artworkUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], artworkUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by UPC'))), 'spfSearchByUPC')); lookupWorkers.push(function spfSearchByArtistAlbum() { const queryParams = { }; if (mainArtist) queryParams.artist = mainArtist; else if ( != 7) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/album not available'); queryParams.album = bareReleaseTitle(; return search(queryParams); }); } { // ###################################### Ext. lookup at Bandcamp ###################################### function search(searchTerm, itemType = 'a') { if (!searchTerm) throw 'Invalid argument'; const url = new URL(''); url.searchParams.set('q', searchTerm); url.searchParams.set('item_type', itemType = itemType.toLowerCase()); return GlobalXHR.get(url).then(function({document}) { let results = document.body.querySelectorAll('div.results > ul.result-items > li.searchresult'); if (results.length <= 0 || (results =, function(result) { let [title, artist, releaseYear, releaseTracks] = ['heading', 'subhead', 'released', 'length'] .map(className => result.querySelector('div.' + className)); if (title != null) title = title.textContent.trim(); else return false; //if (bareReleaseTitle(title).toLowerCase() != return false; if (artist != null) artist = /^by (.+)$/i.exec(artist.textContent.trim()); if (artist != null) artist = artist[1]; else return false; if (releaseYear != null) releaseYear = /\b(\d{4})\b/.exec(releaseYear.textContent); releaseYear = releaseYear != null ? parseInt(releaseYear[1]) : undefined; if (itemType == 't') releaseTracks = 1; else if (itemType == 'a') { if (releaseTracks != null) releaseTracks = /\b(\d+)\s+tracks?\b/i.exec(releaseTracks.textContent); releaseTracks = releaseTracks != null ? parseInt(releaseTracks[1]) : undefined; } return torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentTracks = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentTracks > 0 && releaseTracks > 0 && torrentTracks != releaseTracks) return false; return torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrentTracks > 0 && releaseTracks > 0; }); })).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); else if (results.size > 1) {'[Cover Inspector] Ambiguous Bandcamp results for lookup query', searchTerm); //return reject('Ambiguous results'); } //console.debug('[Cover Inspector] Bandcamp search results for %o:', searchTerm, results); return Promise.all( { const image = result.querySelector('a.artcont img'); return image != null && getImageMax(image.src).catch(reason => image); })).then(results => (results = results.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? results : Promise.reject('No matches')); }); } lookupWorkers.push(function bcSearchByArtistAlbum() { let searchTerm = [mainArtist, bareReleaseTitle(]; if (!searchTerm[0]) return Promise.reject('Cover lookup by artist/album not available'); return search((searchTerm = namesToSearchTerm(searchTerm)), 'a').catch(reason => reason == 'No matches' && => afc == 1) ? search(searchTerm, 't') : Promise.reject(reason)); }); } { // ###################################### Ext. lookup at Beatport ###################################### function queryAPI(endPoint, params) { if (!endPoint) throw 'invalid argument'; return (function setAccessToken() { const isTokenValid = accessToken => accessToken && accessToken.token_type && accessToken.access_token && accessToken.expires_at >= + 30 * 1000; return bpAccessToken instanceof Promise ? bpAccessToken.then(accessToken => isTokenValid(accessToken) ? accessToken : Promise.reject('expired or otherwise invalid')).catch(function(reason) { bpAccessToken = null;'Discarding Beatsource access token:', reason); return setAccessToken(); }) : (bpAccessToken = (function() { function haveToken({token}) { if (!(token = { token_type: token.tokenType, access_token: token.accessToken, timestamp: timeStamp, expires_in: token.expiresIn, expires_at: token.accessTokenExpires, }).expires_at) token.expires_at = token.timestamp + (token.expires_in_ms || token.expires_in * 1000); if (!isTokenValid(token)) { console.warn('Received invalid Beatport token:', token); return Promise.reject('invalid token received'); } try { localStorage.setItem('beatportAccessToken', JSON.stringify(token)) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } console.log('Beatport access token successfully set:', token, `(+${( - token.timestamp) / 1000}s)`); return Promise.resolve(token); } if ('beatportAccessToken' in localStorage) try { const accessToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('beatportAccessToken')); if (!isTokenValid(accessToken)) throw 'Expired or otherwise invalid';'Re-using cached Beatport access token:', accessToken, 'expires at', new Date(accessToken.expires_at).toTimeString(), '(+' + ((accessToken.expires_at - / 1000 / 60).toFixed(2) + 'm)'); return Promise.resolve(accessToken); } catch(e) { localStorage.removeItem('beatportAccessToken') } const timeStamp =, urlBase = ''; return GlobalXHR.get(urlBase + '/session', { responseType: 'json' }).then(function(response) { let cookie = response.cookies['__Secure-next-auth.session-token']; if (cookie) return haveToken(response.json); const postData = new URLSearchparams; if (cookie = response.cookies['__Host-next-auth.csrf-token']) postData.set('csrfToken', cookie.value.split('|')[0]); else return Promise.reject('Cookie not received'); if (cookie = response.cookies['__Secure-next-auth.callback-url']) postData.set('callbackUrl', cookie.value); else return Promise.reject('Cookie not received'); postData.set('json', true); return + '/callback/anonymous', postData, { responseType: null }).then(function(response) { if (!(cookie = response.cookies['__Secure-next-auth.session-token'])) return Promise.reject('Cookie not received'); return GlobalXHR.get(urlBase + '/session', { responseType: 'json', cookie: '__Secure-next-auth.session-token=' + cookie, }).then(({json}) => haveToken(json)); }); }).catch(function(reason) { if ('beatsourceAccessToken' in localStorage) try { const accessToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('beatsourceAccessToken')); if (!isTokenValid(accessToken)) throw 'Throwing expired or otherwise invalid Beatsource cached token'; //'[Cover Inspector] Re-using cached Beatsource access token:', accessToken, // 'expires at', new Date(accessToken.expires_at).toTimeString(), // '(+' + ((accessToken.expires_at - / 1000 / 60).toFixed(2) + 'm)'); return Promise.resolve(accessToken); } catch(e) { localStorage.removeItem('beatsourceAccessToken') } if (bpAccessToken instanceof Promise) return bpAccessToken.then(accessToken => isTokenValid(accessToken) ? Promise.resolve(accessToken) : Promise.reject('auth session failed')).catch(function(reason) { bpAccessToken = null;'[Cover Inspector] Discarding Beatsource access token:', reason); return getAuthToken(); }); const timeStamp =; return GlobalXHR.get('').then(function({document}) { let accessToken = document.getElementById('__NEXT_DATA__'); if (accessToken != null) try { accessToken = JSON.parse(accessToken.text); return Object.assign(accessToken.props.rootStore.authStore.user, { apiHost: accessToken.runtimeConfig.API_HOST, clientId: accessToken.runtimeConfig.API_CLIENT_ID, recurlyPublicKey: accessToken.runtimeConfig.RECURLY_PUBLIC_KEY, }); } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } if (accessToken = response.headers.btsrcSession) try { const decode = val => decodeURIComponent(val.replace(/[\s\;].