I recently installed Simple Form Saver and it is amazing for other tasks, but I need to fill in a pop-up textbox with comments depending on which checkbox I selected on the page. For example, when I check off checkbox cbNo1-22.6, I need to fill in a pop-up textbox on the page.
Is there a way to edit the script so that it will fill in a pop-up textbox with the information from a checked checkbox on the same page? If not, then could someone create script for this purpose?

Checkbox and Comment Box info:

input[type="checkbox"] + label

  1. Cleaned resident with soapy washcloth. ⚫ cbNo1-22.6—on:‎: off

Comment Box example:

Format name [--default]::value
Type of (name::value)

Example comment: 22. Candidate cleaned resident, but did not rinse.