*$/, '')); accessToken = JSON.parse(decode(accessToken)); let sessionId = response.responseHeaders.sessionId; if (sessionId) accessToken.sessionId = decode(sessionId); return accessToken; } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } return Promise.reject('Beatsource OAuth2 access token could not be extracted'); }).then(function(accessToken) { if (!accessToken.timestamp) accessToken.timestamp = timeStamp; if (!accessToken.expires_at) accessToken.expires_at = accessToken.timestamp + (accessToken.expires_in_ms || accessToken.expires_in * 1000); if (isTokenValid(accessToken)) try { localStorage.setItem('beatsourceAccessToken', JSON.stringify(accessToken)); bpAccessToken = null; console.log('[Cover Inspector] Beatsource access token successfully set:', accessToken, `(+${( - accessToken.timestamp) / 1000}s)`); } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } else { bpAccessToken = null; console.warn('[Cover Inspector] Received invalid Beatsource token:', accessToken); return Promise.reject('invalid token received'); } return accessToken; }); }); })()); })().then(function(authToken) { const catRoot = '/v4/catalog/'; const url = new URL(`${catRoot}${endPoint.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, '')}/`, ''); if (params) for (let key in params) url.searchParams.set(key, params[key]); const cacheKey = url.pathname.slice(url.pathname.indexOf(catRoot) + catRoot.length) +; if (bpRequestsCache.has(cacheKey)) return bpRequestsCache.get(cacheKey); const request = GlobalXHR.get(url, { responseType: 'json', headers: { 'Authorization': authToken.token_type + ' ' + authToken.access_token }, }).then(({json}) => json); bpRequestsCache.set(cacheKey, request); return request; }); } const search = (searchTerm, strict = true) => searchTerm ? queryAPI('search', { q: searchTerm, type: 'releases', per_page: strict ? 50 : 1, }).then(function(results) { if (results.count <= 0 || (results = results.releases.filter(function(release) { if ('release_type' in release && (parseInt(release.release_type) == 1 ? ![9, 5].includes( : == 9)) return false; let releaseYear = new Date(release.release_date || release.new_release_date || release.publish_date); if (isNaN(releaseYear)) return false; else releaseYear = releaseYear.getUTCFullYear(); return torrentGroup.torrents.some(function(torrent) { if (torrent.remasterYear > 0 && torrent.remasterYear != releaseYear) return false; const torrentFiles = audioFileCount(torrent); if (torrentFiles > 0 && release.track_count > 0 && torrentFiles != release.track_count) return false; if (!strict) return torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 && torrentFiles > 0 && release.track_count > 0; if (!(torrent.remasterYear > 0 && releaseYear > 0 || torrentFiles > 0 && release.track_count > 0)) return false; const torrentIds = ['remasterRecordLabel', 'remasterCatalogueNumber'] .map((prop, index) => torrent[prop].split(/[\/\|]+/).map(strippers[index]).filter(Boolean)); const releaseIds = [release.label &&, release.catalog_number] .map((prop, index) => strippers[index](prop)); return releaseIds[1] && releaseIds.every((id, index) => !id || torrentIds[index].includes(id)); }); })).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No matches'); else if (results.length > 1) { //return reject('Ambiguous results');'[Cover Inspector] Ambiguous Beatport results for lookup query (searchTerm=%s)', searchTerm); } //console.debug('[Cover Inspector] Beatport search results for %s:', searchTerm, results); return (results = results.filter(release => release.image && release.image.uri && ![ '0dc61986-bccf-49d4-8fad-6b147ea8f327', 'ab2d1d04-233d-4b08-8234-9782b34dcab8', ].some(imgId => release.image.uri.toLowerCase().endsWith(`/${imgId.toLowerCase()}.jpg`)))).length > 0 ? => release.image.uri.replace(/\/image_size\/\d+x\d+\//i, '/image/')) : Promise.reject('No covers in matching releases found'); }) : Promise.reject('Search term is missing'); if ([ 'acid', '', 'bass', 'beats', 'breakbeat', 'breakcore', 'breaks', 'chillout', 'chillwave', 'chiptune', 'dance', 'dark.psytrance', '', '', 'downtempo', 'drum.and.bass', 'dub', 'dub.techno', 'dubstep', 'ebm', 'electro', '', 'electronic', '', 'glitch', 'goa.trance', 'grime', 'hard.techno', 'hard.trance', '', 'house', 'idm', 'jungle', 'leftfield', '', 'minimal.techno', 'nu.disco', '', 'progressive.trance', 'psybient', 'psytrance', 'synth', '', 'techno', 'trance', 'trap', 'tribal', 'trip.hop', 'uk.garage', 'uplifting.trance', 'vaporwave', ].some(tag => { lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => barcodes.then(upcs => Promise.all( => search(upc, false) .catch(reason => null))).then(artworkUrls => (artworkUrls = artworkUrls.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], artworkUrls) : Promise.reject('No covers found by UPC'))), 'bpSearchByUPC')); const keywords = [mainArtist, bareReleaseTitle(]; lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => search(namesToSearchTerm(keywords), true), 'bpSearchByArtistAlbumStrict')); if (keywords[0] && != 7) lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => search(namesToSearchTerm(keywords), false), 'bpSearchByArtistAlbum')); } } { // ###################################### Ext. lookup at CSE ###################################### // if (mainArtist && != 7) lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => // Promise.all(['us', 'jp'].map(country => cseSearch(bareReleaseTitle(, mainArtist, country)) // .map(promise => promise.catch(reason => null))).then(function(results) { // if ((results = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], results.filter(Boolean)).filter((result, ndx, arr) => // result.bigCoverUrl && arr.findIndex(result2 => result2.bigCoverUrl == result.bigCoverUrl) == ndx)).length <= 0) // return Promise.reject('No matches'); // // TODO: verify & return best match // }), 'cseSearchByArtistAlbum')); } break; } case 3: { // Ebooks qualityAccent = false; workersOrder = ['grSearchById', 'grSearchByTitle1', 'grSearchByTitle2']; { // ###################################### Ext. lookup at Goodreads ###################################### function search(queryParams, noAmbiguity = true) { if (!queryParams) throw 'Invalid argument'; const requestUrl = new URL(''); if (queryParams) for (let key in queryParams) requestUrl.searchParams.set(key, queryParams[key]); requestUrl.searchParams.set('search_type', 'books'); return GlobalXHR.get(requestUrl).then(function({document}) { const grImageMax = src => src && src.replace(/\._(?:\w+\d+_)+\./ig, '.'); const dummyCover = coverUrl => coverUrl && ['/nophoto/', '/books/1570622405l/50809027', '/images/no-cover.png'] .some(pattern => coverUrl.includes(pattern)); let results = ['div.BookCover__image img', 'div.editionCover > img', 'img#coverImage'] .reduce((elem, selector) => elem || document.body.querySelector(selector), null); if (results != null && httpParser.test(results = results.src)) { if (!dummyCover(results)) return [grImageMax(results)]; } else if ((results = document.querySelectorAll('table.tableList > tbody > tr')).length > 0) { if (results.length > 1) { if (noAmbiguity) return reject('Ambiguous results'); console.warn('[Cover Inspector] Goodreads ambiguous results'); } if ((results =, function(result) { let coverUrl = result.querySelector('img[itemprop="image"]'); if (coverUrl != null && httpParser.test(coverUrl = coverUrl.src) && !dummyCover(coverUrl)) return grImageMax(coverUrl); }).filter(Boolean)).length > 0) return results; } else return Promise.reject('No matches'); return Promise.reject('No valid cover image for matched ebooks'); }); } function findByIdentifier(rx, minLength) { if (!(rx instanceof RegExp) || !(minLength >= 0)) throw 'Invalid argument'; let id = rx.exec(descBody.textContent); if (id != null && (id = id[2].replace(/\W/g, '')).length >= minLength) lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => search({ q: id }), 'grSearchById')); } const descBody = domParser.parseFromString(, 'text/html').body; findByIdentifier(/\b(ISBN-?13)\b.+?\b(\d+(?:\-\d+)*)\b/m, 12); findByIdentifier(/\b(ISBN(?:-?10)?)\b.+?\b(\d+(?:\-\d+)*)\b/m, 9); findByIdentifier(/\b(EAN(?:-?13)?)\b.+?\b(\d+(?:\-\d+)*)\b/m, 12); findByIdentifier(/\b(UPC(?:-A)?)\b.+?\b(\d+(?:\-\d+)*)\b/m, 11); findByIdentifier(/\b(ASIN)\b.+?\b([A-Z\d]{10})\b/m, 11); const rx = [ /(?:\s+(?:\((?:19|2\d)\d{2}\)|\[(?:19|2\d)\d{2}\]|\((?:epub|mobi|pdf)\)|\[(?:epub|mobi|pdf)\]))+$/ig, /(?:\s+(?:\([^\(\)]+\)|\[[^\[\]]+\]))+$/ig, ], titles = [[0], '')]; lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => search({ q: titles[0] }), 'grSearchByTitle1')); titles.push(titles[0].replace(rx[1], '')); if (titles[1].length < titles[0].length) lookupWorkers.push(namedFn(() => search({ q: titles[1] }), 'grSearchByTitle2')); } break; } } if ((lookupWorkers = lookupWorkers.filter(worker => typeof worker == 'function')).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No available lookup methods for this release group'); if (qualityAccent) { const results = => lookupWorker().then(results => (results = results.filter(Boolean)).length > 0 ? results : Promise.reject('No valid images found'))); return Promise.all( => result.then(imageUrls => testImageQuality(imageUrls[0])).catch(reason => -1))).then(function(qRanks) { const maxRank = Math.max(...qRanks); // console.debug('[Cover Inspector] Quality ranking for group id %d lookup workers:',, // maxRank, Object.assign.apply({ },, index) => ({ [lookupWorkers[index].name]: qRank })))); if (maxRank < 0) return Promise.reject('None of release identifiers was sufficient to find the cover'); let index = Math.min(, ndx) => qR < maxRank || (ndx = workersOrder.indexOf(lookupWorkers[ndx].name)) < 0 ? Infinity : ndx)); index = lookupWorkers.findIndex(lookupWorker => == workersOrder[index]); console.assert(index >= 0, index); if (index < 0 && (index = qRanks.indexOf(maxRank)) < 0) return Promise.reject('Assertion failed: lookup worker index doesnot exist'); console.log('[Cover Inspector] Group id',, torrentGroup, 'covers lookup successfull, method name:', lookupWorkers[index].name, '[' + index + ']'); return results[index]; }); } else { lookupWorkers.sort((a, b) => workersOrder.indexOf( - workersOrder.indexOf(; return (function lookupMethod(index = 0) { if (index < lookupWorkers.length) return lookupWorkers[index]().then(results => Promise.all( => ihh.verifyImageUrl(result).catch(reason => null)))).then(function(results) { if ((results = results.filter(Boolean)).length <= 0) return Promise.reject('No valid images found'); console.log('[Cover Inspector] Group id',, torrentGroup, 'covers lookup successfull, method name:', lookupWorkers[index].name, '[' + index + '/' + lookupWorkers.length + '], results:', results); return results; }).catch(reason => lookupMethod(index + 1)); return Promise.reject('None of release identifiers was sufficient to find the cover'); })(); } } function updateCoverCollages(status, torrentGroup) { (typeof torrentGroup == 'object' ? Promise.resolve(torrentGroup) : queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: torrentGroup || id })).then(function(torrentGroup) { if ((status >> 7 & 0b11) == 0b11) for (let collageIndex of ['missing', 'invalid', 'investigate']) if (inCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup); if ((status & 0b100) == 0 || (status & 0b10) == 0 && [1].includes( { if (!inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('poor',; } else if (inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup); }); } function updateImage(imageUrl, torrentGroup, img) { if (!imageUrl || !torrentGroup) throw 'Invalid argument'; for (let collageIndex of ['missing', 'invalid', 'investigate']) if (inCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup); if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement) { setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); inspectImage(img, { if ((status & 0b100) != 0 && ((status & 0b10) != 0 || ![1].includes( { if (inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup); } else if ([1].includes( if (!inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('poor',; }, reason => { console.warn('[Cover Inspector] inspectImage(', img, ') failed with reason', reason) }); } else testImageQuality(imageUrl).then(function(q) { if (q >= ([1].includes( ? 2 : 1)) { if (inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup); } else if ([1].includes( if (!inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('poor',; }); } function findCover(groupId, img) { if (!(groupId > 0)) throw 'Invalid argument'; return imageHostHelper.then(ihh => queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(torrentGroup => coverLookup(torrentGroup, ihh).then(imageUrls => ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrls[0]]).then(ihh.singleImageGetter).then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(, imageUrl).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); if (!(img instanceof HTMLImageElement)) img = document.body.querySelector('div#covers img'); updateImage(imageUrl, torrentGroup, img); }))).catch(function(reason) { if (! && !inCoversCollage('missing', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('missing',; if ( && !inCoversCollage('invalid', torrentGroup)) ihh.verifyImageUrl( => { addToCoversCollage('invalid', }); return Promise.reject(reason); }))); } function setFocus(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) throw 'Invalid argument'; elem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' }); } function getGroupId(root) { if (root instanceof HTMLElement) for (let a of root.getElementsByTagName('A')) { if (a.origin != document.location.origin || a.pathname != '/torrents.php') continue; a = new URLSearchParams(; if (a.has('id') && !a.has('action') && (a = parseInt(a.get('id'))) > 0) return a; } console.warn('[Cover Inspector] Failed to find group id:', root); } function addTableHandlers(table, parent, style, index) { function addHeaderButton(caption, clickHandler, id, tooltip) { if (!caption || typeof clickHandler != 'function') return; const elem = document.createElement('SPAN'); if (id) elem.classList.add(id); elem.classList.add('brackets'); = 'margin-right: 5pt; cursor: pointer; font-weight: normal; transition: color 0.25s;'; elem.textContent = caption; elem.onmouseenter = elem.onmouseleave = function(evt) { if (evt.relatedTarget == evt.currentTarget) return false; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? 'orange' : evt.currentTarget.dataset.color || null; }; elem.onclick = clickHandler; if (tooltip) elem.title = tooltip; //setTooltip(tooltip); container.append(elem); return elem; } function iterateReleaseGroups(callback) { for (const tr of table.querySelectorAll('tbody >, tbody > tr.torrent')) { const groupId = getGroupId(tr.querySelector('div.group_info')); console.assert(groupId > 0, 'Failed to extract group id:', tr) if (groupId > 0) callback(groupId, tr.querySelector('div.group_image > img'), function failhandler(reason) { if (this && this.logFail) this.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover lookup failed: ${reason}`); console.log('[Cover Inspector] groupId', groupId, 'cover lookup failed:', reason); return reason; }); } } function getGroupCreationTime(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement) || !((elem = getGroupId(elem.querySelector('div.group_info'))) > 0)) return; if ((elem = document.body.querySelectorAll(`tr.group_torrent.groupid_${elem} *.time[title]`)).length <= 0) return; if ((elem = Array.from(elem, elem => new Date(elem.title)).filter(date => !isNaN(date))).length <= 0) return; return Math.min( => date.getTime())); } function changeToCounter(elem, id) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement) || !id) throw 'Invalid argument'; if (!elem.count) { elem.remove(); return null; } elem.onclick = elem.onmouseenter = elem.onmouseleave = null; = 'orange'; = null; elem.textContent = ' groups remaining'; elem.removeAttribute('title'); const counter = document.createElement('SPAN'); counter.className = id; counter.textContent = counter.count = elem.count; = 'bold'; elem.prepend(counter); delete elem.count; return elem; } if (!(table instanceof HTMLElement) || !(parent instanceof HTMLElement)) return; const images = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr div.group_image > img'); if (index) for (let img of images) img.dataset.tableIndex = index; const container = document.createElement('DIV'); container.className = index ? 'cover-inspector-' + index : 'cover-inspector'; if (style) = style; if (images.length > 0) addHeaderButton('Inspect all covers', function inspectAll(evt) { if (!evt.currentTarget.disabled) evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; else return false; setFocus(parent.parentNode.parentNode); = evt.currentTarget.dataset.color = 'orange'; evt.currentTarget.textContent = '…wait…'; = null; const currentTarget = evt.currentTarget, inspectWorkers = [ ]; let autoFix = parent.querySelector(''); iterateReleaseGroups((groupId, img) => { if (img != null) inspectWorkers.push(inspectImage(img, groupId)) }); if (autoFix != null && inspectWorkers.length > 0) autoFix.hidden = true; Promise.all(inspectWorkers).then(statuses => !noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey && !readOnly && !noBatchProcessing ? imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { const failedToLoad = statuses.filter(status => (status >> 7 & 0b11) == 0b10).length; if (autoFix != null || (autoFix = parent.querySelector('')) != null) if (failedToLoad > 0) { autoFix.hidden = false; autoFix.count = statuses.filter(status => (status >> 7 & 0b01) == 0).length; autoFix.title = autoFix.count.toString() + ' covers to lookup (missing covers included)'; } else autoFix.remove(); const minimumRehostAge = GM_getValue('minimum_age_for_rehost'); const getClick2Gos = () =>'div.cover-inspector > span.click2go:not([disabled])'), function(elem) { if (elem.classList.contains('whitelisted')) return true; if (elem.classList.contains('unpreferred-host') && minimumRehostAge > 0) { while (elem != null && elem.nodeName != 'TR') elem = elem.parentNode; if (!((elem = getGroupCreationTime(elem)) > 0)) return false; return elem < - minimumRehostAge * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } return true; }); if ((currentTarget.count = getClick2Gos().length) > 0) { = 'process-all-covers'; currentTarget.onclick = function processAll(evt) { if (evt.currentTarget.disabled || !checkSavedRecovery()) return false; setFocus(parent.parentNode.parentNode); if (failedToLoad > 0 && evt.ctrlKey) return inspectAll(evt); const click2Gos = getClick2Gos(); evt.currentTarget.count = click2Gos.length; changeToCounter(evt.currentTarget, 'process-covers-countdown'); for (let elem of click2Gos); }; = currentTarget.dataset.color = 'mediumseagreen'; currentTarget.textContent = 'Process existing covers'; = 'pointer'; currentTarget.disabled = false; currentTarget.title = currentTarget.count.toString() + ' releases to process'; console.log('[Cover Inspector] Page scan completed, %d images cached', Object.keys(imageDetailsCache).length); if (failedToLoad > 0) currentTarget.title += `\n(${failedToLoad} covers failed to load, scan again on Ctrl + click)`; } else return Promise.reject('Nothing to process'); }) : Promise.reject('No editing permissions')).catch(reason => { currentTarget.remove() }); }, 'inspect-all-covers'); if (!noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey && !readOnly && !noBatchProcessing && !noAutoLookups) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { function setCoverFromTorrentGroup(torrentGroup, img, reason) { if (!torrentGroup) throw 'Invalid argument'; return coverLookup(torrentGroup, ihh).then(imageUrls => ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrls[0]]).then(ihh.singleImageGetter).then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(, imageUrl, autoLookupSummary(reason)).then(function(response) { console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); updateImage(imageUrl, torrentGroup, img); if (autoOpenSucceed) openGroup(torrentGroup); return imageUrl; }))).catch(function(reason) { if (! && !inCoversCollage('missing', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('missing',; if ( && !inCoversCollage('invalid', torrentGroup)) ihh.verifyImageUrl( .catch(reason => { addToCoversCollage('invalid', }); if (Array.isArray(torrentGroup.torrents) && torrentGroup.torrents.length > 0) Promise.all(torrentGroup.torrents.filter(torrent => /\b(?:https?):\/\//i.test(torrent.description)) .map(torrent => bb2Html(torrent.description).then(getLinks, reason => null))).then(function(urls) { if ((urls = urls.filter(Boolean).map(urls => urls.filter(isMusicResource)).filter(urls => urls.length > 0)).length <= 0) return; if (autoOpenWithLink) openGroup(torrentGroup); console.log('[Cover Inspector] Links found in torrent descriptions for', torrentGroup, ':', urls); }); return Promise.reject(reason); }); } const missingImages =, img => !hasArtworkSet(img)); if (images.length <= 0 || missingImages.length > 0) addHeaderButton('Add missing covers', function autoAdd(evt) { if (!checkSavedRecovery()) return false; if (images.length <= 0 || (evt.currentTarget.count =, img => !hasArtworkSet(img)).length) <= 0) { evt.currentTarget.remove(); if (images.length > 0) return; } else changeToCounter(evt.currentTarget, 'missing-covers-countdown'); setFocus(parent.parentNode.parentNode); iterateReleaseGroups(function(groupId, img, failHandler) { if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement) { if (!hasArtworkSet(img)) queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(torrentGroup => setCoverFromTorrentGroup(torrentGroup, img, 'missing')).catch(failHandler.bind(ihh)) .then(status => { counterDecrement('missing-covers-countdown', index) }); } else queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(torrentGroup => ? true : setCoverFromTorrentGroup(torrentGroup, null, 'missing')) .catch(failHandler.bind(ihh)).then(status => { if (status != true) counterDecrement('missing-covers-countdown', index) }); }); }, 'covers-auto-lookup', missingImages.length > 0 ? (missingImages.length + ' covers missing') : undefined); addHeaderButton('Fix invalid covers', function autoFix(evt) { if (!checkSavedRecovery()) return false; if (evt.currentTarget.count > 0) changeToCounter(evt.currentTarget, 'invalid-covers-countdown'); else evt.currentTarget.remove(); const autoAdd = parent.querySelector('span.covers-auto-lookup'); if (autoAdd != null) autoAdd.remove(); setFocus(parent.parentNode.parentNode); iterateReleaseGroups(function(groupId, img, failHandler) { function validateImage(imageUrl) { if (!httpParser.test(imageUrl)) return Promise.reject('unset or invalid format'); const deproxiedSrc = deProxifyImgSrc(imageUrl); return (deproxiedSrc ? setGroupImage(groupId, deproxiedSrc, 'Deproxied release image (not working anymore)') .then(result => ihh.verifyImageUrl(deproxiedSrc)): ihh.verifyImageUrl(imageUrl)).then(verifiedImageUrl => true); } if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement) validateImage(realImgSrc(img)).catch(function(reason) { console.log('[Cover Inspector] Invalid or missing cover for groupId %d, reason:', groupId, reason); queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(torrentGroup => setCoverFromTorrentGroup(torrentGroup, img, reason).catch(failHandler.bind(ihh)) .then(status => { counterDecrement('invalid-covers-countdown', index) })); }); else queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(torrentGroup => validateImage( { console.log('[Cover Inspector] Invalid or missing cover for groupId %d, reason:', groupId, reason); return setCoverFromTorrentGroup(torrentGroup, null, reason); })).catch(failHandler.bind(ihh)).then(status => { if (status != true) counterDecrement('invalid-covers-countdown', index) }); }); }, 'auto-fix-covers', 'Missing covers lookup included'); for (const img of missingImages) { img.removeAttribute('onclick'); const groupId = getGroupId(img.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('div.group_info')); if (groupId > 0) img.onclick = function(evt) { findCover(groupId, evt.currentTarget).catch(reason => { ihh.logFail(`groupId ${groupId} cover lookup failed: ${reason}`) }); return false; } } }); // addHeaderButton('Open all in tabs', function inspectAll(evt) { // iterateReleaseGroups(groupIdc => { openGroup(groupIdc) }); // }, 'test-tabs-control'); parent.append(container); if (images.length > 0 && GM_getValue('auto_inspect_cached', false) && Object.keys(imageDetailsCache).length > 0) iterateReleaseGroups(function(groupId, img) { if (img != null && hasArtworkSet(img) && realImgSrc(img) in imageDetailsCache) inspectImage(img, groupId); }); } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(, id = parseInt(urlParams.get('id')) || undefined; const findParent = table => table instanceof HTMLElement &&':scope > tbody > tr:first-of-type > td'), td => /^(?:Torrents?|Name)\b/.test(td.textContent.trim())) || null; // Crash recovery if ('coverInspectorTabsQueue' in localStorage) try { const savedQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('coverInspectorTabsQueue')); if (Array.isArray(savedQueue) && savedQueue.length > 0) { GM_registerMenuCommand('Restore open tabs queue', function() { if (!confirm('Process saved queue? (' + savedQueue.length + ' tabs to open)')) return; for (let queuedEntry of savedQueue) openTabLimited(queuedEntry.endpoint, queuedEntry.params, queuedEntry.hash); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('Load saved queue for later', function() { if (confirm('Saved queue (' + savedQueue.length + ' tabs to open) will be prepended to current, continue?')) tabsQueueRecovery = savedQueue.concat(tabsQueueRecovery); }); } } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } function getAllCovers(groupId) { if (!(groupId > 0)) throw 'Invalid argument'; return LocalXHR.get('/torrents.php?' + new URLSearchParams({ id: groupId })).then(({document}) => Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll('div#covers div > p > img'), realImgSrc)); } function resolveTorrentRow(tr, ihh) { function setStatus(newStatus, ...addedText) { let td = tr.querySelector('td.status'); console.assert(td != null); if (td == null) return; // assertion failed if (typeof newStatus == 'number') status = newStatus; else if (status == undefined) status = 2; td.className = 'status ' + td.textContent + ' status-code-' + status; if (status != 2 && typeof td.flashTimer == 'number') { clearInterval(td.flashTimer); delete td.flashTimer; = null; } = ['red', 'orange', '#cc0', '#8a0', '#0a0'][status]; td.textContent = status > 2 ? 'success' : status < 2 ? 'failed' : 'resolving'; = 1; if (status == 2) { = 'opacity 50ms'; if (typeof td.flashTimer != 'number') td.flashTimer = setInterval(elem => { = < 1 ? 1 : 0.25 }, 500, td); } if (addedText.length > 0) Array.prototype.push.apply(tooltips, addedText); if (tooltips.length > 0) td.title = tooltips.join('\n'); else td.removeAttribute('title'); //setTooltip(td, tooltips.join('\n')); if (status <= 0) if (autoHideFailed) tr.hidden = true; else if ((td = document.getElementById('hide-status-failed')) != null) td.hidden = false; } const groupId = getGroupId(tr), tooltips = [ ]; let status; if (!(groupId > 0)) return setStatus(0, 'Could not extract torrent id'); const autoHideFailed = GM_getValue('auto_hide_failed', false); queryAjaxAPI('torrentgroup', { id: groupId }).then(function(torrentGroup) { function removeFromCollages(...collageIndexes) { for (let collageIndex of collageIndexes) if (inCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup)) removeFromCoversCollage(collageIndex, torrentGroup).then(() => { setStatus(status, `(removed from all ${collageIndex} covers collages)`) }); } const qualityEmphasisCategory = [1].includes(; const isCollagePage = id > 0 && ['/collages.php', '/collage.php'].includes(document.location.pathname); const isMissingCoverCollage = isCollagePage && coverRelatedCollages && ['missing', 'invalid', 'investigate'] .some(index => Array.isArray(coverRelatedCollages[index]) && coverRelatedCollages[index].includes(id)); const isPoorCoverCollage = isCollagePage && coverRelatedCollages && ['poor'].some(index => Array.isArray(coverRelatedCollages[index]) && coverRelatedCollages[index].includes(id)); let q0 = -1; return (function() { if (! return Promise.reject('none set'); const deproxiedSrc = deProxifyImgSrc(; return deproxiedSrc ? setGroupImage(, deproxiedSrc, 'Deproxied release image (not working anymore)') .then(result => ihh.verifyImageUrl(deproxiedSrc)) : ihh.verifyImageUrl(; })().then(function(imageUrl) { const hostname = new URL(imageUrl).hostname, domain = hostname.split('.').slice(-2).join('.'); return !isOnDomainList(hostname, 2) ? testImageQuality(imageUrl).then(function(q) { if ((q0 = q) < (qualityEmphasisCategory ? 2 : 1)) return Promise.reject('low resolution of existing image'); setStatus(4, 'This release group seems to have a valid image'); removeFromCollages('missing', 'invalid', 'investigate'); if (!isPoorCoverCollage) removeFromCollages('poor'); else if ('autoOpenSucceed') openGroup(torrentGroup); if (Array.isArray(preferredHosts) && preferredHosts.includes(hostname) || isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 0)/* || !isOnDomainList(imageUrl.hostname, 1)*/) return null; return ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrl], true, false, true).then(ihh.singleImageGetter).then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(, imageUrl, 'Automated cover rehost').then(function(response) { setStatus(status, '(' + response + ')'); console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); return imageUrl; })).catch(function(reason) { setStatus(status, 'Cover rehost failed: ' + reason); console.log('[Cover Inspector]', reason); return null; }); }) : Promise.reject('Release group having image at bad host'); }).catch(reason => (setStatus(2, `Looking for a new cover image (${reason})`), coverLookup(torrentGroup, ihh, isPoorCoverCollage)).then(imageUrls => testImageQuality(imageUrls[0]).then(function(q) { if (q <= q0 || q < (/*qualityEmphasisCategory ? 2 : */1) && isPoorCoverCollage) return Promise.reject('Image found is poor quality (resolution)'); return ihh.rehostImageLinks(imageUrls, true, false, true) .then(results =>, function(reason) { setStatus(status, 'Cover rehost failed: ' + reason); return imageUrls; }).then(imageUrls => setGroupImage(, imageUrls[0], autoLookupSummary(reason)).then(function(response) { setStatus(4, response); console.log('[Cover Inspector]', response); removeFromCollages('missing', 'invalid', 'investigate'); if (q < 1 || (q < 2 && qualityEmphasisCategory)) { if (!inCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup)) addToCoversCollage('poor', torrentGroup).then(_status => { setStatus(status, '(added to poor quality covers collage)') }); setStatus(3, 'However the quality is poor (resolution)'); } else removeFromCollages('poor'); if (imageUrls.length > 1) setStatus(3, '(more external links require attention)'); if (autoOpenSucceed) openGroup(torrentGroup); return imageUrls[0]; })); }))).catch(function(reason) { if (!Array.isArray(torrentGroup.torrents) || torrentGroup.torrents.length <= 0) return Promise.reject(reason); return Promise.all(torrentGroup.torrents.filter(torrent => /\b(?:https?):\/\//i.test(torrent.description)) .map(torrent => bb2Html(torrent.description).then(getLinks, reason => null))).then(function(urls) { if ((urls = urls.filter(Boolean).map(urls => urls.filter(isMusicResource)).filter(urls => urls.length > 0)).length <= 0) return Promise.reject(reason); setStatus(1, reason, 'No active external links in album description,\nbut release descriptions contain some:\n\n' + (urls = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], urls)).join('\n')); if (autoOpenWithLink) openGroup(torrentGroup); console.log('[Cover Inspector] Links found in torrent descriptions for', torrentGroup, ':', urls); }); }); }).catch(reason => { setStatus(0, reason) }); } switch (document.location.pathname) { case '/artist.php': if (id > 0) { document.body.querySelectorAll('div.box_image img').forEach(inspectImage); const table = document.getElementById('discog_table'); if (table != null) addTableHandlers(table, table.querySelector(':scope >'), 'display: block; text-align: right;'); //color: cornsilk; background-color: slategrey;' // document.body.querySelectorAll('table.torrent_table').forEach(function(table, index) { // const parent = findParent(table); // if (parent) addTableHandlers(table, parent, 'display: inline-block; margin-left: 3em;', index + 1); // }); } break; case '/torrents.php': if (id > 0) { function embedCSESearch(gridSize = 178) { function killButton(color = '#0a0', retVal = false) { if (button != null) { if (color) = color; setTimeout(function(elem) { = 0; if (elem.parentNode.parentNode != null) setTimeout(elem => { elem.remove() }, 2000, elem.parentNode); }, 5000, button); } return retVal; } console.assert(album.title, album); const button = document.body.querySelector('span.cse-search > a'); if (button != null) if (button.disabled) return false; else button.disabled = true; if (!album.title || document.body.querySelector('div.main_column >') != null) return killButton('red'); let anchor = document.body.querySelector('div.main_column > table.torrent_table'); if (anchor == null) return killButton('red'); const getArtists = (importance, maxArtists = 2) => importance in album.artists && album.artists[importance].slice(0, maxArtists).join(' & ') || undefined; if (album.releaseType != 'Compilation') var artist = getArtists('artists_dj') || getArtists('artist_main'); if (!artist && ['Compilation', 'DJ Mix'].includes(album.releaseType)) artist = 'Various'; [,, button.textContent] = ['orange', 'progress', 'Waiting...']; const animation = button.parentNode.animate([ { offset: 0.0, opacity: 1 }, { offset: 0.4, opacity: 1 }, { offset: 0.5, opacity: 0.1 }, { offset: 0.9, opacity: 0.1 }, ], { duration: 600, iterations: Infinity }); setTooltip(button); cseSearch(bareReleaseTitle(album.title), artist).then(function(results) { //console.debug('CSE Results:', results); const [box, body] = ['DIV', 'DIV'].map(Document.prototype.createElement.bind(document)); box.className = 'box cse-search-results'; box.innerHTML = '<div class="head"><a href="#">↑</a> <strong>Cover Search Engine search results</strong></div>'; body.className = 'body'; = ` padding: 15px; width: 100%; max-height: 90vh; box-sizing: border-box; display: grid; gap: 5px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); overflow-y: auto; scrollbar-gutter: auto; `; results.forEach(function(result, index) { function addLabelInfo(caption, value) { if (!caption || !value) return; const [entry, b] = ['SPAN', 'SPAN'].map(Document.prototype.createElement.bind(document)); = 'overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;'; entry.className = 'detail'; if (caption.toLowerCase().startsWith('<svg')) { b.innerHTML = caption; b.firstElementChild.setAttribute('fill', 'white'); b.firstElementChild.setAttribute('height', '1em'); = '-1pt'; = 'display: inline-block; min-width: 1.4em;'; entry.append(b); } else { b.textContent = caption; = 'font-weight: bold;'; entry.append(b, ': '); } entry.append(value); label.append(entry); } const [item, img, label] = ['DIV', 'IMG', 'DIV'].map(Document.prototype.createElement.bind(document)); item.className = 'cse-search-result'; item.dataset.result = JSON.stringify(result); item.dataset.imageUrl = result.bigCoverUrl || result.smallCoverUrl; item.onmouseenter = item.onmouseleave = function(evt) { if (evt.relatedTarget == evt.currentTarget) return false; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? 1 : 0; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? '0 0 5px 5px yellow' : 'none'; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? 2 : 'auto'; // = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? 'scale(1.05)' : 'none'; }; = `position: relative; width: ${gridSize}px; height: ${gridSize}px; cursor: pointer; transition: box-shadow, transform 200ms;`; item.draggable = true; img.className = 'cse-search-preview'; img.loading = 'eager'; img.referrerPolicy = 'same-origin'; img.src = result.smallCoverUrl || result.bigCoverUrl; img.width = img.height = gridSize; label.className = 'cse-search-result-label'; label.draggable = true; = ` position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; flex-flow: column; color: white; background-color: #0008; font: normal 7pt "Noto Sans", sans-serif; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 200ms; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; `; addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" enable-background="new 0 0 1000 1000"><path d="M500,990c-251.9,0-456.2-82.2-456.2-183.7l0,0V702.9c0,101.5,204.3,164.6,456.2,164.6c251.9,0,456.2-63.1,456.2-164.6v103.4l0,0C956.2,907.8,751.9,990,500,990L500,990z M500,806.3c-251.9,0-456.2-82.3-456.2-183.8V519.1c0,101.5,204.3,164.6,456.2,164.6c251.9,0,456.2-63.1,456.2-164.6v103.4C956.2,724,751.9,806.3,500,806.3L500,806.3z M500,622.5c-251.9,0-456.2-82.3-456.2-183.8V335.4C43.8,436.9,248.1,500,500,500c251.9,0,456.2-63.1,456.2-164.6v103.4C956.2,540.2,751.9,622.5,500,622.5L500,622.5z M500,438.8c-251.9,0-456.2-82.3-456.2-183.8v-61.3C43.8,92.3,248.1,10,500,10c251.9,0,456.2,82.3,456.2,183.8V255C956.2,356.5,751.9,438.8,500,438.8L500,438.8z"/></svg>', result.source.toUpperCase()); if (result.releaseInfo) { item.dataset.url = result.releaseInfo.url; addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M0 256a256 256 0 1 1 512 0A256 256 0 1 1 0 256zm256 32a32 32 0 1 1 0-64 32 32 0 1 1 0 64zm-96-32a96 96 0 1 0 192 0 96 96 0 1 0 -192 0zM96 240c0-35 17.5-71.1 45.2-98.8S205 96 240 96c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16c-45.4 0-89.2 22.3-121.5 54.5S64 194.6 64 240c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16z"></path></svg>', result.releaseInfo.title); addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M224 256A128 128 0 1 0 224 0a128 128 0 1 0 0 256zm-45.7 48C79.8 304 0 383.8 0 482.3C0 498.7 13.3 512 29.7 512H418.3c16.4 0 29.7-13.3 29.7-29.7C448 383.8 368.2 304 269.7 304H178.3z"></path></svg>', result.releaseInfo.artist); addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M96 32V64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v48H448V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H352V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32V64H160V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32S96 14.3 96 32zM448 192H0V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48H400c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V192z"></path></svg>',; if (result.releaseInfo.tracks > 0) addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M499.1 6.3c8.1 6 12.9 15.6 12.9 25.7v72V368c0 44.2-43 80-96 80s-96-35.8-96-80s43-80 96-80c11.2 0 22 1.6 32 4.6V147L192 223.8V432c0 44.2-43 80-96 80s-96-35.8-96-80s43-80 96-80c11.2 0 22 1.6 32 4.6V200 128c0-14.1 9.3-26.6 22.8-30.7l320-96c9.7-2.9 20.2-1.1 28.3 5z"></path></svg>', `${result.releaseInfo.tracks} ${result.releaseInfo.tracks > 1 ? 'tracks' : 'track'}`); addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H512c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64zm80 256h64c44.2 0 80 35.8 80 80c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H80c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16c0-44.2 35.8-80 80-80zm-32-96a64 64 0 1 1 128 0 64 64 0 1 1 -128 0zm256-32H496c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16H368c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16zm0 64H496c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16H368c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16zm0 64H496c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16H368c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16z"></path></svg>', result.releaseInfo.catalog); addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M24 32C10.7 32 0 42.7 0 56V456c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24H40c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H24zm88 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16V464c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm72 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24V456c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h16c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H184zm96 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24V456c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h16c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H280zM448 56V456c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h16c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H472c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24zm-64-8V464c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16z"></path></svg>', result.releaseInfo.barcode); } getImageDetails(item.dataset.imageUrl).then(function(imageDetails) { addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 62.89 62.89"><path d="M3.88 0l55.13 0c2.14,0 3.88,1.75 3.88,3.88l0 55.13c0,2.14 -1.74,3.88 -3.88,3.88l-55.13 0c-2.13,0 -3.88,-1.74 -3.88,-3.88l0 -55.13c0,-2.13 1.75,-3.88 3.88,-3.88zm50.61 52.62l0 0 0 -5.6 0 -18.67c0,-1.02 -0.84,-1.86 -1.87,-1.86l-5.6 0c-1.02,0 -1.86,0.84 -1.86,1.86l0 10.21 -20.82 -20.82 10.2 0c1.03,0 1.87,-0.84 1.87,-1.87l0 -5.6c0,-1.03 -0.84,-1.87 -1.87,-1.87l-18.67 0 -5.6 0 0 0 -0.05 0 0 0 -0.05 0 -0.04 0.01 0 0 -0.05 0 0 0 -0.05 0.01 0 0 -0.04 0 -0.05 0.01 0 0 -0.05 0.01 -0.04 0.01 0 0 -0.05 0.01 -0.04 0.01 -0.05 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.01 0 0 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.01 0 0 -0.05 0.02 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 0.03 -0.03 0.02 -0.04 0.03 -0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.03 0.03 -0.04 0.03 0 0 -0.03 0.03 -0.04 0.03 -0.03 0.03 0 0 -0.03 0.03 0 0 -0.03 0.03 0 0 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.04 -0.03 0.03 0 0 -0.03 0.04 -0.03 0.03 0 0 -0.02 0.04 -0.03 0.04 -0.02 0.03 -0.03 0.04 -0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.04 -0.02 0.04 -0.02 0.05 0 0 -0.01 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.01 0.04 0 0 -0.02 0.05 -0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.05 0 0 -0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.05 0 0 -0.01 0.05 0 0.04 0 0 -0.01 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 -0.01 0.04 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 5.6 0 18.67c0,1.03 0.84,1.87 1.87,1.87l5.6 0c1.03,0 1.87,-0.84 1.87,-1.87l0 -10.2 20.82 20.82 -10.21 0c-1.02,0 -1.86,0.84 -1.86,1.86l0 5.6c0,1.03 0.84,1.87 1.86,1.87l18.67 0 5.6 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 -0.01 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0.05 -0.01 0.04 -0.01 0 0 0.05 -0.01 0.05 -0.01 0 0 0.04 -0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.05 -0.01 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0 0 0.05 -0.01 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0.04 -0.01 0.04 -0.02 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0 0 0.04 -0.03 0 0 0.04 -0.02 0.04 -0.02 0.04 -0.03 0.03 -0.02 0.04 -0.03 0 0 0.04 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0 0 0.03 -0.03 0.04 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0 0 0.03 -0.03 0 0 0.03 -0.03 0 0 0.04 -0.03 0.03 -0.04 0.02 -0.03 0 0 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.04 0 0 0.03 -0.04 0.02 -0.03 0.03 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 0 0 0.03 -0.04 0 0 0.02 -0.04 0 0 0.02 -0.04 0 0 0.02 -0.04 0.01 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 0 0 0.02 -0.05 0 0 0.01 -0.04 0 0 0.02 -0.04 0 0 0.01 -0.05 0.01 -0.04 0.01 -0.05 0 0 0.01 -0.04 0.01 -0.05 0 0 0.01 -0.04 0.01 -0.05 0 0 0 -0.05 0 0 0.01 -0.04 0 0 0 -0.05 0 -0.05 0 0 0 -0.05z"/></svg>', imageDetails.width + '×' + imageDetails.height); addLabelInfo('<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17 12v5H3v-5H1v5a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-5z"/><path d="M10 15l5-6h-4V1H9v8H5l5 6z"/></svg>', formattedSize(imageDetails.size)); }); if (label.childElementCount > 0) item.append(img, label); item.onclick = function(evt) { const target = evt.currentTarget; (!evt.ctrlKey && !noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey ? imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { const img = document.body.querySelector('div#covers img'); ihh.verifyImageUrl(target.dataset.imageUrl).then(function(imageUrl) { if (!confirm('Current cover is going to be replaced by\n' + imageUrl)) return false; if (img != null) = 0.3; return ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrl]).then(ihh.singleImageGetter) .then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(id, imageUrl, 'Non-automated cover update from external source').then(function(response) { console.log(response); if (img != null) { setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); inspectImage(img, id).then(status => { updateCoverCollages(status, id) }); } else document.location.reload(); })); }).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail('Setting cover from result url failed: ' + reason); if (img != null && < 1) = 1; }); }) : Promise.reject('Site edit not available')).catch(reason => { GM_openInTab(target.dataset[evt.shiftKey ? 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for (let a of document.body.querySelectorAll('ul#artist_list > li > a[dir="ltr"]')) { if (!(a.parentNode.className in album.artists)) album.artists[a.parentNode.className] = [ ]; album.artists[a.parentNode.className].push(a.textContent.trim()); } console.debug('Music album:', album); } if (typeof GM_getTabs == 'function') GM_getTabs(function(tabs) { for (let tab in tabs) if ((tab = tabs[tab]) && 'torrentGroups' in tab) try { if (!(tab = tab.torrentGroups[id])) continue;'Torrent group %d found in tabs data', id); unsafeWindow.torrentGroup = tab; unsafeWindow.dispatchEvent(Object.assign(new Event('torrentGroup'), { data: tab })); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } }); for (let img of document.body.querySelectorAll('div#covers img')) inspectImage(img, id); if (!noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey && !readOnly) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { function setCoverFromLink(a) { console.assert(a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement, 'a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement'); if (!(a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) throw 'Invalid invoker'; const img = document.body.querySelector('div#covers img'); ihh.imageUrlResolver(a.href).then(singleResultGetter).then(function(imageUrl) { if (img != null) = 0.3; return ihh.rehostImageLinks([imageUrl]).then(ihh.singleImageGetter) .then(imageUrl => setGroupImage(id, imageUrl, 'Cover update from description link').then(function(response) { console.log(response); if (img != null) { setNewSrc(img, imageUrl); inspectImage(img, id).then(status => { updateCoverCollages(status, id) }); } else document.location.reload(); })); }).catch(function(reason) { ihh.logFail('Setting cover from link source failed: ' + reason); if (img != null && < 1) = 1; }); } const contextId = '522a6889-27d6-4ea6-a878-20dec4362fbd', menu = document.createElement('menu'); menu.type = 'context'; = contextId; menu.className = 'cover-inspector'; let menuInvoker; const setMenuInvoker = evt => { menuInvoker = evt.currentTarget }; function addMenuItem(label, callback) { if (label) { const menuItem = document.createElement('MENUITEM'); 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max-width: 225px;">' + tooltip + '</div>', }) }); }); } return true; } for (const root of [ 'div.torrent_description > div.body', 'table#torrent_details > tbody > tr.torrentdetails > td > blockquote', ]) for (let a of document.body.querySelectorAll(root + ' a')) if (!noCoverHere(a)) { const hostNorm = a.hostname.toLowerCase(); if (hostNorm in hostSubstitutions) a.hostname = hostSubstitutions[hostNorm]; setAnchorHandlers(a); } if (!noAutoLookups) GM_registerMenuCommand('Cover auto lookup', () => { findCover(id).catch(alert) }, 'A'); cseSearchMenu = GM_registerMenuCommand('Search cover (manual)', () => { embedCSESearch() }, 'M'); }); if (GM_getValue('auto_expand_extra_covers', true)) { const xtraCovers = document.body.querySelector('div.box_image span#cover_controls_0 > a.show_all_covers'); if (xtraCovers != null); } function embedpage(url, title, className) { if (!url || !title) throw 'Invalid argument'; const anchor = document.body.querySelector('div.main_column > div.torrent_description'); 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index + 1 : undefined); }); } break; case '/collages.php': case '/collage.php': if (!noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey && !readOnly && !noAutoLookups && !noBatchProcessing && coverRelatedCollages && Object.values(coverRelatedCollages).some(collageIds => Array.isArray(collageIds) && collageIds.includes(id))) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { const td = document.body.querySelector('table#discog_table > tbody > tr.colhead_dark > td:nth-of-type(3)'); if (td != null) { function addButton(caption, clickHandler, id, color = 'currentcolor', visible = true, tooltip) { if (!caption || typeof clickHandler != 'function') throw 'Invalid argument'; const elem = document.createElement('SPAN'); if (id) = id; elem.className = 'brackets'; elem.textContent = caption; = `float: right; margin-right: 1em; cursor: pointer; color: ${color};`; elem.onclick = clickHandler; if (!visible) elem.hidden = true; if (tooltip) elem.title = tooltip; td.append(elem); return elem; } addButton('Cover art auto lookup', function(evt) { if (checkSavedRecovery()) evt.currentTarget.remove(); else return false; const pager = document.body.querySelector('div.main_column > div.linkbox:not(.pager)'); if (pager != null) setFocus(pager); const autoHideFailed = GM_getValue('auto_hide_failed', false); document.body.querySelectorAll('table#discog_table > tbody > tr').forEach(function(tr) { const td = document.createElement('TD'); tr.append(td); if (tr.classList.contains('colhead_dark')) { td.textContent = 'Status'; td.title = 'Result of attempt to add missing/broken/poor cover\nHover the mouse over status for more details'; //setTooltip(td, tooltip); } else if (/^group_(\d+)$/.test( { td.className = 'status'; = 0.3; td.textContent = 'unknown'; resolveTorrentRow(tr, ihh); } }); }, 'covers-auto-lookup', 'gold'); addButton('Hide failed', function(evt) { evt.currentTarget.hidden = true; for (let td of document.body.querySelectorAll('table#discog_table > tbody > tr[id] > td.status.status-code-0')) td.parentNode.hidden = true; }, 'hide-status-failed', undefined, false); } }); break; case '/userhistory.php': case '/top10.php': document.body.querySelectorAll('table.torrent_table').forEach(function(table, index) { const parent = findParent(table); if (parent) addTableHandlers(table, parent, 'display: inline-block; margin-left: 3em;', index + 1); }); break; case '/better.php': if (!noEditPerms && ajaxApiKey && !readOnly && !noBatchProcessing && !noAutoLookups && ['artwork'].includes(urlParams.get('method'))) imageHostHelper.then(function(ihh) { const linkBox = document.body.querySelector('div.header > div.linkbox'); console.assert(linkBox != null); if (linkBox == null) throw 'linkbox not found'; const a = document.createElement('A'); = 'covers-auto-lookup'; a.className = 'brackets'; a.textContent = 'Cover art auto lookup'; a.href = '#'; a.onclick = function(evt) { if (!checkSavedRecovery()) return false; evt.currentTarget.previousSibling.remove(); evt.currentTarget.remove(); const pager = document.body.querySelector('div.linkbox.pager'); if (pager != null) setFocus(pager); const div = document.createElement('DIV'), span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = 'position: fixed; top: 10pt; right: 10pt; padding: 3pt; background-color: #2f4f4f8a; color: white; font-weight: 600; border-radius: 5pt; box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px black'; = 'hide-status-failed'; div.hidden = true; span.textContent = 'Hide failed'; = 'display: inline-block; padding: 5pt; cursor: pointer; transition: color 250ms;'; span.onclick = function(evt) { evt.currentTarget.parentNode.hidden = true; for (let td of document.body.querySelectorAll('table.torrent_table > tbody > tr.torrent > td.status.status-code-0')) td.parentNode.hidden = true; }; span.onmouseenter = span.onmouseleave = function(evt) { if (evt.relatedTarget == evt.currentTarget) return false; = evt.type == 'mouseenter' ? 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